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It was 8:43pm by the time Wonwoo began making his way back to his apartment. He'd actually finished at 8 but he stayed behind to clean up and say goodbye to Mocha. Jun offered him a ride since it was getting dark, but he politely declined since he lived in the opposite direction. Wonwoo couldn't help but ask himself — Why was Jun being so nice? Wait... what if he knew about his amnesia? What if that was why he was being so nice, because he pitied him for it? Or even worse, his boss had a crush on him? He huffed and ran his hands through his hair. Okay, maybe not that last one.

He really needed to read those pages when he got back.

Wonwoo strolled through the illuminated streets of Seoul, cars were stuck in traffic and people were making their way home from work. Shops were closing and Wonwoo had missed his chance to go grocery shopping yet again.
The sun was setting somewhere, painting the sky in mesmerising shades of orange, pink and purple. At least the sky had cleared up and it was no longer rainy. It was still kinda cold though.

Wonwoo arrived on the road of his apartment, but something felt off. He could sense the presence of someone behind him.

He slowed his pace and gulped. He contemplated on whether he should turn around or not. If he was going to get murdered he should at least put up a fight, right? Wonwoo put his fists up, turning around and shouting, "I-I know taekwondo, so don't eve— Oh..."
He lowered his fists slowly and stared at the being in front of him.
It was a dog. A Shiba inu, to be exact.
It had been following him.
Wonwoo didn't know what to do in this situation. The dog was cute and obviously belonged to someone since it wore a bright red collar, but Wonwoo did not want to go near that thing. He was terrified of it.

The dog stood there, panting with its mouth open and tongue hanging out. It suddenly ran over to Wonwoo.
"Wait, no— stop!"

But it was too late.

The dog had already jumped up, pushing Wonwoo at full force, knocking him down. Luckily, he was able to cushion his fall by falling back on his arms, but not without hurting his elbows. The dog continued to aggressively attack him with kisses and Wonwoo thought this was the end. He tried pushing the dog off but it just came back and attacked him again. He could already see the bright light of heaven above him...

It was either that or the light of the lamppost since he was laying directly underneath one.

"Ga-eul! Ga-eul, what have you done!? Oh my god!" A tall chestnut haired male came running down the street, sweat and panic evident on his face. He was holding a broken dog leash in one hand and his phone in the other. Once he reached Wonwoo, he grabbed the dog by the collar and pulled him away from the male on the ground.
"Ga-eul, sit!" He sat down, "Good boy."
Wonwoo stood up, wincing when he applied pressure to his right foot. Yep, he definitely twisted his ankle. Great.
"I am so sorry, I was taking him for a walk then the leash snapped a-and he ran away and I've been looking for him since noon." He panted. "A-Are you okay? Do you need a doctor? I can pay for a checkup if you really—"
"I'm o-okay." Wonwoo interrupted shyly, dusting off small stones that were stuck to his clothing. He picked up his now broken glasses from the ground but forgot that his ankle was still tender. He hissed as he accidentally put pressure on it. "You're not okay, your ankle is hurt," The tall male pouted, "Where do you live? I'll take you there."
Wonwoo pointed, "It's just there you really don't have to..."
The brown haired male tied the leash into a knot around Ga-eul's collar — making sure it was fastened properly this time — then grabbed Wonwoo's arm, pulling it around his neck so he was leaning on him. Wonwoo was slightly shorter than the male which made it harder to hold onto him, so the tall male crouched down slightly.
Upon arrival, the male gave Wonwoo his number in case he needed to call a doctor, he would pay for it all.
Wonwoo stared at the number the male had typed in onto his phone's notes.
He had known this guy for less than an hour, but already felt as though he's known him his whole life. It was weird.
The male shifted uncomfortably in the awkward silence, before realising that Wonwoo was holding his broken glasses. He made a mental note to buy him new ones.
"I need to go, I'm really sorry again about... this whole thing."
Wonwoo looked at the male's face for the first time throughout their whole encounter. He couldn't see it properly since it was dark, but he appeared to be quite attractive.
"It's fine, honestly." Wonwoo gave him a half smile, recieving a full smile in return.
"My name's Mingyu by the way, I forgot to mention it." He laughs nervously.
"I'm Wonwoo."
"I'll see you around, Wonwoo!"
Mingyu waved, then ran down the road and eventually he was out of sight. Wonwoo made his way to the elevator, mind filled with thoughts of the events that just occurred.

And for some unbeknownst reason, he hoped that maybe, he'd get to see Mingyu again.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

A/N – Mingyu has finally been introduced after two chapters, sorry for the wait~
Let the story commence!

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

SOTD ; Blah — PLT

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