chapter three: sprite

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The three men found themselves in Virginia, standing at the front door to an apartment. According to the phone book Hank had found, this was where Maureen Cassidy resided.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hank had asked Logan.

"I'm sure of it," Logan replied, before ringing the doorbell. It was now or never, before one of the men ran off. It was already hard convincing Charles that they needed her, and he didn't want to give the two men a chance to run off.

It took a few moments, but someone came to the door. The young woman barely opened the door, hiding herself—similar to how Hank had answered the door at the mansion—but Logan knew who this woman was, despite her youth.

Maureen Cassidy was a rather petite woman with dark hair and gray eyes. She appeared a bit frazzled, yet very good at keeping herself together. Logan was almost taken aback by how young the matriarch of Xavier's School was. Logan knew that Maureen had gone through much by the time she had hit thirty years old, but she was very good at hiding it. Especially now.

"Hello," Maureen greeted Logan. "May I help you?"

"Yeah, actually. My name is Logan. Are you Maureen Cassidy?" Logan asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I am—Hank?" Maureen interrupted herself, eyes widening as she finally noticed her former friend. She looked back to Logan. "What are you doing here?"

"We need your help," Logan told her, before Hank could stutter a reply.

Maureen gave him a wary look. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"I know. Can we come in?"

Maureen's expression stayed the same.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Maureen said, sounding unsure. She appeared to be nervous, and Logan almost couldn't help but feel bad.

"Please, we just need to talk. We really need your help."

Maureen shook her head. By now, she had an idea of what kind of issue this was if Hank was here, and she wasn't sure if it was worth it.

"I'm sorry, I can't," Maureen said. She began to shut the door, but Logan stopped it from closing. Maureen looked at him, almost challenging him.

"Yes, actually, you can," Charles finally spoke up, appearing in her view.

Maureen's eyes widened once more. She was astonished, surprised that Charles was here. Logan could feel her emotions bubble, as she unintentionally projected them. Hank couldn't help but cringe as he saw the look on the woman's face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked her former mentor. "I told you and Hank that I did not want to talk to you until you—"

"Maureen, please, we really need your help," Logan pleaded. "I know who you are. I can prove it to you."

Maureen looked at him, before quickly glancing to the two men behind him, both wearing expressions of guilt and help. She could feel their emotions radiating off of them.

Maureen sighed, opening her front door all the way for them. Despite how she felt, she wouldn't turn away someone who needed help.


* * * * *

As Charles and Hank sat down on the couch, Logan opted to stand and look around in the living room. He found himself staring at a few pictures that were framed, either hanging on the wall or on the fire mantle.

The first picture Logan noticed was one of two people: husband and wife. The mutant picked it up, studying it. Logan recognized who it was immediately. This was Maureen and her husband, back in 1965 if Logan remembered correctly. Logan had to admit, Maureen Cassidy looked stunning in her dress. She looked happy, with the love of her life.

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