Aslan's How

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//If you love something, fight for it//

Narnians were led by Caspian and Peter throught the forest. They were taking them to How. Amelia was walking in silence, looking where she is going so she doesn't bump into anyone.

"Hello." She jumps a little at the new voice beside her. She looks to her left and notices Lucy and Edmund. She notices that Lucy is holding Edmund tightly under his arm. 

"I'm sorry if i scared you, that wasn't what I've meaned to do. I'm-" Lucy starts but Amelia smiles and cuts her off. "Queen Lucy and King Edmund." Lucy smiles and Edmund blushes a little. 

"Yes. You're Princess Amelia, Caspian is your brother, right?" Lucy asks and Amelia nods again. She looks in front of her, at her brother. 

"Unfortently, yes." Lucy frowns. "Why is that?" Amelia chuckles. "He always leaves me behind because he thinks I can't take care of myself. He's too overprotective, even if most of the time I save his back." Lucy laughs and Edmund chuckles. 

"Well, that does sound familiar to me." Lucy says glancing at her brother who made a face. "Hey, it's not on me to deacide that, you know Peter's in charge!" Lucy rises her eyebrow. "You always agree with him!" Edmunt wanted to say something, but he tripped over and fell on his face. Amelia laughs and stops next to him. Lucy laughs also, but she winks at Amelia.

"I'm leaving the two of you." And she walks off. Amelia was still laughing as she reached her hand out to him. Then she notice that Edmund is starring at her in awe. "Are you okay?" He looks at her hand and holds it getting up. He chuckles cleaning himself off.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." She laughs more and notices some leafes in his hair. "You sure?" She asks reaching for them and Edmund froze in place. She took it out and leaved it on the ground. He still looks at Amelia like someone paralyzed him. He smiles a little. "Yeah."She then notice that he's still holding her hand. He notices it too and pulls it out blushing a little.

"I uh. Thank you." She starts walking and he follows. "You're welcome, my King." He looks at her laughing. "Noble of you, dear princess." She blushes and chuckles looking at the ground. Soon they saw How in front of them. 

"What is that?" Edmund asks in awe. Amelia smiles at him as he glances at her. "You'll see very soon." Looking at him, she realizes how handsome Edmund is actually. Entire time they were togheter he was nothing but sweet to her whole time. She smiles to herself realizing that she maybe has a little crush on the dark haired Pevensie. Finally they're in front of it.

Centaurs stand on either side of the entrance and raise their swords. Caspian and Amelia stops and lets the Pevensies go first. They enter the How and find Narnians making weapons.

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." Caspian says as Pevensies are looking around. Amelia spots Susan near the hallway. Amelia smirks knowing what she will find out. "Peter, you may want to see this." Caspian gives them torches, but Amelia just walks next to him so she has enough light.

The Pevensies, carrying torches, look at the carvings on the walls, which show them as kings and queens. "It's us." Susan says looking at them. Lucy turns to Caspian. "What is this place?" Amelia frowns. "You don't know?" She asks. Pevensies look like they are memory wiped and Amelia looks at Caspian. They exchange looks. 

Caspian picks up a torch and leads them down a dark tunnel. At the end, he lights a fire and it spreads around the room, revealing carvings of Narnians and Aslan... and the cracked Stone Table. Lucy looks at the carving of Aslan and slowly walks forward. She turns back. 

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