chapter two: 1973

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After waking up in a rather indecent situation, which involved killing three men and stealing their car, Logan found himself parked right outside the front gate of Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

Logan almost couldn't believe it. He was in 1973. Kitty Pryde was successful in sending him back to the past. Now, Logan had to do his part of the mission: find Professor X.


Professor X was right when he said that he was a different man back in 1973. The gate to the school was in ruins, and the sign that read XAVIER'S SCHOOL had fallen off the brick wall. It was obvious to Logan that the school was not operating at this point in time. He couldn't help but wonder what led the school into this state.

Deciding that it was time to pay young Charles Xavier a visit, Logan pulled into the roundabout, effectively parking at the front door. Shutting the engine off, Logan exited the car and walked up to the front door.

Here goes nothing, Logan thought to himself, as he knocked on the door. It took a moment before someone opened the door. It was a young man, perhaps late twenties, with bright blue eyes, dark hair, and glasses. Logan didn't recognize him.

"Can I help you?" the man asked. He hid behind the door, refusing to open it up further. He was being reclusive.

"Uh, yeah. What happened to the school?" Logan asked. He was genuinely surprised how the school was in ruins. This was nothing compared to what happened to the school in the future, though.

The young man scrunched his face.

"The school's been closed for years," he said, confused as to why Logan asked. How could he not know? "Are you a parent?"

Logan scoffed. "I sure as hell hope not. Who are you?"

"I'm Hank. Hank McCoy; I look after the house now," the young man, now identified as Hank, answered.

Logan took off his sunglasses, taking a clear look at Hank McCoy, or Beast as he came to know him. How the hell could this man be Beast? Where was his stocky build and blue fur? There was no way.

"You're Beast?"

Hank's eyes widened but Logan continued, almost taunting him.

"Look at you. I guess you're a late bloomer."

Hank, evidently alarmed, denied Logan's allegations.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

Hank slammed the door but Logan caught it, pushing it back. Both men struggled against the other's strength.

"Where's the professor?" Logan demanded.

"There's no professor here," Hank furiously shook his head.

"You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid," Logan commented, attempting to distract Hank. He smiled. "Come on. Sure there's not a little Beast in there?"

"No, he's not here," Hank denied once more.

"Come on, Beastie."

"No," Hank was struggling by this point, which gave Logan the opportunity to shove the door open and walk right into the foyer.

"Hey!" Hank yelled, following the intruder. "I said the school's closed. You need to leave."

"Not until I see the professor," Logan insisted.

Hank pulled Logan back, turning him around so the two could face each other.

"There's no professor here, I told you that," Hank told him. He was getting angrier by the second. Logan sighed.

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