Chapter 33

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"You okay?" he asked, his voice the exact opposite of mine.

"I'm fine," I answered tersely, just wanting to go home and fall asleep so that the day would be over with already. I originally wanted it to last forever, but that was up on the rooftop when it was only John and me, and when the rest of the world didn't seem to exist.

"But are you okay...everywhere?" he emphasized, his eyes flickering down to my waist. I raised an amused eyebrow that almost instantly made my previous mood dissipate. He shifted awkwardly in the seat when I didn't give him an immediate answer and stuttered, "I-I mean—"

I laughed, cutting him short. "I know what you mean, John. I'm still fine—a little sore, but fine." I glanced back over my shoulder to see Brian lain across the back seat, curled up in a ball just so that he'd fit. His head was tilted to the side, with a bucket conveniently placed in front of him on the floor just in case he got sick on the ride back to the flat, and subtle snores were escaping from his parted lips as he dozed off. If John had asked him the same question—without the additional context, of course—he probably would've said the same thing, but I already knew that by the time morning came around, he'd be saying something different.

John cleared his throat and my attention went back to him, watching in slight embarrassment as he anxiously continued his game of twenty questions. "Yeah, but did you mind it when—"

"You stuck your finger up my ass?" I enthusiastically finished his sentence for him, causing him to go a bright shade of red while I just chuckled. "Do you really want to talk about it, John?"

"Well...not if you don't want to," he replied sheepishly, wrapping his hands around the steering wheel and taking in a deep breath.

I dropped my hand on his shoulder and brought his gaze back over to me, the corner of my lip perking upward in a sympathetic smirk. "It's late, man. Let's just go home."

He nodded his head in agreement and started the van up, ready to shift gears and get us on our way when he suddenly retracted his hand and sat back in his seat. "Hold on a sec." He started patting his body with both hands, feeling for something that wasn't there. He met my gaze and explained, "I think I forgot something. I'll be right back."

I didn't get the chance to object or even acknowledge his remark before he exited the vehicle and scampered off to retrieve whatever it was that he left behind, closing the door behind him and causing Brian to stir a bit. I ignored Brian's slurred complaint as I adjusted the rear-view mirror to get a glimpse of John retreating to the roof, Tim joining me in watching him as he disappeared in the stairwell and returned shortly after.

As the bassist was making his way back over to the van, Tim stopped him. I raised a suspicious eyebrow as they began talking. Heads nodded, a brief, shared laugh filled the air, and the short exchange ended with a quick farewell hug and a pat from Tim on John's shoulder.

With a sudden rage surging through my veins and the distance between John and the vehicle shrinking, I quickly threw the rear-view mirror back into place and tried to make it seem like I hadn't observed their encounter, crossing my arms over my chest and turning my head to look out the window. I glanced back when I heard the door click open, John holding up his wallet and saying, "That was a close one."

"Yeah," I agreed bitterly, keeping my arms folded and staring at him as he resituated himself, strapping the seat belt over his chest and finally putting the car into drive.

He didn't seem to notice my change in attitude as we pulled away from the curb, leaving Tim behind in the dust. I kept my eyes locked on John and the stupid grin he wore for the longest time before peering into the side-view mirror at Tim, who had sat himself back down on the bench and was bringing yet another bottle to his lips. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, my contempt for the man flaring up like it hadn't in months.

What was he doing at the show tonight, and what did he say to John?

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