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justin pov.

i wasn't thinking about anything apart from that news report. it scared me. things were running through my head, why she's out of jail, who released her from jail. it was something I didn't wanna think about.

selena and the kids has gone out for ice cream; she obviously needed a break from the report.

“what are we going to do?” harmony asked, walking to the room. she just came back from new york yesterday and admittedly came here hearing the news.

“im not sure harmomy” I spoke. I really wasn't sure, I thought all this drama would be over; but it seems that every where I go drama follows right behind me. now, it's effecting my family, the people I love are im danger because if my fucked up mistakes.

“justin” harmomy put her hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts “look, I get it, your scared; trust me I was about to have a heart attack when I found out the news” she giggled and I smiled “but..” she trailed off “you aren't alone, we are together on this journey justin. stop fighting battle's you know you can't win on your own. we are with you justin, you just have to believe a little”

she walked away leaving me in shock. for a long time, I've always downgraded myself to a point where I thought I could do anything on my own. well, I was wrong. there's a reason why we have family; friends, even long time descendants from the past —as long as the don't backstabb you. i realised now, that the people who love you, are the people who are there for you. im not on my own on this journey; I've got, my beautiful wife and kids. and my trust worthy dog. i have alfredo and even harmony and her family. im not alone, I just have to realise that. I guess since me grieving over my mom and dad, and even Alison has made me shut down tue people who arw still standing and are still here for me today.

“harmony!” I called her name “i think i have a plan to defeat kendall once and for all”

selena pov.

here I was, in the park; with my kids having a stress free evening. hearing the news about kendall being out of prison— or allegedly infringed upon the information contained that she had “broken” out of jail; scared me half to death. I definitely was going to have a panic attack, and the only suggestion that I could do, was to go to the park to take my mind of it.

sadly, it's done no justice.

justin seemed confused and frustrated with what happened; we all thought the battle was over, but it seems that us bieber's can't leave drama.

sometimes I think it's my fault. im the one that visited her in jail, I was the one that has betrayed her by choosing my boyfriend over her; yet she betrayed me as well. kendall isn't after justin, she's after me. shes hurt justin enough to he's weakest point where he probably won't be able to succeed and grow in hes life. this whole drama is making him think about the past, instead of moving forward im the future. the only way to hurt me. is it hurt my family as well. the people I love and care about. the people I trust and believe in. the people that no matter what happenes, they will always be there for me. kendall wants me to feel the pain she felt when her world came crashing down. she wants me to fight her, the way people fight her.

but I'm not going to fight her. im standing my ground.

kendall has got everything she wants actually. she's got the kardashians as siblings and parents. she's got money that she didn't even work hard for. she's got  people, successful and profitable business friends who are at the top of their game. i couldn't even afford to fix any ordinary shoe. she's got everything and anything that some many people want. so why does she want  to fight and kill everything and anything in her way?

she's broken. kendall is a broken human being.

she has everything she wants. so once she didn't ger justin in 2009; she broke. in to tiny little pieces. she didn't get what she wanted so of course she's gonna react badly to it.

sometimes I miss kendall. she really was my sister, but now I don't know who she is anymore.

“why are you so sad?” i heard a voice. thinking it was one of my children, I quickly turned around to meet the one person I didn't want to see.


“i guess you heard the news report?” she asked sitting down next to me on the bench.

I made sure to keep a close eye out for eleanor, savannah and brooklyn. hoping they won't see her.

“so you won't talk?” she asked looking at me “alright then, don't talk. but know I'm not putting up a fight with you” I looked at her confused.

not putting up a fight with me? she's the one that starts the battle's then acts like it's not her fault.

typical kendall, always playing the victim.

“kendall” i spoke her name for the first time in 4 years “im not going to fight to anymore”

this was the truth, im tired of her fighting me to make me weaker. what only kills you makes you stronger.

“then don't” she whispered softly. for the first time I saw her in a peaceful place. “how is she?” she asked, indicating about eleanor.

“shes good, she has justin's temperament and personality“ I giggled slightly “but she definitely acts like me; so straightforward and precise, accurate with everything she does. as she says "precision is key"” I laughed at the moment she said that.

kendall broke into a small smile “im sorry” she spoke. I didn't know why she was saying sorry, nor how she said sorry. but I wasn't complaining.

“im sorry for everything selena. I really miss you” she said sincerely. she wasn't lying. “i wasn't the best mother to her and I apologise for that. know that I'm really sorry. I guess jail taught me a few things” she smiled kindly.

mabye im seeing a different side of kendall.
after all we all do change.

“but, I still wanr my daughter back” she whispered the words I've been not wanting her to say.

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