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     As Jeff pulled into Blake's driveway, he frowned in confusion, wanting to know why Brooks wanted to be dropped off at Blake's house, instead of his own

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As Jeff pulled into Blake's driveway, he frowned in confusion, wanting to know why Brooks wanted to be dropped off at Blake's house, instead of his own. "I'm staying here for the time being," Brooks had persisted, "and plus, as you already know, Blake and I have got lots to talk about."

Instantly, Jeff nodded, him being reminded all over again about what Meghan and Blake had done together. "Right, well, I'm gonna get going," His next words were hesitant, "thanks for talking to me about everything. I really needed that."

Brooks nodded with a smile, him patting the window that had been rolled down on the passenger side, so that Jeff could hear him more clearly. "Anytime, and if I don't see you again, I hope all goes well for you."

The genuine words made Jeff smile for the first time that night, "you too, Sutton."

     With that, Jeff's car was off, as Brooks readjusted his jeans at his hips, and made his way slowly toward the front door to knock. Millions of thoughts found themselves running wild through Brooks' head, as he wondered if Blake would be honest with him.

     Or would he simply lie, just like he had when he failed to let Brooks know that he'd slept with Meghan Ukie. Because Brooks knew that if he were ever have a sexual history, Blake would have been well informed.

     The door swung open, as Gwendolyn stood there with a happy smile, her long, and kinky curls falling right just below her hips, Brooks' heart warming at the familiar face. "Brooks, it's a little late for you to be running wild, don't you think?"

     Brooks nodded, his lips curling apologetically, "Yes, yes, and I'm so sorry about that. I was just clearing my head."

     "From morning, until almost midnight? Honey, I know things have been a little wild since Charles and Helena kicked you out. But while you're under my care, I need to know where you are, and when you'll be coming home, okay?" Brooks completely understood, his heart clenching at her worried frown lines.

     "Once again, I'm so sorry, Miss Warner."

     Brooks made his way toward Blake's bedroom door, his knuckles hesitant to knock. Somewhere deep inside of Brooks, he'd hoped that Blake was already sleeping, and they wouldn't have to have the inevitable talk.

How could Brooks go on with Blake after this? Even though the situation didn't directly affect their relationship, he was still confused. How could Blake do such a thing his Jeff—his best friend.

And even then, could Brooks trust Blake while around Meghan, or was Jeff right? Did the two of them harbor hidden feelings for one another?

Before Brooks' thoughts had the opportunity to flourish, Blake's door came swinging open, Brooks being pulled into the room almost immediately. He allowed Blake to pull him in, still not speaking.

"Where have you been?" Blake asked, taking Brooks' sweater from his shoulders. "It's late, Brooks. You should have told me you'd be gone so long."

Oh, like you told me about Meg? He wanted to say, but suppressed the urge, knowing it would only either piss Blake off, or make him feel worse.

"I was with Jeff—we were talking." Brooks debated on whether or not telling Blake where he actually was, was a good idea or not.

     Blake's bottom lip quivered, fear seeming to shoot through him like wildfire. He and Brooks' relationship had just started, and to think a stupid mistake such as this, would ruin what they've built. What they've fought for.

He lured Brooks over to his bed, Brooks obliviously taking a seat, his mind going at what felt like a million miles a second. He couldn't exactly pinpoint why he was afraid. Afraid of losing Blake, losing what they had? Just because he wasn't sure if he one-hundred-percent trusted him anymore.

"W-What did you guys talk about?" Blake mentally cursed at himself for stuttering, but he couldn't help it—the thought of Jeff putting doubts into Brooks' head was terrifying.

Brooks shrugged, chewing on his fingernails as he struggled to find the right words. Words that wouldn't push either of them off the edge, and into the deep end. A deep end they weren't ready for—yet.

"He told me about Meghan and their relationship, about how open they were with each other. Until they weren't. And things went south, very quickly. I-I tried to understand, but in my head, I couldn't help it—I blamed y-you." A tear slid down Brooks' cheek, him instantly reaching up to wipe it.

Blake's Adam's apple bobbed, his eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. "Oh, come on, Brooks, I didn't ruin their relationship, alright? That shit was over before Meg and I did anything."

"I-I'm not saying that you ruined anything, I'm just disappointed. And I know it's not my place—I know we weren't together, yet. But why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell anyone? You could've been honest with Jeff—with me—"

"And then what?" Blake shouted, knowing Gwendolyn could most-definitely bear him from her bedroom. "Have everybody hate me because of one bad thing I did? A-After you and I kissed for the first time, I was scared. So fucking scared of what would happen next."

Brooks didn't understand what the two of them kissing for the first time, had to do with Blake sleeping with Meghan. "W-What the hell are you talking about—"

"I'm talking about at the lake, when I l-left you there, and went home. But I d-didn't go home, I went to Meg's. Which Jeff probably already told you though, right?" Blake couldn't help the defense in his voice, wanting to know exactly what was said between Jeff and Brooks.

Brooks' jaw was left hanging. Hearing those words, and piecing it all together, had his heart breaking into two. He'd never been one for dramatics, but his desire to be around Blake any longer, died down to zero.

He had left Brooks there, all by himself to walk home—for miles. Only to spend the night with his best friends girlfriend.

The look on Brooks' faced proved to Blake, that Jeff hadn't discussed it with Brooks. This only proved Blake idiocy—how would Jeff even know of their kiss? It wasn't like Blake was parading that fact around.

"You left me there, all alone, to go be with some girl for one night? After we had that kiss, my very first kiss. . ." Brooks trailed off, Blake kneeling down before him, grasping both hands in his.

A sigh left Blake's lips, his thumb reaching up for Brooks' chin, taking it in his fingers. "It was stupid of me, so, so stupid. But I didn't feel the way I do now—I didn't care for you, yet. But now, I wouldn't dare hurt you. I would never pull something like that again. You have my absolute word."

     Brooks wanted so badly to believe Blake. But how could he? As of now, Blake had only said that he would never do something like that again, but he hadn't shown it. At least not to Brooks.

     "I just—" Brooks paused, a yawn rocking through him, "can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired, and it's been a really, really long day."

     Blake nodded, making room on his bedspread for Brooks, although he knew he wouldn't get much sleep that night.

     Brooks leaned over, placing a small kiss at Blake's cheek, Blake's heart nearly melting at the gesture. "Goodnight."


A/N: Hello, readers! I'm so sorry for my lack of updating this book. It's been fairly difficult to find the inspiration. But I've finally found some, and am proud to be back on track <3

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