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Hey Guys so sorry for the long Hiatus. I was resting after my brutal exams. I will do my best to have weekly updates.  This chapter is still to be edited. Enjoy

We had been in Seoul for a couple of days and things were still a bit tense between Luxane and I. Every time he tried to do something normal or cute I would snap and that would make me angrier at myself but I would take it out on him. We were meeting with some investors who were apparently really dangerous. 

To the extent that he didn't want to delegate security over us he wanted us to be there with him. I didn't bother arguing because I was tired of shopping and sight seeing even though the architecture was breath taking. But I couldn't help but feel off at being a trophy wife, sitting there and looking pretty. We were at a restaurant that was surrounded by an aquarium.

 Xylo was so impressed she couldn't stop laughing and smiling and placing her little hands on the glass. "Your daughter is gorgeous", I heard an icy voice say behind me. I turned around to find the source, the woman's entire demeanor was cold. From her expression, to her clothing and just the atmosphere and energy around her.

"Thank you", I said smiling politely.

"Business", she said taking a seat and dusting her mauve pantsuit which was very tasteful, she had paired it with black suede loafers and put her hair in a sleek pony tail without a hair out of place. Her cheek bones were accentuated by the hair style and her pantsuit made her legs look longer. She looked like a modern goddess. I zoned out as they began discusiing their business ventures. 

"Human resources need to be smuggled in and air seems to be the best method."

My ears pricked up at this. Why the fuck did the people need to be smuggled in? "I have a law degree and am pretty good in migration, I could help your workers get in no problem". I piped up. For the first time throughout the meeting they both looked at me then burst into laughter. 

"You want to document street workers?" she continued laughing in her dainty voice. My eyes widened and then I looked down, indicating I nolonger wanted to be further involved. Luxane gave me a questioning look but I ignore it.

I suddenly wanted to leave and wasn't sure about my compatibility with Luxane. I was a major advocate for human rights in law school and now they are sitting here talking about buying and selling humans as if they are talking about their product. The more I thought about it, the sicker I felt. I jumped up and went to empty the contents of my stomach. I washed my hands and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

Who was I becoming? Why was I suddenly feeling like I was losing myself as I was when I had been in that toxic relationship?" I heard a soft knock on the door and advised the person to enter. Luxane walked in with a crease over his forehead.

"Xylo is with Filipe. What's wrong with you?" he questioned walking towards me.

"You are involved in slavery Luxane". His eyes shot up. "Whoah baby whoah, we pay the women and the men. Its just that if we got them in the country legally then it would cause a lot more problems. They are highly paid professionals. To the extent that if they wanted to get documentation for themselves, they could.

They live in pretty decent housing and are treated fairly." I shook my head becoming annoyed with the whole situation and the burning tears behind my eyes. "Luxane, you do realise that I am black right? That I come from a history of slaves? 

My parents' grandparents worked on a plantation. My great grandmother used to pick cotton; she was a field worker. My great grandfather was a driver. They saved every penny they could for their children to get educated so that my grandparents could educate my father and he didn't waste the opportunity and got to where he is now.

I only saw my great grandmother once and she had the lashings from her days on the field. My great grandfather was light skinned so he wasn't treated as bad. She was repeatedly raped Luxane. She suffered through a lot and you want me to be fine with you buying and selling humans like trading hot stocks? 

She was sold 3 times Lux. She told me they would strip her naked and lift her breasts to see how firm they were. You are telling me that I am complicity involved with slavery?" I questioned hysterically.

"Baby, it's not like that at all. I know your history is compli-"

"Fuck Luxane don't try and justify shit that shouldn't be justified! Its me or this slaves shit". His face blanched. "Astraea you do realize I am a drug lord. Its part of the business to have hookers, they also sell product I cant cut them off."

"Lux, its me or the slaves. I have swallowed and overlooked so much for you! What have you compromised in this relationship exactly?" I sniffed wiping the snot that was running from my nose. My heart really hurt.

"Baby don't do this", he begged looking distressed. I smiled weakly at him.

"I... I cant do this. Maybe you were better with Khloe, she probably understood all this shit better. I wrote a paper in law school on human rights that was read by highly educated scholars who commended my thinking and writing and here I am at a round table discussion on slaves? Nah. This aint it chief."

I washed my face, blew my nose and walked out. I grabbed Xylo and Filipe followed silently. I opened the door to the middle G wagon that had brought us to the restaurant. The other ones were diversions. Xylo was being fussy because she was annoyed I had taken her from her new favourite place. I couldn't help but cry.

What made it all worse was Xylo stopped fussing and was now hugging me and trying to comfort me. We arrived at the hotel and I went to bed. I was emotionally drained Xylo refused to leave me so she just laid on the bed watching her shows with Filipe in the background as I slept. I had night mares that I couldn't really recall when I woke up but I felt really drained and ready to go home. I was over this trip.

I mean don't get me wrong, I do understand that hookers and gigolos are treated better than slaves but the whole concept of smuggling people in and paying them to use their bodies and sell cocaine is sickening. I just can't wrap my head around it. I wish I could turn off my emotions and be able to just accept that this is how the drug business works but I cant. 

Luxane, had been trying to get me to talk but I felt so exhausted over everything that I couldn't muster to voice any thoughts. Maybe this was the end for us, because I could not stand to be with a human trafficker even if they agreed to be a part of it. I just couldn't. 

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