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Mingyu stared in shock. He was speechless. Birthmarks aren't a rare thing but, it had the same shape and it was in the same place.
He had so many questions. How is he alive? Why doesn't he remember Mingyu? Where was he all these years?

"Mingyu, you're scaring me... say something."
Wonwoo got up from his lap and sat down cross legged facing Mingyu.
"What's wrong? Was there a bug on my neck or something?" He laughed nervously.
"No... You just— I..."
"You're... him."
Wonwoo tilted his head and stared at Mingyu in confusion before blinking slowly.
"You're Jeon Wonwoo."
"Don't you remember me? I'm Kim Mingyu. We were best friends... Then I never heard from you after the accident."

Wonwoo was even more confused now.

"How do you know about the accident?"
Mingyu stood up and ran his hands through his hair in distress.
"I was there, Wonwoo! I was there!"
Mingyu's loud voice echoed in his head.
He was... there? Wonwoo felt nauseous. Everything was happening too fast.

Mingyu paced around the room.
"You were leaving my house that day. A few minutes after you were gone, I realised you had left your beanie in my room. So I called you, but you didn't pick up.
You always picked up.
So I called again, and again. But nothing. I started panicking, so I ran to your house."
Mingyu stopped pacing and stood still facing the TV, his back to Wonwoo.
"While I was on my way there," Mingyu's voice cracked, "I saw that there was an accident that had happened up ahead. I ran towards it, praying it wasn't you. But it was. A-And you were just... laying there, lifeless. There was blood everywhere and the driver of the vehicle that hit you was standing next to you while on the phone with an operator. I could tell he was freaking out. He said that an ambulance would be arriving shortly, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. All I could do was stare at you."
Wonwoo listened intently. He didn't know any of this, he couldn't even remember it.
"Even after they put you in the ambulance and took you to the hospital. I felt nothing. I felt... empty. When I got home, I broke down. I couldn't stop crying and it felt like it was all my fault."
A tear fell down Mingyu's cheek. Wonwoo felt guilty.
"A few days later, your Mom told me that... you didn't s-survive because of the extent of the head trauma and that she was going to move away because she couldn't handle the rumours and the looks that people gave her because of what happened to you. From that point on, I..." He trailed off.
Then something unexpected happened.
Wonwoo stood up and gave Mingyu a hug.

Mingyu sinked into Wonwoo's arms and he buried his head in the crook of his neck, inhaling Wonwoo's scent. His pyjamas smelt like faint lavender while his skin smelt of a familiar sweet perfume. He was surprised Wonwoo still used the same perfume even after all these years.
He hugged Wonwoo tighter, almost engulfing Wonwoo's smaller frame with his large body.
He missed him so, so much. He was here. Alive. Mingyu swore to himself that he'd protect Wonwoo for as long as he lived.

He stepped back from the hug, eyes focused on Wonwoo's before sitting back down on the couch, the older male following suit.
"Okay, I have so many questions." Wonwoo broke the silence.
"Me too, actually."
"Okay, you first."
"If you weren't dead then, where did you go? Why didn't you let me know you were alive?"
Wonwoo let out a sigh.

He had to tell him.

"Mingyu, I... I have amnesia. I don't remember anything after the accident and weirdly enough, I don't remember how I even got into that accident. The even weirder thing is that I don't..." He paused before mumbling, "remember you either."
Wonwoo fiddled with his hands.

Mingyu was torn between feeling angry and feeling heartbroken. Over the years, he had developed severe anger issues and although he's been getting help for it, he's wasn't completely cured. And right now, his anger and sadness levels were creeping up.

「 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 」;𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎 Where stories live. Discover now