Chapter 2:

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A/N: Hey guys I've already wrote quite a few chapters of this book so I am just gonna update them all on here today! Vote, Follow, and Comment if you like it.


Chapter 2:

I wake up and everything is kind of blurry. I try to sit up but there is a pain in my chest and stomach, I cry out and fall back down onto the bed. I look around the room; I quickly recognize it as a hospital room. I see all the machines and equipment, I see a monitor that shows my heart rate and I can hear the steady beep as the line rises and falls. I look up at the light blue ceiling and slowly recall what had happened. I remember singing and then as I finished I remember getting shot and the pain and all the blood.

A hear the door open and a nurse walks in. She smiles at me, her bright white teeth standing out against her ruby red lips. I think sarcastically, how stereotypical. The stereotype nurse asks in a loud cheerful voice, "How are you, sweetheart?"

I try to speak but it hurts, so I just grunt. She smiles again and says, "I'm going to take that as a not so good. Do you want some pain killers? Your mom has granted us permission to give you them."

I nod my head, the pain has become unbearable. I watch as she gracefully walks across the room. I start to hate her for her perfection. She hangs a bag that looks like an IV and hooks it up. I almost automatically feel better. I smile and relax. She smiles and tells me that I have some visitors that have been waiting to see me. My smile fades and I start to feel bad for my mom. She doesn't need this kind of stress. She has had enough stress the past couple years.

The nurse walks out and I hear her talking, but I can't understand what she is saying. I hear someone walk into my room and then my curtain slides open and I see my mom and Kitty standing there, both of their mascara's have ran and their eyes were blood shot. I smiled at them, and they smile back.

Kitty breaks the silence by saying, "I'm glad you're alive."

I smile at her and giggle, "Me too."

She giggles nervously and keeps looking at me. I shake my head and turn to my mom and say, "Hi Mom"

She looks so pale and frail that I feel bad for her. She attempts to smile at me and says, "You really scared me, don't ever do that again."

"Ok fine, I won't get shot again, even though it is so much fun." I say sarcastically. She smiles slightly. I smile back at her.

Kitty taps on the foot of my bed and tells us that she will be right back. I close my eyes and start to doze off when I am suddenly woken back up to the sound of the door being opened. I rolled my head to the side and tried to see who it was, but I couldn't see around the corner. I see Kitty come around the corner and I rest my head back on to the pillow.

Kitty clears her throat and I look up and I see Keith Urban walk over toward my bed. I very nearly start fangirling. The usually steady beep of my heart rate rises because I am freaking out. Keith Urban is standing right next to my hospital bed. He smiles at me and says, "Hey baby girl"

I grin back and say, "Hi Mr. Urban."

A piece of his blonde hair falls in front of his eyes as he says, "Call me Keith, please."

My heart rate goes back to normal I notice, talking to Keith is surprisingly easy. I keep grinning like an idiot. I can't believe Keith took the time of day to come and see me. He smiles back at me.

He sits down in the chair next to my bed and starts talking, "The caught the guy who shot you. He is mentally ill. He went off his meds and he blamed me for some reason. He was there to kill me, but he missed and shot you. I am so, so sorry Julie"

I look into his eyes and say, "Keith, it wasn't your fault, don't apologize, you couldn't have known."

He nods his head and turns to the T.V. mounted to the wall in front of my bed. My favorite show Castle was on. I smiled my mom must have had the nurse turn it on. It is my favorite episode, episode number 107, The Squab and The Quail. I notice Keith seems to know what is going on.

I ask, "Do you watch Castle?"

"I do, whenever I get the chance, but I'm pretty busy so I rarely do. I love the cast and the roles they play."

"I love the show; I have seen most episodes at least five times. I have OCD, Obsessive Castle Disorder."

Keith giggles at the pitiful joke, and I think to myself, oh my God even his laugh has an accent. I notice how tired and drowsy I am. I can barely keep my eyes open. They keep shutting, and before I know it I am asleep.

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