Chapter 8

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Julie's POV:

I lay in bed wondering how NIcole can say that she wants a divorce to Keith. I wonder if they will work it out. Keith truely loves her and if Nicole doesn't realize that maybe she doesn't deserve someone as awesome as Keith. Her arguement wasn't very good. She should understand that he can't always be home; if she is filming she isn't home all the time.

I start to feel dizzy so I press the call button for the nurse. The nurse walks in, adjusting the side braid that holds back her brown hair. She is obviously pregnant and is about seven months bby how big her stomach is. She at me, "How can I help you missy."

I am taken aback by her deep masculine voice. Her brown eyes find mine and she doesn't break eye contact. "I feel dizzy."smiles

"Oh well that's a side effect of the pain medication we are administering to you. It should go away soon." She says factously.

"Oh alright, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." Her voice becomes sweeter than honey.

"Has Debra Johnson, my mom, called at all?"

"Hold on, let me check." Her voice retuning to its former masculine sound.

She walks out and returns moments later. "It seems your mother hasn't tried to call us. That must be hard on you. I'm sure she has a good reason."

"Yeah I am sure she does." I say. The nurse smiles a forced smile before walking out of my room.

I pick up my phone and turn it on, then I dial my mom. It rings once... I tell myself nobody but Keith answers in the first ring. Second ring... she must be walking throught the house to get it. Third ring... she is going to answer. Fourth ring... she doesn't answer. I get voicemail but I hang up.

I text her but they stay as delivered, they aren't marked as read. I try to message her on facebook, still nothing. I email her, still nothing. I give up. She must not have her phone with her, which I know is a lie to make myself feel better. She is never without her phone. She needs it for her business.

I check the texts once more, they are marked as read. She read them a minute ago. She doesn't text back.

I wait two hours, she never texts back. Why is she ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Does she hate me for getting shot? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Why?

I lay there thoughts bouncing through my head. I try to recall what I did to make her hate me. I can think of nothing. I slowly drift into sleep and dream of nothing at all.

Debra (Julie's Mom)'s POV:

I watch as my daughter tries to contact me, first calling, then texting followed by multiple facebook messages, then lastly emails. I read the texts:

Julie: Mom, why dont u ever visit me? :(

Julie: plz txt me back

Julie: i need u

The last text hurts the most. I can't afford to take care of her anymore, the hospital bills are piling up, and my business isn't doing very well.

I don't want to talk to her. Maybe I can try to forget about her for a bit. She is fine at the hospital. Maybe Keith Urban can adopt her, I don't know. I just can't take care of her anymore.

It makes me sick knowing she is hurt. I can't lose her like I lost Trevor. It's not fair to me. I don't deserve this. Why did Julie have to get shot, she probably wanted to get shot so that I would have to pay.

Maybe if I ignore her and leave her someone else will take care of her. I should change my number so no one can contact me, and I would have to delete my facebook. Maybe I can restart my life. I could get a new husband, have kids, a new sucessful job. I could have the life I want, I just need to get rid of Julie, then I will be happy.

I shake my head... those are horrible thoughts. I love my daughter, I couldn't do that to her. But the more and more I think about it the better it sounds. The appeal of a new life is so powerful.

A/N: OK so Julie's mom is mentally ill. She has lost grip on reality. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter will be better I promise. I have officially decidedd that I am going to be doing this story from a couple different POVs. Julie's will make up the majority of the story, but I will be throwing in other POVs.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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