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Wonwoo slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the white ceiling of an unknown room. The lights were off and the room was illuminated by the natural light coming through the window.
Wonwoo tried to turn his head to the side only find out that his neck was held in place by a white neck brace.
He groaned internally. Unfortunately, he was still alive.

He tried moving his body but his muscles ached and his right hand seemed to be held down by something. Wonwoo looked down at his left hand first; there was a clear tube with a needle at the end of it taped to his hand.
He ignored it and looked at his right hand and found another hand holding onto it.

It was Mingyu's.

He had fallen asleep on the chair placed next to his bed and was leaning his head on the bed, hand firmly gripped onto his.
Wonwoo didn't know why, but his heart skipped a beat.

He squeezed Mingyu's hand, causing him to lift his head up. Some pieces of hair were sticking up but Wonwoo found it cute. Mingyu rubbed his eyes with his free hand and stared at Wonwoo, mouth agape.
"You're alive." He whispered.
Wonwoo half smiled. His smile dropped. Images of what happened flashed in his mind and he let go of Mingyu's hand. Mingyu felt a pang in his heart.
"L-Listen, I... I know that you're probably mad at me and n-never wanna see me again, but... from the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry. What I did was disgusting and I never should've done it. I never wanted it to get to this." He took a deep breath. "I guess the reason I was so mad at you and myself was because... b-because I—" Come on, Mingyu. Just tell him, you're not a pussy. "I—"
"Wonwoo!" The door slammed open and in came a worried Jun and Jihoon.

"Wonwoo, don't scare me like that! I thought you were..." He shakes the thought away. "I'm glad you're okay." He hugs Wonwoo tightly. Wonwoo puts a hand over his back.
Jihoon waits awkwardly behind until the hug is over. "When I said I liked Soonyoung better than you it didn't mean that I disliked you, Wonwoo." He mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck. "But uh, I'm glad you're alive."
Wonwoo gave him a smile. That was probably the most Jihoon would ever show his sympathy. Towards him at least.

Mingyu sat there watching this all unfold. Who were these people and why did he feel a little bit... jealous? He cleared his throat, causing all three males to glare at him.
"I-I'm Mingyu, who are you guys?"
"I'm Junhui, Wonwoo's boss."
"I'm Jihoon, also Wonwoo's boss."
Mingyu furrowed his brows in confusion.
"Cool. I guess."
Junhui glared at Mingyu a little longer than he should have. "Are you his boyfriend?"
Mingyu and Wonwoo's eyes widened. Wonwoo was about to answer but Mingyu beat him to it.
"N-No! No, uh, he's— we're just friends." Mingyu chuckled nervously.
Jun smirked subtly. Wonwoo didn't notice it but Mingyu, on the other hand, saw it and felt himself get more jealous by the second. The way his hand was laced with Wonwoo's and the way his eyes sparkled whenever he looked at him... it could only mean one thing. And Mingyu wasn't having it. He stood up, catching everyone's attention and causing them to stop mid-conversation.
"I'm gonna get some water and tell the nurse you're awake." And with that, he left the room.-

Both bosses focused their attention on Wonwoo once again. "Jeonghan is waiting outside in the waiting room with Seungcheol if you wanna talk to them. The nurse only let us in because she thought too many of us would make you anxious."
Wonwoo tried to reply, but... he couldn't for some reason. His voice came out raspy and broken. Then it clicked. He probably fucked up his throat somehow with what he did to himself.
"Hey, you need to rest your throat, write on this instead." Jun handed Wonwoo a mini whiteboard and pen from his bag.
'How did you guys even find me?'
Jihoon spoke up this time, "Well, you were supposed to be working at the club last night, but one of the doctors picked up when I called you and told me you were here. I'm friends with Jun so I knew you worked for him and called him to inform him too." Wonwoo was surprised. He never knew they knew of each other's existence. "Plus, Jun is totally whi—" Jun covered Jihoon's mouth with his hand. "We'll be going now. I'll come and visit you later! Bye!"
Wonwoo chuckled and waved as the two males left the room. Now he was all alone. Wonwoo thought back to last night's events. He remembered Mingyu coming into his apartment and calling the ambulance and he just feels so—...
Hold on.
Wonwoo remembers last night?...
Usually he forgot everything the next day.
Hold on.
Wonwoo remembered Jun and Jihoon and Mingyu. This is crazy.
Did Wonwoo have his memory back?
Could the Jeon Wonwoo, remember everything again?

