Masami's Past

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*Masami POV*

“Sasuke?!” I whispered


“What do you need and why drag me into an ally.” I asked frustrated

“I need you to answer two things for me.”

“Depends on what it is.” I replied curious as to where this was going.

“First I want you to tell me your story. I’m a bit curious.”

“Sure no problem to me. But can we go somewhere else? This alley way thing isn’t working.” I told him walking out the alley.

Sasuke held my hand and walked to the Uchiha District. When we got there we took off our shoes and went to the sitting area. I was aware he was still holding my hand but it didn’t bother me. It felt almost right.

“Okay here goes.”

*Third Person*

*Flashback (Masami age 4)*

A little girl was running in the Cho District laughing and smiling. Her silver curls swayed gracefully as she ran.

“Mommy and Daddy can’t catch Masami!” Masami called out to her two parents that was jogging behind her.

After a while Masami didn’t hear footsteps so she stopped and turned around.

“Mommy? Daddy?” she said looking around for her parents.

At that moment her head started hurting and her eyes started to bleed.

“AAAHHHHHH!”she screamed closing her eyes and holding her head.

Her sudden scream made her to parents come out of hiding.

“Shhh Baby girl it’s okay.” Her mother Kikyo said whipping away the blood with a piece of cloth.

Kakashi rocked her back and forth as her mother said soothing words.

“Mommy what’s wrong with Masami eyes?”

“Open them princess.” Kikyo told her daughter.

When Masami opened her eyes a unique Chogan shined through. It was galaxy colored pupil with a purple and blue butterfly wing surrounding her eye socket.

“Sweetie you got your Chogan now.” Her mother said smiling at her.

“But Masami thought Masami couldn’t get her Chowgan until she was a bigger.”

“Little Butterfly, you’ve gained it at a young age that makes you special and a prodigy. You should be happy like you mother and I we are proud you’ve unlocked it.” Kakashi told her

“Yayyy Masami spwcial and dwiffwent!” she said clapping her hands together.

*(Masami 3 days later Age 5)*

“Mommy! Daddy! Guess what Guess What!” Masami said running and jumping into Kakashi arms.

“What is it Butterfly?”

“Today Masasmi Birthday!” The little girl said clapping.

Kikyo walked into the room and took Masami from Kakashi and gave her a kiss on the cheek.”

“How old are you today?” Kikyo asked

“Masami is this many.” She said holding up 5 fingers.

“Masami this is for the butterfly princess of the Cho clan.” Kakashi said pulling out a butterfly necklace and putting it on his daughter’s neck.

“Pwetty daddy!” Masami said kissing his cheek

“Daddy must leave to go back home I have an ANBU mission in two days sweetie.” He said kissing his daughter’s forehead and his wife’s lips for what he didn’t know would be the last time.

Kikyo put Masami down and started making hand signs “Summoning Jutsu: Hige and Selene”

Two wolves that reached up to Kikyo’s waiste and a bunch of cubs came.

“Hige and SeSe!” Masami yelled running and hugging the two wolves.

“Happy birthday young cub.” Hige said licking her cheek.

“Our gift to you will be 2 of our cubs of your choice. They will be your life partners.” SeSe told her.

“Yayy Masami get wolfies!” She said jumping up and down dancing.

During her performance two wolf cubs got up and went towards her. One dancing and one looking at her in adoration. One Cub was black with white under his body the other was blue with purple bunches here and there. (Pic in character info chapter).

Masami stopped and looked down and rubbed both of their head smiling. “Ahwww  cute wolfies can Masami have these pwease.”

The two wolves nodded and gave a wolfie grin.

“What will you name them Masami?”

“Hmmm How about Kage and Mizu?” The two cubs thought about it and nodded rubbing their head against her small legs.

*That night*

“MASAMI” Kikyo screamed panicked

“yes mama?” the little girl woke up with her two wolf cubs by her side already alert.

“Sweetie Remember I always will be with you but now mommy must protect you daddy is coming to get you.” Kikyo told her daughter giving her a hug and secrectly transferring some of her chakra to her.

“Remember YOU are the Butterfly princess. The Cho prodigy and my daughter.”she said pushing her daughter and two wolf cubs into the closet. “Mizu, Kage take care of her.” The two wolves nodded.


*Sasuke POV*

By the time Masami finished she had tears running down her cheeks. I didn’t know what else to do but bring her into a hug. I pulled her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist. She buried her face in my shirt and just cried for hours until she went to sleep.

*knock knock*

“who is it I asked getting of the sofa so I wouldn’t wake her.”


I opened the door and stood face to face with my sensei.

“Have you seen Masami?”

“Yes she’s sleep on the couch she wore herself out crying after telling me about her past.”

“Oh, okay she can stay over here if you want. I’ll bring her extra clothes later. Oh and Sasuke.”


“I see that look or admiration in your eyes when you look at her. You break her heart I break your face.”

“Umm y-y-yes sir.”

“Good.” And he poofed away.

I went back and put her back into my lap and she automatically snuggled to me and muttered “Sasuke Thanks.”

Could I be in love with a girl I just met? The daughter of my sensei. My team mate and other sensi; Masami Cho Hatake.

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