Chapter 6:

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            It has been three days since Keith left, I miss him a lot. I have had NO visitors, not even my mom has come to visit me, which hurts. I am so bored the only thing that keeps sane is watching TV and listening to music. 

            I drum my fingers on the little table next to me and start to make a new beat. I am really getting into my beat when my phone buzzes, signifying that I have a text. I grab it and look at the phone and read a name I never thought I would see a text from. It says: Keith Urban <3. He must have put his number in my phone when I was asleep. I quickly slide my finger across the screen and then put my password in.

            I tap the iMessage app and read the text. It says:

Keith: Hi! J

I giggle at his simple message. My finger fly across the digital keyboard as I type a reply.

Julie: Hi Keith ur sneaky… ;)

Keith: thx ik

Julie: lol wen did u put ur number in here

Keith: wen u weren’t awake :3

Julie: lol ok im so bored

Keith: y, don’t u have visitors?

Julie: no no1 has come 2 c me.

Keith: awww that’s weird

Julie: I miss u

Keith: I miss u 2

Julie: awww really

Keith: yup mite just come up 2 c u

Julie: aww that would b awesome

Keith: yea i will try

Julie: yay! Where r u now?

Keith: somewhere ;)

Julie: seriously? Where lol

Keith: look up ;)

I look up and blush realizing that Keith was standing right in front of me. My lips form a smile as he winks at me. I feel my heart beat rise as always and the heart monitor starts beeping faster making Keith laugh. He walks over to the side of my bed and grabs my hand.

I look into his eyes and I see something that I have never seen in his eyes before, sadness. I feel my lips fall from their smile and I furrow my eyebrows. I ask him, “What is wrong Keith?”

Keith breaks eye contact with me and murmurs, “It’s nothing.”

“Yes it is Keith, tell me please.”

Keith takes a deep breath and starts, “Nicole and I got in a pretty big fight last night about me not being home often enough. She kicked me out of the house and, Keith’s voice cracks as he finishes, her last words to me were: I want a divorce.”

Keith looks back into my eyes and I see them wet with tears. Tear streaks are stained on his cheeks. I put a hand over my mouth. I am in shock; I always thought they were the perfect Hollywood couple.

I look down and see Keith’s hand enveloping my small hand. I squeeze his hand and whisper, “I am so sorry Keith, she probably doesn’t mean it. It was probably in the heat of the moment.”

He nods and forces a smile on his face, “I hope so Julie, I love her so much. I don’t want to lose her. I love her.”

My eyes find their way up his arm and they land on his tattoo that says Nicole’s name. He doesn’t deserve this. Being on the road is part of music life, she should have realized that when she married him. I know Keith would never choose to stay away from his family, but he has to. He has to in order to make money.

Keith sees my eyes looking at the tattoo. He tugs on the sleeve of his red shirt. I look away from him blushing. I mumble, “I’m sorry.”

He takes my hand and says in a small voice, “It is fine Jules.”

Keith smiles at me his eyes shining, “Sooo, Julie how’s it going with Jared?” Keith winks at me knowingly. I glare at him playfully.

“It is none of your business Keith Urban.”

He smirks and says, “Awww come on just tell me please.”

“Nothing has happened. He hasn’t texted me in like 3 or 4 days.”

Keith smirks at me and says, “What a good boyfriend he is.”

I laugh and say, “He isn’t my boyfriend Keith!”

“Not yet.” Keith winks at me.

I giggle and add, “Not ever.”

Keith shakes his head at me. “You are hopeless Jules.” Then as if just remembering something he says, “Stay here, I will be right back. I have a couple people I want you to meet.”

I raise an eyebrow at him, “Where else am I going to go, I’m kind of stuck here.”

He laughs before jogging out of the room. I wonder who he is bringing. I pick my phone and out of habit turn it on to see if there are any texts. My screen lights up but there are no texts. I feel disappointed but I should have known Jared wouldn’t text me again.

Keith walks back into the room whispering to somebody. He puts a hand out as if pushing someone just out of my view. Keith takes a deep breath and says, “Jules, I would like you to meet…”

I sit up as he says this Keith finishes, “Nathan, Stana, Jon, Seamus, and Tamala.” They all walk in and stand in front of me just behind Keith.

A/N: Hi everyone, In case you are wondering, Nathan, Stana, Jon, Seamus, and Tamala are the main cast from the TV show Castle. There are pictures of them up top.


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