Chapter 7

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Keith's POV:

I feel a smirk form across my face as Julie squeals with delight. I knew meeting the cast from her favorite TV show would make her feel better about her mom not visiting.

Jules and Stana are already laughing about something. I love how fast Julie can bond with people. She tells another joke that I don't hear and everyone bursts out laughing. She catches my eye and mouths, "Thank You." Then she winks.

I wink back, then point at the door to silently tell her I am leaving. She looks sad for a moment then she brightens up and points at her phone. She moves her thumbs signifying that she will text me later. I smile and nod. I slowly walk out of the room, I realy don't want to leave. I have to make an important phone call and I am dreading it.

I walk to my Chevy Truck and get in, bumping my shin on the edge of my truck. I curse under my breath and rub my shin, I'm going to have a bruise there. The pain goes away and I pull out my phone. I tap the little phone icon and go to my favorites list. I see the name that once brought a smile to my face but now brings tears to my eye- Nicole Mary.

I slowly tap her name. I watch the scren without puting it to my ear. I hear her beautiful voice answer, "Hello Keith." She sounds so distant, and I hate that so I put the phone to my ear. She says again, "Hello Keith, are you there?"

I finally out the phone to my ear, "Yes, I am here Nic."

"What do you want Keith," She says her voice tight.

"I wanted to call and tell you that I love you and nothing will change that Nicole."

"Keith, please don't make this harder for me."

"Nicole, I don't want to lose you."

"Keith, I can't do this anymore, I never know when you are going to be home. It's not good for the kids to not be with their father for months at a time."

Nic, baby, you know I would always be home if I could, but I am a musician. I need to go on tour and record, its not fair to my fans if I don't, it is my job. It's how I make money. If we get divorced-" Nicole cuts me off.

"When we get divorced."

I choke out, "When we get divorced, the kids will see me even less. I need to see my baby girls."

"Keith, I have to go, I am on set. Good bye Keith, we will figure it all out..." I feel hope rising in my chest, maybe we can work it out, but my hopes are crushed by her next words.

"like when the kids see you, I dunno Keith, I honestly dont know. I have to go. Bye."

Nic, I lo-" She hangs up before I can finish. I now notice the tears streaming down my cheeks. My chest aches, like it has never before. All I want to do is sit here and cry. I hate that Nicole is pushing me away. I put my phone on my lap and start the truck and put it in drive. I pull out of the parking garage.

My phone buzzes. I check it and it is a text from Julie. I decide it's better not to text back, I don't want to think about anything. I turn on the radio and drown myself in music as I have so many times before.

I reach the motel, I'm staying in and pull into the parking lot. I put on my hooded jacket and my blue hat and my sunglasses. I walk through the lobby and head straight to the elevator. I hit the three button and lean againt the wall. I feel sick, like my heart has been pulled out of my chest.

I reach the floor and go to my room, I put the key in and the door unlocks. I sit on my bed and lay back staring at the ceiling. I want to forget it all, I decide I need to take my mind off the heartbreak. I need to something that makes me happy.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, I had put it there when I got out of the truck. I slide my thumb across the screen and type in my four digit password. I click the texting app and tap Julie's name.

Julie: y did u leave?

I type back: had to make a call...

Julie: o ok, so how r u

Keith : tbh, not good

Julie: Im sry to hear

Keith: its ok ig

Julie: can i help with anything

Keith: can u stop Nic from divorcing me if not then no

I immediatley regret typing that. I feel bad.

Julie: o wow, im sry i cant :(

Keith: im sorry i shouldnt have said that

Julie: its ok, how about I call you then we can talk

Keith: alright :)

I turn off my phone and wait for Julie to call. Im glad she didn't get mad when I responded like that. I wish everyone was so forgiving, in my mind I hear Nicole's tight an cold voice. It will be nice to talk to Julie, she will listen. My phone rings and I answer immedidiately.

"Wow first ring," Julie laughs into the phone.

"Well, I must admit I was waiting for your call." I say, a smile plays across my lips.

"I never thought a celebrity like yourself would wait for my phone call," She teases.

"Funny Jules." I say

"So anyway, what happened," All playfulness leaves her voice and is replaced by seriousness.

"She told me she can't be with me anymore." I say sadly.

"O wow Keith, I'm so sorry. How could she say that to you."

"I don't know, I tried to be the best husband and dad, I could. I guess I wasn't good enough. I failed," I choke out. It hurts to think that no matter how hard I tired, I wasn't good enough.

"Keith, that is not true, not at all."

"You don't know that Jules."

"But I do Keith, just from the way you have been treated me the past couple of weeks. There is no possible way that you aren't a good father or husband."

I dont want to talk bout it anymore so I ask, " How were the Castle people?"

"They were really funny, they left a bit ago. They promised to comeback soon, and they told me I have potential as an actress." I can hear her grinning as she tells me.

"That's great Jules. You are pretty famous now, they didn't even ask who you are when I ask them to come meet you sometime."

"How did you even get in contact with them?" Julie asks.

I smirk, "I have connections..."

"Keith you sound like you are talking about the mob."

I laugh, it feels good to laugh, "Well, I got to go baby girl. I will see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay, that better be a promise." Julie says.

"It is."

I hang up the phone and get up off the bed, feeling better now than when I layed down on it earlier. I walk to the bathroom. I stand infront of the mirror. I look exhausted, hell I am exhausted. My eyes have dark circles under them and my skin is pale. I look sick. I see wrinkles on my face. I cringe.

I turn from the mirror, I hardly recognize myself. My stomach growls and I realize that I haven't ate since breakfast. I go to the minibar and pull out a can of V8 juice and a snickers bar.

I walk back over to my bed and put my food and food and drink down oon the nightstand before I take off my boots. I find my suitcase in the closet and pull out a pair of blue flannel sleep pants. I quickly undress and pull them on.

I walk back over to my bed and lay down on it. I am imediately hit by the realization of how tired I am. I slowly drift into a deep sleep, where I dream that I am at a park with Nicole at park together happy, watching Faith and Sunday run around playing tag. I am happy, finally happy.

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