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Jun read everything that Wonwoo wrote. Then he read it once more.
"So, it was pretty much that Mingyu guy's fault. If he didn't yell at you, you wouldn't even be here!"
Wonwoo shook his head vigorously and switched back to his whiteboard.
'It's mostly my fault. I was ready to end it all already, but he just pushed me to do it earlier by gnawing at my insecurities. He didn't know though, don't blame him. He was just emotional.'
Jun looked away, teeth clenched. How could he protect him even after all of this? If he ever sees that Mingyu kid again, so help him, he'll murder him right on the spot. How dare he say such bullshit to his precious Wonwoo? He shook his head. He needed to make sure Mingyu stayed away from him. What if Wonwoo is successful in killing himself next time? He would never forgive himself. Not when he knows he can stop this.

"When are you gonna be dispatched?"
'In two days. They wanna observe me first.'
"Do you wanna stay at my house until you're healed?"
Wonwoo paused briefly before writing again.
'I already planned to stay at Mingyu's... maybe next time!'
Jun cursed internally. This wouldn't do.
"Right! I just remembered, Mingyu told me to tell you that you can't stay over at his anymore."
Wonwoo furrowed his brows.
"He's uh... going to have relatives come over!"
Why was Jun... lying to him? Mingyu hasn't spoken to his family ever since he moved out.
'Jun, why are you lying to me?'
Jun gulped.
"W-What do you mean?"
'Mingyu hates his family and he hasn't spoken to them for years. Why do you want me to stay at yours so bad?'
"Because Mingyu doesn't deserve you! I've seen the way he looks at you for godsake! It's obvious that he's into you! I've been into you ever since you started working at the café—" Jun stopped. Well fuck.
Wonwoo's eyes were wide with shock and his cheeks were a deep red. Mingyu was into him? Wait... Jun was into him??
The older man faceplamed himself.
"Well, I guess the secret's out." He mumbled. "I... I like you Wonwoo."
Wonwoo was torn. He did feel something around Junhui but he wasn't sure what it was. Around Mingyu he felt... alive. He felt like he could take on the whole world just because he had Mingyu by his side. He could do anything as long as Mingyu was there. Just Mingyu's presence made Wonwoo feel comforted and happy. Whenever he came into contact with Mingyu it made him feel as though he were flying through the clouds. But with Jun, he didn't feel any of that. He felt more like a child that Jun took care of.

'I'm sorry Jun, you're a really nice guy and you're the best boss I could ever ask for... but I don't feel the same...'
Jun sighed. A part of him was hoping he'd feel the same, but another part of him expected rejection. If Wonwoo liked him, he would've at least made a move by now.
"You like him right? The Mingyu kid?"
Wonwoo blushed, feeling embarrassed that Jun could see right through him.
'Yeah, I do.'

Jun nodded and left the room in silence.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

Two days passed quickly for Wonwoo. He slept throughout most of the day and spoke with Mingyu when he was awake. He hadn't heard from Jun ever since that day and he felt bad for some reason. He hoped Jun was okay.

Right now, it was early in the afternoon and they were in Mingyu's house. Wonwoo had already settled in and unpacked his things. Now they were looking for something to do.
"How about the park?"
Wonwoo shook his head. His neck brace was removed at the hospital. His neck had healed surprisingly fast on the outside but was still in the progress of healing on the inside. Therefore he wasn't allowed to speak to yet. "Helloooo? Earth to Wonwoo."
Wonwoo snapped back to reality.
He loved the park, but it was raining heavily. He wrote on his whiteboard.
'It's raining too much.'
He shook his head. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.
'How about the cat café?'
Mingyu hummed as he thought about it. Did he really want to see Jun right now? No. Would he go anyway because Wonwoo wanted to? Yes.
"Fine, let's go. I'll get us a taxi."

「 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 」;𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎 Where stories live. Discover now