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Wonwoo slowly fluttered his eyes open. He was laying on the couch but then sat up, only to be faced with an aching body. He hated sleeping on the couch.
The words 'Are you still watching?' were displayed on the TV and since he clearly wasn't watching, he switched the TV off. His arms stretched up towards the ceiling and he let out a soft yawn.
Subconsciously, the black haired male walked over to the grey curtains and yanked them open, revealing a cold, windy and rainy day. Wonwoo opened his windows and leaned on the windowsill, head on hands. The view wasn't half bad for a place like this.
Since the apartment was slightly higher up on the hill than the rest of the neighbourhood, Wonwoo got a good view of the distant city and the park he always went to. It was a beautiful sight.

After a good 10 minutes of staring out of the window and letting a few raindrops land on his face, Wonwoo closed the windows and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He eyed himself like a hawk in the mirror pointing out all his flaws to himself and he looked like a mess.
His black hair was all over the place, the bags underneath his eyes were big enough to carry groceries in and his eyes were tinted a light shade of red. He looked slimmer than usual too. You could tell by the way his adam's apple was more prominent along with his jawline and by the way his cheeks weren't really visible anymore. He really needed to care better care of himself.
Maybe someday.

Wonwoo finished brushing his teeth and wandered around his small apartment, looking for something to do for the rest of the day. As if on cue, his phone began to ring, displaying a strangely familiar face and caller ID:
Who the hell was Junhui?
Wonwoo started panicking. He quickly grabbed his journal from his bedroom drawer, a pastel green leather one this time, and flipped through the pages rapidly scanning for the name Junhui. He found it and quickly skimmed through the notes. Apparently, Junhui was better than any other bosses Wonwoo had had, but he hated to be kept waiting.
Wonwoo ran back to the living room, journal and pen in hand, and answered his phone, hoping he wouldn't be mad at him.
"Hello? Wonwoo?"
"Y-yes, it's me." He mentally cursed himself for being so shy and awkward. He couldn't help it, his social anxiety usually got the best of him.
"Would you be able to work at the Café today? I'm sorry it's such short notice but Jeonghan felt sick halfway through his shift so he had to leave. I can ask someone else if you aren't free though!"
Who was Jeonghan again?
Eh, He'll check later.
"No! I mean, yes, I-I'll do it." He needed the extra money after all.
"Great! Be here as soon as you can!"
"Okay, see you soon Boss."
Junhui chuckled lightly over the phone. "How many times have I told you that you can call me Jun? We've known each other for a while, you can stop using honourifics, Wonwoo."
"Oh, sorry..." He quickly jotted it down in his journal.
"No need to apologise Wonwoo, I'll see you soon." And with that, the call was over.
Wonwoo let out a sigh of relief, setting his pen down and picking up his pastel green journal once again. It was full of people's names, each with a whole page dedicated to them. It contained a photo of what they looked like (usually taken from their social media), information about who they were, what their relationship was with Wonwoo and any other important pieces of information.
At least this way, he wouldn't forget who anybody was. Speaking of people, he skimmed through the pages looking for Jeonghan's name. Ah, there it was:

Yoon Jeonghan
Relationship: Co-Worker / Friend(?)
Birthday: 951004
– Met him after the accident
– Loves to talk
– Kind hearted & Caring
– Is an actual angel
– His aunt died 170823, so don't bring her up
– Lives with his boyfriend, Seungcheol
– Very affectionate & loves hugs
Don't forget to hug him before leaving the café (or he'll finger flick you really hard)

"Interesting." He muttered under his breath, before he got dressed for work, making sure to take his main journal (the pastel blue one) with him. Wonwoo uses that journal to write his day to day life in detail. It helps him remember what he did and when, but the problem arises when he doesn't write what he did. Some things, he just wanted to forget.

Wonwoo made sure he had everything he needed, including his blue journal and set off. The café was about an hour walk from his apartment and he couldn't afford to take a taxi, seeing as he didn't have a car. So he had no other choice but to walk in the rain. Maybe he should buy a bicycle.

One would've thought that Wonwoo would've just done the sensible thing and used an umbrella, but of course, he forgot it in the apartment. He had already left slightly later than he'd wanted to — because of the amount of time he spent picking out clothes and fixing his hair — so he just thought 'fuck it' and walked in the rain.

Approximately an hour and six minutes later, Wonwoo entered the small café. His hair was dripping with rainwater along with his black trench coat, but soon it was all forgotten when he was instantly greeted by his favourite cat in the café.
He took off his satchel and set it on the table, squatting down by it whilst petting the cat. Wonwoo had named the cat, Mocha. He thought it was the perfect name since the cat had mostly white milky fur with large spots of brown and black. (Her eyes were Wonwoo's favourite; they were a gold honey colour and it just made her look even cuter.)

Mocha purred at Wonwoo's touch and rubbed herself against his knees. She was only a kitten when Wonwoo started working at the café and he had fallen in love with her ever since. The other employees already knew not to go near her, she was only friendly towards Wonwoo. Even customers could only admire her from afar. Jeonghan tried to pet her once but she snarled and ended up scratching him.

Wonwoo was stuck in such a daze whilst petting the cat that he didn't hear Jun walk up next to him.
"She really likes you, huh?"
Wonwoo jumped up, hitting his shoulder on the table he was crouched next to with a loud thud. "Ahhh..." He winced as he rubbed his shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
"I t-think so it's jus—"
"Let me see." Jun reached for the top button of Wonwoo's shirt before asking, "May I?" to which Wonwoo's eyes widened.
"I just wanna see it, so I know how to treat it. I'm the boss, remember? Can't have my employees getting hurt." He reasoned.
Wonwoo gave a nervous nod. Jun's slender hands gently unbuttoned the first two buttons on Wonwoo's loosely-fitted blouse before pushing it sideways to reveal his bony left shoulder. Wonwoo's cheeks were flushed pink at the action. He was always shy when it came to things like this.
The other employees in the café were giving them weird looks, as if they've seen this billions of times before. He looked away.
Jun didn't seem to mind though. Maybe it was because he was too busy examining the bruise forming on Wonwoo's shoulder; it was getting darker by the minute.
Wonwoo stared at his boss.
He was one handsome Chinese man. His face looked as though it were sculpted by gods, his tan skin didn't bare any flaws, his eyes were the colour of chocolate and his nose was perfectly shaped.
Jun tutted and ever so lightly pressed on the bruise, causing Wonwoo to flinch and slightly whimper.
"Shit, I'm sorry. You should put ice on that Wonwoo. Wait here, I'll get an ice pack for for you."
Wonwoo stood still; hand on shoulder and feet planted on the ground.
Has his boss always been this... nice?

A few minutes later, Jun returns with a small ice pack. He presses it on the bruise and instructs Wonwoo to hold it in place.
"Thank you..." He trailed off.
"No problem," He said with a smile, "Rest for ten minutes then get to work, okay?"

Wonwoo nodded as Jun disappeared into his office. He made a note on a piece of paper.

Read Junhui's pages later.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

SOTD ; Baby — The Rose

「 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 」;𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎 Where stories live. Discover now