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| E X P E C T  T H E
U N E X P E C T E D |
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| E X P E C T  T H E U N E X P E C T E D | •  •  • S Y N O P S I S

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Blake Warner couldn't help it. He was undoubtedly, and most-definitely—an asshole.

Even his mother had been getting on his case about it since he was just a little boy, and he'd told Frankie Beau that his unibrow would never cool, and that if he didn't shave it—he'd do it in his sleep.

To others, they'd shake their head in disappointment at Gwendolyn Warner's inability to properly raise a good, polite southern boy.

Because that was how every young boy came up in the south. Good manners, asked for father's permission before doing anything, and gave up their seats on the bus for any elder.

Blake had never done any of that—ever.

But there was one boy in all of the town that had been given a good name since he was born, and was notoriously known for all of the above. And Blake had given him a hard about it since they were kids, and placed in the same class for the first time.

Maybe that was when the distaste for Blake was born.

Or maybe it was born when Blake had pushed Brooks into a pile of mud just minutes before class pictures, in eighth grade.

      And if Brooks was being honest, he knew he wasn't one for bravely sticking up for himself, especially to Blake Warner, the dark-skinned, baseball playing, hateful child. Who'd found enormous amounts of pleasure from making Brooks' life a living hell since the day they met.

     But with senior year over, and Brooks getting ready to head to California, for a full academic scholarship, due to his SAT scores apparently being out of the roof.

     He's ready to leave that town where all of his memories were tainted by one faint voice. And his inability to even have a first kiss—let alone a relationship.

     Little do the both of them know, summer has a lot more in store than they ever thought possible.

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