Chapter 37

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My head instantly snapped up and my lips perked upward into a grin, my eyes falling upon the tall man standing before me. His arms were folded over his chest and his weight was shifted to one side as he stared down at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"John!" I exclaimed, jumping up and immediately regretting my decision as a jolt of pain surged through my entire body. I nearly crippled over from the awful feeling, but before I could, I grabbed onto the table and rested my other hand on my hip, forcing a grin on my face and saying, "Hey."

His cheeks turned a flattering, faint shade of red as he surveyed our surroundings, making sure the coast was clear for him to shorten the distance between us and ask me under his breath, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," I whispered slyly, smirking and grabbing onto his shirt, transferring my support from the table to him.

The bassist laughed, wrapping his hands around my wrists and moving my arms back down to my sides. "We just saw each other this morning."

"And?" I asked, the smile on my face growing even wider as I intertwined my fingers with his, "I wanted to be with you." Those words didn't have the effect I hoped they would as John stared at me with what I could only make out to be pity in his eyes, wordlessly conveying the message that he wished I hadn't followed him; that me being there was only making our situation worse.

I slowly retracted my hands at the self-made realization and staggered away from him, stammering, "You know, I'll...I'm gonna, I-I'll go."

Before I could get anywhere—not that I would've gotten far otherwise—John's slightly-louder-than-it-probably-should've-been voice stopped me dead in my tracks. "Do you know how happy I am that we slept together?"

I looked back over my shoulder at him and the growing blush in his cheeks before returning to his side and replying derisively, "No, I don't know."

The bassist chuckled and placed his hands on his hips. "Of course, you don't know." His gaze shifted down to his feet for a split second before meeting mine again as he explained, "I just don't want you to regret anything." My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "And I'm just worried that I may have messed things up for us or the guys and..." His voice trailed off as I started to understand what he was getting at. I shook my head no, unable to verbally respond. "I really don't want either of us to pay for this one way or another," he rattled off as I finally found my voice.

"No, I...It's not like I'm going to tell anyone," I tried to tell him, but it didn't seem to be what he wanted to hear because all he did was scoff and tell me that wasn't what he was talking about. He brushed shoulders with me as he began to walk away.

I quickly joined his side, our hands grazing one another before he hooked my pinky with his. My eyes flickered down to look, but I kept my head forward and up, not wanting John to notice how his touch had sent my heart into an increasing frenzy and made my pants grow tighter with each step we took.

Becoming acutely aware of my situation, I broke away from John's side and turned in front of him, pushing myself back into the wall of one the buildings we passed by and watching him proceed forward. He stopped a few feet away, slowly turning around and crossing his arms over his chest.

I brought my thumb up and dragged it across my slightly parted lips, trying to think of the right thing to say. Please be careful. There were so many questions I had; so many things I wanted to say to him that would be better said in private, and not in earshot of passersby. I dropped my hand to my side and decided to ask, somewhat irrelevantly, "What do you think's going to happen when we finish this bloody album?"

The corner of John's mouth twitched up into a smirk, intrigued by my hypothetical inquiry. He shortened the distance between the two of us and shot his arm out in front of me, pinning me between him and the wall. "Well, what do you want to happen?"

I stared at him for a little bit, thinking of all the answers that immediately came to my mind at his proposal. There were so many things I wanted to happen—things I wanted him to do to me, things I wanted to do to him, and not just after the album was out, but there in that moment too.

I knew we were in public, but it was getting harder and harder to keep myself from falling apart. I needed relief, from him, but before I could gain the courage to express that, he leaned further in and whispered, "You know, I'd kiss you if I could."

"Would you fuck me?" I asked instinctively, the thought crossing my mind and the filter I honestly never had failing to stop me from vocalizing it. It was too late to do anything, though—I'd already said it. My true feelings were out in the open now, and it was up to him to decide how he would react. Naturally, he had a few options, but it ultimately boiled down to a simple "yes" or "no," and although I didn't want to admit it, I desperately wanted his answer to be "yes."

The blush that had stained his cheeks earlier intensified as he averted his gaze elsewhere. I bit my lip in anticipation of his answer, the knot that formed in the pit of my stomach becoming almost as unbearable as the aching in my feet, and just when I thought he was going to satiate my growing craving, his face went blank like he saw a ghost in the middle of the day; in broad daylight.

I worriedly brought my hand up and grazed his cheek, bringing his attention back to me. The petrified expression that had adorned his face quickly being replaced with a loving one as he blurted out, "Later."

"Is that a promise?" I murmured, my internal longing manifesting itself in my voice.

John nodded his head in affirmation, a weary grin appearing on his face as he continued to look over his shoulder. My eyebrows wrinkled together as I tried to see what was catching his attention, but before I could pinpoint the source of his fascination, he grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. I couldn't even react before he pulled back and suggested seductively, "How about you go back to the flat and wait for me, yeah?"


"I'll be expecting you to be ready when I get there..." he cut me short, throwing a wink in my direction and making me flinch with a quick slap to the ass, "...and I mean ready."

I watched in utter astonishment as he abandoned my side, leaving me high and dry with no explanation. My narrowed eyes didn't leave him once as he walked off, hoping I would see where he was going and maybe even who he was meeting up with, but at one point he abruptly disappeared into one of the alleyways jutting out from the street, making the task near impossible.

I plopped back down into the café's chair and clenched my legs together uncomfortably, writhing in the feeling that only worsened the more I thought about the bassist. I unconsciously brought my hand down to my pants, palming the clothed erection. I hissed at the wave of discomfort that coursed through my body, gritting my teeth as I cursed under my breath for letting John get to me like he had.

There was no use in denying it anymore. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, John Deacon had entered my life and changed it forever, and the worst part of all was that he knew. He knew it, and it was only a matter of time before everyone else knew too.

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