Chapter 34

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"Alright, take it easy; take it easy," John instructed as he and I carefully pulled Brian out of the van, the tall man acting like dead weight in our arms as he struggled to support himself. Dried vomit stuck to his hair and his breath was something awful, but we needed to get him inside. As we helped him out of the vehicle, his feet and legs must've forgotten what to do when they felt the ground beneath them, because he nearly brought the three of us down as he let gravity take hold and tug him towards the asphalt.

"For fuck's sake, Brian!" I cursed under my breath, grunting as I lifted him up—John doing the same but on the other side, "Who let you have so many drinks?"

"Hey, has anyone told you how pretty you look?" he murmured with pouted lips, dragging his finger down my face that scrunched up in response. A giggle slipped past his lips that had been turned upward into a grin before his head dropped with his hand, his entire body hanging heavily in our grasps. I looked over at John with narrowed, annoyed eyes.

He smiled, repeating Brian's drunken question in a mocking kind of way. "Yeah, Roger, has anyone told you how pretty you look?"

"Shut up," I growled, staggering towards the apartment that—had the sky not started to lighten up—would've been completely disguised by the shadows of the night. There were no lights on, as expected. Freddie rarely returned from his evening's sexual escapades until the sun was high and half the day had already gone by, so unless one of us forgot to turn off a lamp, the apartment was usually cast in complete darkness—making it very difficult to make it up the steps without tripping over ourselves. It was even harder when one of us couldn't even be bothered to remember how to traverse a staircase, let alone walk.

"Almost there," John whispered encouragingly, "We've got this. Just a few more steps..."

When we miraculously reached the top—Brian only holding us back once—the guitarist threw John and me off him as he lazily raised his hands in the air in celebration, his speech noticeably slurred as he declared, "Yaaayyy, we maaade it!" We both flinched as he stumbled forward, falling right into the apartment door, the side of his face smushed up against it and his hands clinging to the flat surface as if it would actually help him stand. He giggled and closed his eyes, his body crumbling to the floor as he decided to make that be the spot he was going to fall asleep.

I glanced over at John who was just watching Brian in pure amazement, his arms crossed over his chest and a wide smile stretched across his face. He returned my gaze and said, "What do you think? Should we leave him here? I mean, he just looks so comfortable."

I put my hands up in surrender. "Up to you. I'm done moving him."

The bassist looked down at the sleeping guitarist and sighed, resting his hands on his hips. "Well I can't just leave him out here all by himself."

"Then have fun moving him on your own," I replied sarcastically, patting him on the shoulder and stepping over Brian. I snatched the keys out from John's extended hand and undid the lock, pushing the door in and causing the curly-haired man to fall forward over the threshold, the upper half of his body in the apartment while his long legs stuck outside. John and I shared another quick look, smiles slowly growing on both of our faces, before I retreated inside.

I tossed the keys on the kitchen table and kicked my shoes off, going straight for the bathroom. First it was the vest to be dropped to the floor, then my pants. As I situated myself in front of the toilet, I became distracted by the grunts coming from the other side of the door, accompanied by the sound of Brian being dragged across the floors to his and Freddie's room. That all was interrupted by a loud thump, followed by a groan and a quiet string of apologies before the sound picked up again. I smirked.

As I finished up in the bathroom, pulling my pants back on and turning my attention to my reflection, I couldn't help but notice how much of a wreck I'd become. My neck was covered in small bruises and my hair was disheveled in every direction. My lips were slightly swollen and there was a lustful haze still cast over my eyes from before. I doubted sleep would help any, and I wondered about how I was going to hide this from Freddie. He for sure would notice and say something; Brian probably already would've too if he wasn't so plastered.

"Are you going to hold what happened tonight against me?" a voice sounded in my ear, startling me and stealing my gaze from the reversed image of myself. Standing in the doorway, leaned up against the threshold with his hands in his pockets and his lips curled into a devious grin, was John.

I could feel the hot blush rise in my cheeks. I quickly tried to subdue it and shifted my attention to the sink I was clinging onto, replying with a simple but honest, "No."

"I need to you to look at me and say it," he demanded, a strict but desperate undertone to his command.

I glanced over at him, repeating myself in a sarcastic manner, "No, John, I will not hold what happened tonight against you." His eyes narrowed as I smirked, shaking my head and changing the subject by asking, "So did you get him in bed?" Him being Brian.

"Well I tried," he answered modestly, "But he kept sliding off the mattress, so I just left him on the floor. He seemed to like it there. I'm just hoping Freddie won't step on him when he comes home." I failed to resist the smile that the statement brought to my face. "Come here," he ordered, his command lighthearted yet demanding and his eyes widening ever so slightly in a suggestive manner.

I bit my lip and pushed myself away from the porcelain fixture, slowly dragging myself over to him. When I got close enough, John took a step back out into the hallway and motioned for me to stand where he was. I raised a suspicious eyebrow but nonetheless followed his order, watching in bewilderment as he dropped to his knees and looked up at me, a smirk on his face.

"Take your pants off," he whispered seductively.

My eyebrows furrowed together at the obscurity of the request, but with how tired I was, I didn't have the energy or self-control to fight him on it. So, without second thought, I did as he said, my pants falling to my ankles for the second time since we got home.

The smirk he was wearing evolved into a smile, his hands finding their way to my hips and his fingers pressing into my soft skin as he leaned in. The air began to grow thin, and it wasn't long before my heightened breathing hitched—his warm tongue running along the length of my cock. My arms instinctively shot outward and gripped the threshold to steady myself—a surge of ecstasy that wasn't quite as strong as it was before beginning to course through my body.

My eyes closed shut and my tightly pressed lips perked up at the corners, my head falling back as I started to revel in the intensifying feeling. On the ride home, I couldn't even fathom going for round two that night, but as John's mouth wrapped around my—

He pulled away and swiped his thumb across his bottom lip, cutting the thin string of drool connecting him to me and tilting his head back to get a better look up at me. "Well, that's promising—you're hard again." A confused expression appeared on my face as he smacked my thigh and jumped up from the ground, pinching my cheek like Freddie always did. "Good." He pursed his lips out in an imaginary kiss and disappeared down the hallway, retreating into his and my bedroom and closing the door behind him.

I staggered into the hallway and stared at the closed door, crossing my arms over my bare chest. "How is that good?" I shouted after him.

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