The Curse Marks

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*Masami POV*

I hit Orochimaru on the shoulder and twisted the handle of my scythe a bit releasing the poison Sasori-nii helped my create. Even if this isn’t the real Orochimaru. This poison will transfer to the real one once this clone poof away.

I released the a chuckle as the clone poofed away.

“whatssss with the laughing dearessst butterfly?” Orochimaru asked me with a snake like smirk.

“Oh nothing but my poison is effecting your body as we speak.” I said smirking deviously. The grin fell from his face which caused me to laugh even more manically. “Wolf got your tongue. It’s about time you perished. You nasty snake.”

He lunged at me with a sword drawn poised for an attack. I readied myself for the hit but a kunai flew down between us making me look up for the source.

“I finally got rid of the slimy snake now I’m here to save you.” Naruto said standing on a thick tree branch looking down at us.

“Naruto, NO GO get out of here!” Sasuke yelled at him.

He’s really starting to piss me off I’m about to catch him in a genjutsu myself.

While I was distracted Orochimaru managed to knock me into a tree. I hit my head  and I felt liquid.

“MASAMI!” Naruto and Sasuke yelled.

I saw a blur of orange rush in front of me and kick Orochimaru back.

“Masami are you okay” Sasuke called out.

‘Is it me or did Sasuke just become Sakura?’ I questioned to myself.

I looked back at the fight and  noticed Naruto had managed to knock pedo face back into a tree.

‘His motions are slowing he doesn’t have much longer.’ I though narrowing my eyes at him.

“Sasuke!” I called out. He looked at me. “I don’t date a pussy. Get your ass together and show what Uchiha’s  can do. You’re acting like Sakura! I think Sakura has been more useful than your cowardly ass.” I stopped for it to sink in then I hit him where it would hurt. “How the hell do you think you can beat Itachi if you can’t even help your girlfriend.”

I looked at his face carefully a flood of emotions washed over it. His eyes casted down. And his bangs made a shadow over his face.

I turned back in time to see an unconscious Naruto go flying towards a tree.

“Sakura help him!” I shouted.

Sakura through a Kunai at his jumpsuit successfully pinning him to a tree.

I looked back over at Orochimaru to see him breathing heavily.

’10 minutes left before snaky go night night.’ I thought.

I looked around to find little wires everywhere and Sasuke fighting Orochimaru.

Sasuke came jumping back at the tree I was on gathering me and putting me down once we were a little bit more away. He handed me the thin hairline  thread and we pulled it tight trapping Orochimaru.

We performed a few signs ending on the tiger symbol. “Fire Style: Dragon Flame jutsu!”

The flames traveled the wires and all hit their mark.

“YOU GUYS DID IT!” Sakura yelled

 I looked at the trunk more closely as the smoke cleared and noticed there was nothing there.

“You guys celebrated too quickly.” I said as snaky pedo reemerged with the skin from the body he took peeling off.

“Huh!” they yelled.

“Hmmm Ssssasuke you’re more promising than your brother. And you Massssami is surpassing your sensei.” Orochimaru made hand signs and his head came speeding towards Sasuke.

I ran and pushed Sasuke out the way and his fangs buried in my neck I let out an ear splitting scream and collapsed to the ground.

Before my vision went black  I seen Sasuke get bit and 2 more figure join us.

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