And when I see your black eyes
Snuff out our lovelight
I say,
"Ah, so this, again,
Is how we die".
Now boil me.
Flail the flesh from my bones.
Dig a hole and bury them
Beneath the forest floor
You know all this.
You know the story, our legend.
You know what we must do.
We must go to the clearing
Become serpentine
Writhe together, murder the light.
With a last, angry cry
You must cleave my soul from its body.
See me join the dead with your corpse-eyes
Cast me adrift in your vast, moonlit mind.
Boil me til my body and the water's gone.
Flail the bones with a blunt blade.
Bury me as my soul hovers, cowering among the leaves.
A new body will grow in time.
You have until the fresh flesh flourishes
And then I'll come for what is mine.
You'll hear me in the dead leaves
When I'm ready for you again.
You'll hear branches crack
Beasts scatter, clouds break
As lightning reconnects us.
Thunder, my warning prayer,
Will descend upon your bed;
Will sound the alarm in your head.
We found what we are in old stories:
Code, myth, songs, books.
We found each other and writhed
When the time was right.
But the light left you, as we both knew it would,
As it had done before, so it did again.
As I came, so I leave, so I left,
So I will come again, a different time:
You will be mine again.
New flesh will clothe my boiled-clean bones
New skin the walls of my soul.
Yes, I will stalk from the forest clean and new
To stand in dreams and waking life
Before you.
And I will find you, as I did before,
As you did me,
To explain anew
The myths, the prophecy,
And we will go to the clearing
And become green serpents rising
Interweaving, interlocking
Making dark sparks of light
And I will become you
And you, me
Until the next time
The lovelight dies.