Journey to the Land of Waves

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*Third POV*

"Sakura Point A"

"Sasuke Point B"

"Masami Point C"

"......Naruto Point D"

"Naruto you got to be a little quicker." Kakashi vice came over the mics.

"Okay Team 7 get ready to advance on the tar-"

"Target has moved positions!" Masami said cutting off Kakashi.

Team 7 is capturing the Fire Lord's wife cat Tora who ran away.

"Sasuke; 5 meters"

"Sakura; 5 meters'

"Masami 5 centimeters."

"Naruto 5 meters."

"Okay GO!" Kakashi told the team

"NO Wait I hav-"Masami was unable to finish because Naruto jumped out the bushes and grabbed Tora making her scratch up his face."

"Does the target have a bow on his ear?"

"Affirmative positive identification." Masami and Sasuke said at the same time.

Masami walked up to Naruto a got Tora off his face and the cat snuggle into her arms."

"A wolfie that can tame a cat how ironic." Sasuke said to Masami smirking.

Masami simply shrugged and walked away toward the Mission room.


*Masami POV*

I stood there leaning on Sasuke while we watch the Fire Lord wife squeeze the life out of Tora."

I turned around and walk to the corner and summoned Mizu and Kage.

"Hey guys we may get a better mission want to tag along? Or are you still training with your parents?"

"We are still training but how about we go pack your bags and we'll ask while you away."

"Okay thank you." I said as they poofed away.

"Ojii-sama" I said walking back to the group.

"Yes butterfly."

"I understand that you fear the genin may not be ready. But they have to learn somehow. Can you please give them a C-rank? Otou-san and I are Jōnin, we'll take care of them." I said giving him my childish pleading look.

"Okay fine! Team 7, you will be given a C-rank escort mission."

"Yayy thanks Mimi-chan!" Naruto said hugging me causing Sasuke to glare at him and pry him off me pulling me away from Naruto.

"Naruto just shrugged and got even more excited. "So who we escorting! A princess? A Feudal Lord?"

"Calm down Naruto! Bring in our guest." Ojii-sama said

In walked an old man and he reeked of sake. "A bunch of brats are escorting me? Are they even ninja especially the short one with the stupid face."

Naruto laughed and looked around "Hey don't talk about Mimi-chan like that!" he yelled

"Actually Naruto he meant you I was hidden behind Sasuke so he couldn't see me." I told him with a stoic tone.

It took sometime but what I said finally registered in his brain. "I'm going to demolish you!" Naruto said charging for the man.

Daddy held him back saying he couldn't.

"And what about the short girl what is she a whore?" he said laugh at his on joke.

The bloodlust in the room noticeably rose. I narrowed my eyes on him.

"SASUKE HOLD HER BACK NOW!" Kakashi shouted to Sasuke.

I was a little too fast for him to stop me. I had the man up against the door of the office with my Katana at his neck. "So, I'm a whore? I suggest you keep your jokes to yourself before you be another death on my hands." I stand pressing harder against his back. "And one more thing I can kill you and you won't know you're dead until you're in the afterlife." I told him as Sasuke cautiously wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from the man.

Sakura was giving me a death glare so I turned on her. "Got something to say Banshee?  I can gladly heave you two be skeleton buddies if you wish." She looked at me in fear and hid behind Kakashi.

"Masami GO home, calm down and put on THAT outfit. And sir don't insult my daughter as you can see she can kill you before any of us move a muscle."

I disappeared into a bunch of red butterflies and got home to get ready for the mission.

*Timeskip Gates*

"Everyone is here lets go." Otou san said.

We walked for 10 minutes before Oto-san slightly nodded at me. Before I could disappear Sasuke grabbed my hand.

"Do the color of your butterflies depend on your mood?
"Yes they do good observation." I told him before pulling up my wolf mask and summoning my Katanas strapping them on my back and jumping away.

I hid my chakra and kept jumping in the trees above them. Me and oto-san felt weird chakra earlier so I went into ANBU mode which is why I wear another outfit when out on c-ranked and above missions.

I looked down to see "Oto-san" being pulled apart by the demon mist brothers. So I made my presence known. I jumped down and landed in front of a frozen Naruto. I kicked them in the face and they slid back.

I teleported behind them and grabbed them before they could catch their balance and stabbed them with a poisoned senbon. They stopped struggling and laid still. By this time Dad had made his appearance. I tied the brother to the tree and started to interrogate them.

"Who were you after?" I asked

They stayed quiet.

"So I'm guessing you don't remember me." I told them

They looked at me a visible started to shake in fear.

"You're the Deadly Butterfly."

"Yes, I am now tell me why are you here!"

"We were sent to kill the old man."

"Who sent you?"

"Gato and Zabuza!"

Hmm so I get to see Zabuza-sensei huh. This should be a fun mission.

Without looking behind me I called out. "Dad do you want me to get rid of them?"

"Yes Masami you know what to do."

"Can it be slow and painful or quick since the Genin are present?"

"Quick!" he yelled

I unsheathe my katanas and swiftly stuck it through both of the brothers' hearts. There was no screaming. They probably are just realizing they are dead.

"Fire style: Great Dragon Fire technique." I said. I concentrated chakra into the dragon shaped turning it blue so it will burn the bodies to ash.

I turned around to see the team and Tazuna looking at me I arched my eyebrow and they turned around and started walking.

This will be an interesting trip. And it just turned into a B or A rank mission.

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