Chapter eight

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Jin's POV
as I was about wake  her up when  I heard her speak with a strugling voice she seemed to be having a nightmare . I heard her saying "NO NO NO.please dont leave me , dont you love me anymore "
I quikly barged Into her room  quikly waking her up I slowly notice tears falling down from her eyes . I was woried at the same time curios about what she dreamed of.


                                          KRISANA'S  POV

As i opened my eyes I saw Jin. I could say he's verry worried , I ask him . Then he told me I was having a nightmare, then I realized what was my dream all about. But  i just  told him everythings fine and that im ok he's lightly smilled at me and ask me to join him for breakfast, so i quikly got up and fix my self and went down stairs. I saw Jin on the dinning table at that time. I looked at the food he prepared i was wowed it was all my favorite.  I quickly sat down beside him and started eating. As we finished eating I decided to go to the mall  and buy some stuff  for the party that was   going to on saturday ..


I started to buy things that I need this coming saturday and some of the Idols are going to be there , thats why dresss to impres . I bought all the things that I need and I felt hungry, I went in some of the caffes in the mall  and eat there, as I was about to leave I saw Taehyung huging with other girl but as he meet my glaze he quikly let go and run towards me "hey Krasana meet my friend Jennie"  he said  as he gestured her to come  with him .. " Hi Im Jennie nice to meet you" as she offered for a shake hand. A accept it by saying "Krisana nice to meet you"


Me and Jennie are at the mall  having some time together . As I was huging her I saw Krisana  staring at us  ugggrrrhhh  why is she here so I quikly let go of the hug and run towards her , well she looked shock , so I quikly said that Jennei is only my friend , and this bitch belived it. Thanks to Jennie she acted so well .

Taehyung:"  why are you here "

Krisana :" I just get some stuff for the party this coming saturday. You what are you doing here?"

Taehyung:" Just came here to meet my old  friend "

Krisana :" ahhhh an old girl friend  nice " (rolling her eyes)

Jennie:" hey guys sorry to interopt but I have to go

Taehyung:" yeah sure bye"

Krisana :" byee" waving her hands
Before Jennie left I hug her also Krisana,  as I look at Krisana she looked evry eritated well she just meet the love of my life but the thing is she din't knew about it. this piece  of shit is beliving all that..
  As Jennie leave I truned to face Krisana and I can see she's jelouse..

Taehyung:" you jealouzeee( making my brows wiggle)"

Krisana :" what!!!!!!!   no why would I be jelouse

Taehyung :" dont worry you  are the only one in my heart (kissing her forehead)  well all I said was a lie. As I was about to say another word my phone ringed . And it was from Jin I quikly answered it .


Taehyung:" hyung! Is there any problem?:
Jin:" where the hell are you we are already started practicing with out you.. yahh palli and come here already ....
Taehyunh:" yeah.. Im with Krisana Ill be there in a moment .

   Call ended

Taehyung :"sorry it is important. I have to go." I hugged and kiss  Krisana before I leave and exited the  mall.

                             END OF TAEHYUNG'S POV


As I tell them that I am going Taehyung huged me and said "next time babe"  I was really pissed beacause of that girl uuurrrrrggghhhhh .. I wish she was dead . Why wont Teahyung  just break up with her already..  besides he love me right?  And about this party  that will happed on saturday I will be  there ..  I will make sure that Krisana girl will not interopt us.   as I was walking someone just bump me  he was in a rush that's why I din't see his face .. Hmmm. Just forget it.
                                             END OF POV


Im already leaving the mall when someone bump into me and all the things that I bought was scatered on the floor well that hurt me alot because I also was on the floor. The person helped me to get up. As I lift my eyes on him I was shocked..ooohhh my  this can't  be happening .he was the person that I met a few days ago .. ohh my .

??:" hey are you ok ?" i just nooded because i was so shocked

?:" you sure ?" . I just nooded again . "Have we met before? Cuz  I saw you somewhere ? "

Krisana:" yeah I saw you few days ago by the way Im Krisana .(I extended my arm for a shake) .

??:" Eun Woo nice to meet you. He said with a smile on his face

Krisana:" well  I have to go "

Eun Woo:" sorry by the way"

Krisana :" nahh its fine"

Eun Woo:" nice meeting you by the way:

Krisana: " yeah and  thank you."

Eun Woo:" for what?"

Krisana:" because you catch me when I started to fall ."

Eun Woo:" you fall !! ?"  Hes face was shock

Krisana:" yeah remember the time that K was anout yo leave and I slept you catch me right "

Eun Woo:" ahh yeahh byee "(waving his hand)

Krisana :" byee "



Author's note :  so yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter.☺ by  the way if my spellings are wrong sorry 😅😅heheh  hope you guys continue to support this story and continue to read  until the end ..   I din't update   this few days because this stupid wifi of ours is distroyed hope you understand please commenntt, vote and follow me💜💜💜 😉😉          



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