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A week had gone by since Wonwoo last had that encounter with Mingyu. All his wounds were healed and he ended up not needing to go to a doctor. Unfortunately, the bruise on his shoulder was still there.

Soon after Mingyu had left that night, Wonwoo rushed to his journal and wrote a few notes on him, completely forgetting about reading Jun's pages. He stiffened when he realised he didn't actually have a photo of Mingyu.
He knew he would definitely forget his face by the next day. Oh well, it's not like he was going to see him again anyway. Wonwoo also made sure to write about what happened with that dog in his other journal. It's actually kinda funny now that he looks back at it. Except now he had to use his contacts since his glasses were trampled on and he misplaced his extra pair.

It was currently a Thursday morning. Wonwoo didn't have to work at the café today, but he did have to work at the club. Which meant yet another sleepless night.
Wonwoo opened the fridge, only to discover that he had ran out of Red Bull. He opened the pantry and found a lack of ramen too. So he decided to pop into the local convenience store for food and some extra house supplies. Maybe he'd go to the park and relax there for a while too. He put on a pale oversized sweater that he paired with blue jeans and his white converses. His black satchel hung across his chest. He packed both journals in it, just in case.

Upon arriving outside the store, Wonwoo spotted a dog with a bright red collar tied up to a bike rack outside. It seemed to be waiting for its owner. He felt as though he'd seen the dog before, but quickly pushed the thought away as he stepped into the store. Wonwoo grabbed a basket and made his way to the drinks, placing three cans of Red Bull into the metal grid basket. On his way to the food aisle, he spotted a tall guy looking for something in the drinks aisle, holding what seemed to be a dog toy.
He didn't think much about it and carried on with his shopping. What did he need again?
Ah yes, ramen. He grabbed two cups for now and a pack of cookies and cream pepero before making his way to the checkout.
"That'll be ₩8,527."
Wonwoo handed the cashier the money and packed his groceries one by one into his satchel.
Wonwoo finished packing in less than a minute and turned around. It was the tall guy he'd spotted before.
"Uh, hi?"
"It's me, Mingyu!" The giant smiled.
"Next please." The cashier deadpanned.
"Oh, excuse me." Mingyu moves past Wonwoo and was in the process of paying for his items, leaving Wonwoo to wonder who the hell he was. Luckily, he brought both journals with him. He skimmed the pages of the green journal searching for a Mingyu until... ah, there he was. Wonwoo remembered now.
He was hoping he'd see him again and as fate would have it, there he was.
Unlike with other people, he actually wanted to try and be friends with Mingyu. Wonwoo had just felt drawn to him in some weird way.

Hopefully he wouldn't fuck this up.

Mingyu turned around, holding a white plastic bag and signalled for Wonwoo to follow him. They both walked out of the store.
"How have you been?" Mingyu asked, while untying his dog from the bike rack.
"I've been okay. I'm fully healed now, so... I'm o-okay."
Mingyu stands back up.
"I've been wanting to see you again."
He what?
"Yeah, I noticed you broke your glasses so I bought you new ones but..." He scratches the back of his neck, "I kinda left them at home. If you don't mind we could walk there to get them! It's not far."
Wonwoo modded eagerly. He was curious to see whereabouts Mingyu lived anyway. Not in a creepy way though.

Turns out Mingyu lived a few blocks away from him, in a house in the less shady area.
Mingyu opened the black gate and made his way to the front door, Wonwoo close behind. He observed the outside of the house and the garden while Mingyu unlocked the door.
The house was painted white with black framed windows and a black roof. The garden was average size with the lawn neatly trimmed. A blossom tree stood right in the centre with a small bench underneath it.
Mingyu opened the door and let Wonwoo in first while he shut the door behind him.

"Sorry, my house is a bit of a mess since I had to go to uni for a lecture. It ended up lasting longer than I thought, so I didn't have time to clean."
Mingyu set his shopping bag on the kitchen table.
"You go to university?"
Mingyu let Ga-eul off the leash.
"Yeah, I'm in my last year."
So he's younger than me?
Wonwoo nodded and stood awkwardly. Mingyu noticed and remembered his glasses.
"Right! I need to get your glasses, I'll be right back. You can sit down if you want." And with that, he trotted upstairs, Ga-eul following him.
Wonwoo pulled a chair from the dining room table and sat down. He hadn't even seen the whole of Mingyu's house and he could already tell it was massive compared to his shoe box apartment. He wondered what it would be like to live here.

Minutes later, Mingyu was in the kitchen with a fancy matte black case in his hand. It even had a red bow on it. Wonwoo's heart slightly fluttered at the fact that he added a bow to it. It wasn't necessary to add the bow, yet he did it anyway.
Wonwoo appreciated the little things.
He gratefully took the case and examined the bow. "The bow is cute." Wonwoo muttered, cheeks dusted a light pink.
Mingyu smiled and looked down.
Wonwoo gently took the bow off and opened the case. Inside was a pair of round lens glasses similar to the one he had broke, but this time in a light silver. Wonwoo loved them.
"I... I love it."
"Put them on, I wanna see how they look!"
Wonwoo put the glasses on and fixed his hair.
"H-How do I look?" He asked, feeling unsure of himself.
Mingyu stared at Wonwoo in awe. He was already handsome without the glasses but it was as if Wonwoo was born to wear them. They suited him so well... a little bit too well. Wonwoo reminded him of his old best friend from years ago. Unfortunately, he got into an accident and died shortly after. His heart began to ache. Mingyu looked down and frowned.
"O-Oh, I'll take them off then."
"No! You look g-great in them! It's just that, you remind me of one of my old friends. He always wore glasses like that."
"Is that... a good thing?"
Mingyu met Wonwoo's sharp dark eyes and stared into them. He was usually good at reading people just by looking into their eyes. It was like the saying, 'Eyes are the window to the soul'
But this was different.
It was as if Wonwoo had closed the windows and pulled down the blinds. He couldn't read him. Wonwoo was a mystery.

"Yeah, it is."

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

SOTD ; Lost Paradise — Pentagon

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