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A/N: So freshly written that i haven't even read over it. Thank you for reading 🖤

Felipe drove me home. The drive was quiet and chilled. We arrived at the gate and dialled the code to enter. He parked outside the door and we sat in silence. "So, in my report I have to tell Luxane that there was a shootout that's why most of the men are still enroute. 

That motherfucker could put two and two together and realise that you were there since you suddenly have a shoulder injury around the same time that I have returned from the mission but it is unlikely. I just wanted to mention that it is a possibility." 

"I probably wont see him for a while to allow my shoulder to heal. Speaking off it hurts like a bitch, please pass me my handbag in the backseat it has my pain pills."

"Don't become a junkie now Astraea", he jested. 

"Eat my ass, I have very strong moral views that I would never betray", I retorted smiling at him. 

"Says the drug lords baby mama", he said whilst chuckling. I couldn't help but join in with him, he was right. 

"I will see you around, thanks for this my mind is much clearer and I think I have made my decision." He nodded then got out to carry my bags and placed them by the door before leaving. I knocked and waited for the door to be opened. My mother greeted me, with Xylo in tow. "Baby what happened?" she asked worriedly. 

"Hi baby", I said struggling to pick her up with my one good hand but she clung onto me and I managed to lift her. 

"Astraea", she said my name sternly letting me know that I hadn't successfully side stepped the question. 

"My arm got caught in the elevator at the hotel, it was like for a moment but the damage was done", I lied smoothly. 

"I'm so sorry my love," she said grabbing my bags and taking them to my room. I went into the lounge hoping my dad was out somewhere but to my surprise Luxane was also there and they were deep in conversation until they both noticed me as I was trying to sneak out. 

"Astraea your afro gave you away", said my father. "Dad, im tired I am going to rest for a bit." "Your arm? What happened why is it in a sling?" I told them the same lie that I had told my mom and avoided making eye contact with Luxane, but I could feel his eyes buring holes into me. "Come and sit with dear old dad for a moment", he coaxed me.

I rolled my eyes, I had been caught so I might as well. "How was Paris?" "Gorgeous daddy, the clothes the fashion show..." I gushed trailing off." 

"Glad to hear, we all missed you and especially a little someone", he said pointing to Xylo who had her head buried in my neck. I realised this was the longest that we had been apart since the kidnapping. "I missed you all too", I said rubbing her back as she started patting mine. 

We all started laughing at her, but she was undeterred and kept patting me. We started talking about tennis and eventually Xylo fell asleep in my arms. As I was trying to get up to go put her down Luxane assisted me and took her from me and we walked quietly to my room so that we could put her down in my bed. Once she was snuggled in I finally looked at Luxane. I couldn't help but drool a little bit on the inside, he was fine as ever. He had just gotten a hair cut and looked fresh and clean in his black adidas tracksuit. 

"You fought an elevator?" For a moment my mind was blank and then I remembered my lie then grinned. "You know me clumsy as shit sometimes. I swear it comes and goes like a tide". He just smiled and nodded. "Let's sit and talk for a while. I missed you and giving you the space you wanted has been really hard." 

"Really?" I questioned going to sit with him on the asymmetrical powder pink chaise lounge. I sat facing him. "Why was the trip last minute?" he questioned me breaking the pregnant silence. 

"We don't discuss my personal schedule anymore remember", I said to him partially telling the truth. He nodded solemnly. "She is getting so big, I cant believe we are about to throw her, her second birthday soon", I said changing the subject so that I didn't have to keep lying through my teeth. "Yeah, but this year lets keep it small and indoors." 

"Agreed, I do not want another incident from your parents. Do you miss them at all? Since they were once alright people." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "How do you know they were decent people at some point?" He asked me his stormy orbs were watching me intently. "You are a decent guy when you are not on your fuckshit tendencies." 

He gave me a lopsided smile. "It's been three years since we met that fateful day at Embers why were you laughing?" I took his warm hand and held it in mine. "It reminded me of Tinder". "But we are in different fields and industries, Tinder is an app and Embers is a club all about creating a fire within our patrons." 

I guffawed at his cheesy words. His phone beeped and he took it out to look at it then sighed. Our beautiful bubble had been burst, what hurt me the most was that I had finally made up my mind. He looked into my eyes, then kissed my forehead. He got up and went to Xylo and kissed her forehead, she scrunched up her face in annoyance and then smiled. We both just started laughing once we had exited the room. Where did this child get these quirks from? Once our laughter had died down the somber ethos returned. 

I wish I could ask his mother about the things he did as a baby. But alas she is a racist sociopath who tried to murder me. My mind was filled with random thoughts and I hadn't realised that we had reached the door. I opened it and watched as he stepped out. I began chewing my lip unsure of whether now was the right moment to tell him that I had made my decision. I breathed out slowly and closed my eyes for a moment. When I reopened them, he was standing in font of me. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, taking a moment to inhale my neck. Then he straightened and looked me in my eyes. 

"Luxane..." I began my voice and heart breaking with each thought that was crossing my mind and the heavy words I had to say. "We cant be together", I said with tears running down my face. Each breath I took hurt more than the last, why were my words and my emotions at opposing ends from one another.

 "We shouldn't be together... I'm sorry I don't want to be with you any more". 

I finished sinking to the ground.

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