chapter four: quicksilver

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If you had asked Maureen Cassidy, she could not believe the situation she had put herself in.

Maureen was having an ordinary day. She had the day off from work, meaning she could get some housework done as she was able to spend time with her daughter. She had been busy tidying up her room when she heard the doorbell ring. She had debated on answering, but something within her told her to see who it was.

When Maureen had opened the door, she saw a man of average height. He had said his name was Logan and that he needed his help...but he wasn't the only one there.

Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy, two men she had cut from her life, were standing right behind him. She glared at them both, ignoring how they were feeling. She had told them to never speak to her again, yet here they were. Logan had asked if they could speak and Maureen wanted to refuse but something within her told her to not shun them away. After all, Maureen never denied help to least not before hearing them out.

Maureen had let the men inside, letting them sit in her living room as she went to get them something to drink, ever the hostess. When Maureen returned, she noticed that while Hank and Charles sat down, Logan had opted to study her home. He was looking at the pictures she had.

After a quick banter with the man, everyone had sat down while Logan told her that he knew her. She had asked him to prove it, and he had mentioned that she could get premonitions. Then he mentioned her daughter and her abilities. He mentioned her father, and that's when Maureen shut it down.

"Don't you dare mention him," Maureen had said. She knew her voice was tight with emotion. It didn't matter how long ago it was. Being reminded of him hurt.

Logan, this stranger, seemed puzzled. When he had asked what happened, Maureen focused all of her bubbling wrath at Charles.

"Why don't you ask him?"

Maureen had stomped out of the room, fury evident. She had gone back into the kitchen, rinsing her cup out. To distract herself, Maureen had begun washes dishes, something she had yet to do that day. While she made herself busy, she felt a new presence in the room.


Out of the two men, Hank was the one Maureen was less angry with. She was more disappointed in him. He had become an enabler to Charles. Sure, it was good that their former mentor was no longer in pain, but at what cost? Now, he was a washed-up junkie...a shadow of his former self. That was another reason why Maureen ceased contact with them...although, her husband's death definitely topped at number one.

At first, Maureen refused Hank's company, but gradually welcomed it when he didn't try to apologize for Charles. He had asked about Alex, who was still in Vietnam last she heard. Then he asked about Maureen herself but then...then he told her what was happening. Why Logan had been sent back to the past.

It was horrific, from what Hank had told her. It was even worse when Maureen saw what was happening in the future...what was happening to her daughter. Her little Maeve risking her life. That was when Maureen knew that she had to help.

This landed Maureen in her current situation: Logan driving her, her daughter, Charles, and Hank to the Maximoff residence. Maureen almost wanted to laugh at Logan when he told her that they needed Peter. Why did they need him?

"We need Erik," Logan had told her back at her apartment. "He and Charles sent me back together."

That's when Maureen began to piece it together. The Maximoff boy was incredibly fast. He could get them in and out in no time...and the fact that Maureen's family was friends with his...well, it made more sense why they had sought her out as well. She knew him, and Peter never really trusts anyone outside of his family.

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