Chapter 5:

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A/N: Thank You all for reading my story, there is a lot more to come. This story is very special to me, and I hope you will all enjoy it. Here is the next chapter. I will be updating every Sunday around noon so look for updates then.


I turn to Keith and ask him, "Where is my mom?"

He looks away, towards the TV and then answers, "She's staying with Kitty and Kitty's mom for a while. Your mom is really sick right now and we decided she needs to rest."

I nod my head it seem reasonable, except my mom wouldn't agree to leave me unless she was extremely sick. I feel worried, but she is in good hands.

I look around and then I see on the little table in front of me is my Iphone. I reach for it but my arms are just barely too short. Keith sees what I am reaching for and hands it to me with a smile on his face.

I grab it and I smile when I turn it on and I have to scroll down a couple of seconds to see how many I have. I feel popular. I put in my password and then quickly check my texts. I have over 20 text messages.

Most are from my friends at school. A couple texts are from people I have never talked too and then there are texts from relatives. I respond to most by just saying hello and saying that I am doing ok. No one texts me back immediately.

I put my phone down on my bed and it beeps signaling that I have received a text. I grin at the phone when I see it's from Lynn, my other best friend. I swipe and put my password in and then look at the message.

Lynn: Heyyy gurl, im so happy 2 hear that u r ok, is KU really hanging out w/ u???

Julie: yup J

Lynn: Lucky!!!!!!!!!!

Julie: IKR wat r u up 2?

Lynn: nm nothing as exciting as u

Julie: lol anything new at school?

Lynn: nah JJ and Mia r still off and on, everyone is talking about u and how ur on the news and stuff like that tho even the teachers

Julie: o lol im on the news?!?!?!

Lynn: yea u didn't no!

Julie: gtg ttyl

Lynn: ttyl

I can't believe I was on the news and didn't know about it! I look at Keith and ask, "Can I have the remote real quick?"

Keith grabs the remote and hands it to me with a questioning look. I grab it from him and turn it to the local news channel, where they were showing some upcoming clips about what is to come in the next part of the show, and I saw my school picture and a picture of Keith Urban flash across the screen while the newscaster says, "This girl ended up in a hospital in critical condition while at this singers concert, more on the story coming up after this commercial break."

I feel excited that I am on TV and I can't help but be anxious about what they are going to say about me and Keith on the news. I hear my phone go off notifying me that I have received a new text, from Jared.

Jared: gr8 2 hear ur ok

Julie: I agree, im just happy keith is here w/ me tho

Jared: hes at the H w/ u???

Julie: yup hes watchin me txt u rite now...

Jared: wow awesome tell him I said hi!!

Julie: k will do ttyl

Jared: see ya soon?

Julie: maB don't know wen I get out of here L

Jared: hope 2 c u soon! Ttyl

I smile, Jared has been my crush for two years now and he just texted me! Keith sees me smiling at my phone and asks me teasingly, "Did your boyfriend just text you?" I look at him and he winks at me. I shake my head but continue to smile, thinking I wish. Keith raises his eyebrows and wiggles them while saying, "I don't believe you."

I glare at him before saying, "Jared is not my boyfriend!"

Keith smirks, "But you wish he was."

I reach out to smack his arm but I can't reach him. He laughs at my failed attempt to injure him. I glare at him and say, "When I get out of this bed I am going to seriously injure you!"

Keith is laughing so hard that he falls off my bed, I can't help but laugh to his laugh is so contagious! The nurse walks into the room and smiles when she sees me and Keith laughing together. She quickly changes my IV and then writes something on my whiteboard. One of these days I will stop being lazy and find out what the whiteboard says.

Keith stands up and brushes himself off even though there is no dirt on him. He walks over to the head of my bed and leans down and presses his warm soft lips against my forehead. He pulls back and then says, "I have to go now Julie, I have to continue on my tour." I look at him and I feel hot tears start to fall down my cheeks. I think back to all the fun we had while he was here with me in the hospital. I think back to the questions he asked and realize he never took his turn, "Keith, you never answered your twenty questions." My voice cracked. He smiles at me knowingly and says, "I will someday, I promise, we will see each other again." He walks away slowly and before walking out the door looks back at me and winks. Then he is gone.

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