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~You'll come back, when it's over~

The Narnians triumphantly enter the castle. Fireworks areset off. Amelia and everyone else are fresh and in royal suits. Amelia looks beautiful with two little braids which were connecting in the middle of the hair. She had a beautiful blue dress in which was easy to move arround.

The night was full of singing and dancing. Caspian was happily looking around the people which were now both Narnian and human. Amelia smiled at her brother who came to her taking her hand in his. He walked to the other kings and queens. The people arround them started dancing in pair. Caspian smiled and took out his hand to Susan. She eyed it and took it. They go away to dance. Peter smiles at Lucy bowing and taking his hand out. She just giggled and took it. the four of them were dancing on the floor while Ed and Amelia silently stood there watching them

Suddenly he turns to her smiling. "Would you do me an honour?" Amelia blushes looking at the floor. "I uh.. I don't really know how to dance." She whispers. He chuckles, one hand arround her waist while the other took her's. 

"Just follow me." He huskly says in her ear. Her other hand went on his shoulder. Slowly they start to dance and Amelia catched up with him. She looks at their feet while following him. He chuckles. "Eyes on me Amelia." She looks up frowning. "What if I stand on your foot?" He smiles cheekly.

"Then don't." She rolls her eyes as he spins her. When he catches her back he pulls her closer and their lips are just milimeters away. "Amelia, I'm in love with you." Amelia's heart pumped faster when he said it again. She smiles feeling like she was on cloud 9. "Ed, I'm in love with you too."


In the morning, outside the castle, all the Telmarine people and the Narnians have gathered. The Kings and Queens stood there looking at the people. Amelia was between Ed and Caspian. Caspian stood out to say something. 

" Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it does toman. Any Telmarnies who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to. And for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our fore fathers."  A Telmarine Lord spoke out. "It has been generations since we left Telmar." 

Aslan stands out. " We are not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors weresea-faring brigands, pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world, the same world as our kings andqueens." He looks over Pevensies. " It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start." 

There was silence between everyone. Then sudenlly Glozelle standed out. " I‟ll go. I will accept the offer." He looks at Caspian and Amelia who gave him a respectfull nod. "So will we." It was their aunt. Prunaprimsia, carrying her baby, and another Telmarine Lord follow Glozelle and stand before Aslan. 

" Because you have spoken first, your future in that world will be good." Aslan breathes on them, and then the tree behind Caspian twists, forming a round opening. They walk through the door in the air... and vanish from sight. The people gasp. One of Telmarines spoke. "How do we know he is not leading us to our deaths?!" Reep turns to Aslan. " Sire, if my example can be of any service, I will take eleven mice though with no delay."

Peter and Susan look at each other. Aslan looks over atthem. Peter steps forward. "We'll go." Peter says and something has sunk inside of Amelia. She looks at Caspian who also had sad expression. "We will?" Ed asks him, full of shock as he glances at Amelia. " Come on. Our time‟s up." Peter walks over to Caspian and offers his sword.

" Afer all, we‟re not really needed here anymore." Caspian takes the sword. " I will look after it until your return." Susan sadly smiles. "  I‟m afraid that‟s just it. ... We‟re not coming back." Amelia's heart sunk more. " We‟re not?" Lucy asks in the edge of the tears. " You two are." Peter says looking at Ed and Lucy, then at Aslan.  " At least, I think he means you to."

Lucy looks at Aslan. " But why? Did they do something wrong?" Aslan shakes his head. " Quite the opposite, dear one. But all things havetheir time. Your brother and sister have learned what theycan from this world. Now it‟s time for them to live intheir own."

Peter takes Lucy by her shoulders. " It‟s alright, Lu. It‟s not how I thought it wouldbe, but it‟s alright. One day you‟ll see too. Come on."

Susan was the first who walked over Amelia and hugged her. "Thank you for everything." Susan says as Amelia already had tears in her eyes. "Thank you Susan for making my brother happy." Susan looks at her. "You made mine happy also." They nod to each other and next thing, Amelia was churshed in hug by Lucy. She was already crying and that made Amelia cry more.

"I'll miss you so much." Lucy says. " Amelia sadly smiles at her. "I will think about you every day Lu, how fearless you were. Keep and eye on Ed for me, alright?" With that words more tears came and the two of them hugged for last time there. Peter walks over her and gives her tight hug. "Take care, Queen Amelia. Stay out of the trouble." Amelia nods. "You too King Peter. Don't you dare to forget me." Peter laughs at her and she swore that there were tears in his eyes. "Would never think of that." 

Finally Ed walks to Amelia and they stare at each other for a second. Then she starts to cry and Ed moves closer wiping her tears away. He had soft smile on his lips. "I-...I don't want to say goodbye Ed. I love you so much." They close their eyes as they put their foreheads togheter. "This isn't goodbye love. Always let your memories grow stronger and stronger 'til they'rebefore your eyes. Remember the day when you called us. Remember the first look we shared. I feel in love with you second when I saw you. The first kiss we shared. The first I love you. I love you Amelia. You are the Queen of my heart and you will always be. I'll come back when you call me, There's no need to say goodbye. I love you." For the last time there, their lips connected.

Amelia pulled back to see his face once again. Ed got something from his pocket. It was a golden ring. He took her hand and slided it on her hand as she cried more. "This is my promise. Think of me every time you see the ring." Amelia cries more and reaches for the necklace around her neck which her mother gave to her. She gives it to him. "And this is my promise Ed." He smiles softly stroking her cheek. Finally, he has to walk away. Amelia stands next to Caspian and Aslan.

 Edmund, Peter, Susan,and last of all Lucy start walking away. Lucy turns arround to look at Aslan and Ed turns to look at Amelia.

And just in a second, they are here, but in another one, they are gone.

Untill the next visit to Narnia, Amelia will wait for Ed.

Even if it will be forever.

Even if it will be forever

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