Hell. Yeah.

Wonwoo smiled and his eyes started tearing up. He was so happy that he started crying. He remembers, everything. He has got to tell Mingyu.
Wonwoo remembered.
The reason he left Mingyu's house that day... it was because he had just finished telling Mingyu how he felt about him.
Now it all makes sense.
The weird attraction to him, the 'wanting to be his friend'. He remembered how he used to sit with Mingyu in the park when it was cold and windy. He would always lean his head and his shoulders while Mingyu wrapped his arm around him. It made him feel safe and cared for. No wonder it was his favourite weather. But he doubted Mingyu felt the same. If anything, he saw Wonwoo as an older brother.

Nonetheless, Wonwoo was ecstatic. He had to tell Mingyu.
Speak of the devil...
"Hey, I'm back." He closed the door behind him and set the plastic cup of water on the bedside table. "I told the nur— Are you crying? What's wrong?"
Wonwoo rubbed his eyes and beamed at Mingyu. Mingyu was confused. Were those happy tears? Wonwoo grabbed the pen and whiteboard and wrote two words.

'I remember.'

Mingyu stood still. Not quite understanding. Wonwoo made an adjustment.

'I remember. Everything.'

Mingyu gasped in shock and smiled.
"Everything? For real?"
Wonwoo nodded.
"That's... That's amazing! You remember me right? Please tell me you remember me?"

'I do, Gyu.'
Mingyu's eyes teared up at the nickname. So he did remember. Mingyu embraced Wonwoo and let out a laugh before sitting on the side of the bed.
'What's so funny?'
"I don't know, I'm just... happy. The memories we had didn't go to waste after all."
'We need to have a catch up session. I'll tell you everything.'
"I'd like that."
The both smiled at each other.
"Oh! Also, the nurse said that you'll be here for two more nights so they can observe you then they'll let you go. I was thinking... maybe you could stay at mine after? You never actually ended up sleeping over..."
'I'd like that.'
"Great! Everything will be ready by the time you come. Want me to get anything from your apartment?"
'How long am I staying for???'
"Well, I was hoping until your neck injury healed? You're gonna need help with eating and other stuff too."
Wonwoo tapped his chin with the pen. Mingyu was right.
'I have a suitcase under my bed. Just shove all my clothes in there. I don't have that many anyway.'
"Will do. I gotta go. I have a lecture at uni in an hour and I still need to stop by my house to feed Ga-eul. I'll come back soon."
'See you later, Gyu.'
Mingyu smiled, top teeth exposed. He ruffled Wonwoo's hair and left.

Shortly after, Wonwoo fell asleep again.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a figure sitting on the corner of his bed.
"Wonwoo! Did I wake you?"
Wonwoo rubbed his eyes then reached for his whiteboard and pen.
'No you didn't, Jun. But what are you doing here?'
"I already closed the café for today and I did say I would visit you again later."
'Fair enough.'
"I also... I wanted to talk."
Wonwoo's heart rate sped up, the monitor beeped faster. Talk about what? That doesn't sound good.
Jun widened his eyes at the beeping and tried to calm him down. "N-No it's not anything bad! I meant, I just wanted to know how this happened."
Wonwoo sighed in relief.
'It's a lot to write...'
Jun hummed, thinking of an alternative solution. He opened up the notes app on his iPhone. "Here, write on this, it'll be faster."
Wonwoo took the phone and started typing.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

A/N – Early Update !! I have an idea for another meanie book that I'll be starting after this one so I'll try to finish this one as soon as I can :)

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:

SOTD ; AM 4:44 — Bang Yongguk

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