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Shortly after Mingyu gave Wonwoo his new pair of glasses, someone called 'Jihoon' rang him. He excused himself and went into Mingyu's bathroom. And yet again, he scanned through his journal to figure out who it was.
"Wonwoo, Soonyoung says he's free to take your shift and since I like him a tiny bit more than you, your forgetful ass doesn't need to come in anymore."
"O-Oh... okay, but should I come in tomo—"
"Glad you agree. Now bye."
The line disconnected.
Wonwoo wasn't particularly fond of the manager of the nightclub. He was rude, straightforward and treated him like shit ever since he made fun of his height. He should've known better. It's always the short ones that have the biggest temper.

He put his journal away and unlocked the bathroom door, making his way back to the kitchen where Mingyu was serving a bowl of kibble for his dog. He set it down on the ground and Ga-eul ate messily.
"Anything... important?" Mingyu asked, trying to make conversation.
"It was just my boss. He called to say I don't need to come into work today."
Wonwoo nodded.
Mingyu put his hand to his chin, he was lost in a whirlpool of ideas. Not before long, he grinned at the shorter male.
"I have an idea. Wait, no— several ideas."
"What's the first one?"
"The first one? Okay, so, I know we barely know each other, but it would be so cool if you had a sleepover here. Or if I slept over at yours. Whichever you feel comfortable with."
Wonwoo thought about for a few minutes. He didn't have to work at the café tomorrow. And technically, he didn't have to work at the club either so he was free. Plus, this would be a great opportunity to learn more about Mingyu and add it to his page. It was looking a little dull.
"Y'know what? Sure."
Happiness gleamed in Mingyu's eyes as he smiled widely. Wonwoo notes that his canines were kinda sharp. It was cute, actually.
"This is gonna be so fun! I haven't had a sleepover in forever! You haven't said if you wanted do it here or at yours though."
Wonwoo's apartment was definitely too small, so he went with the obvious answer.

Mingyu had given Wonwoo some money to buy snacks and drinks. He refused at first, saying that he should at least pay for snacks since he was staying in his home, but Mingyu insisted. After half an hour of insisting, Wonwoo finally gave in and took the money. (Against his will)

While he was gone, Mingyu gave his house a quick tidy. He made sure the sofa had enough pillows and blankets and he had changed the channel to Netflix. Since Wonwoo was going to go home and get some stuff, Mingyu figured he still had a while. So, he took the chance to shower.
When he arrived downstairs, his stomach grumbled loudly, reminding him that he didn't cook any food and that Wonwoo was only bringing snacks that definitely weren't going to satisfy his hunger. He had a big appetite after all. It was understandable, anyone his height most likely eats a ton too.
He opened the freezer door and looked around for anything he could pop in the oven. Luckily, there were still two pizzas left and a sack of frozen fries. Mingyu put the pizzas in the oven while he prepared the fries. Not long after, Ga-eul joins him in the kitchen and lays down underneath the dining table. He didn't know what his owner was making but oh boy, it smelt like heaven.

Minutes had gone by. The doorbell rung followed by a light knock.
Mingyu transferred the fries from the pan onto a plate and jogged to the door. He was faced with a slightly out of breath Wonwoo carrying a plastic bag full of snacks and drinks. This time he was wearing a backpack instead of his satchel.
"Sorry I took so long," He pushed his glasses up, "I had to take out my contacts and then i couldn't find the case and it was, quite literally, a mess. The line at the store was also pretty long and I forgot some stuff, so I had to go back to my apartment halfway."
Mingyu chuckled lightly at Wonwoo's forgetfulness, "It's okay, Wonwoo."
Wonwoo sniffles, "Is something burning?"
"AHH! I left the pizza in the oven, come in and lock the door."
Mingyu ran off, leaving Wonwoo to take off his shoes and replace them with slippers.
"Did it burn?"
Mingyu pulled both pizzas out of the oven. The crusts of both pizzas were black. At least the rest was still edible.
"Mingyu, the crust is literally black. I can't believe you burnt the crust," He pouted, "The crust is my favourite."
"It's not burnt, it's just... extra crispy."
Wonwoo jokingly rolled his eyes.
"What kind of pizzas did you make anyway?"
Mingyu put the newly bought drinks into the fridge and kept the snacks in the bag, returning to the counter.
"This one is a meat lovers pizza and this one is a simple four-cheese pizza. I didn't know which one you liked so I made both. I could always eat whatever you don't like."
"I'll stick with the cheese pizza."

「 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 」;𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎 Where stories live. Discover now