The Night Raid

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//The life of dead is placed in the memory of the living//

 A griffin flies in,carrying Edmund and Amelia. They land on top of a tower, out of sight of a soldier who stands guard. He looks up, and sees nothing. Then, the griffin grabs him and pulls him up. Edmund jumps down and helps Amelia. He uses his electric torch to signalthe others. Peter, Susan, and Caspian, carried by griffins,fly in and land. Caspian flies low and kills a soldier on the way. Another soldier notices Edmund's signals and aims his crossbow. Susan shoots him. They land and Peter kills a Telmarine soldier. 

Amelia looks out for some soldier and she realizes that they're alone on the top. She sighs leaning on the wall, Edmund on the other side of her. For some time they are silent, but then Amelia feels Edmund's gaze at her. She looks at him and he smiles. She returns small smile.

"I'm sorry. For Peter." He suddenly says. Amelia sighs. "It is not your fault that he is a.. Uh, that he is full of himself." He smiles looking at the floor.

"But still, it wasn't right of him to tell you that." He starts to play with his light torch. Amelia walks next to him leaning just few centimeters away from him. "It's okay, I am a princess. There is no way for me becoming anything more, only if I marry Lord or King." She sadly looks at the floor in front of her.

"What's wrong with that?" Edmund asks she looks at him. "Ed, I want to marry someone that I will love." She stops frowning. "Princess always has to marry someone who will get peace to kingdom. Well, that's what Nanny was  teaching me always. She would always tell me to ack like  a lady, wars and swords are not for lady. But I would always ask her how about Queen Susan and Queen Lucy. They fought for Narnia. She would tell me to stop live in fairytales." Edmund softly smiles at her.

"She would fall back if she could see that you actually are here." She chuckles and Ed looks at her like she was the only girl in the world right here and right now in front of his eyes.

"They were so wrong." Ed says. Amelia looks up at him with wonder. " Amelia, my sisters are Queens but are not married. You are the most bravest, most strongest and most beautiful lady that I have seen. You do what is right every time that is needed. You have right to marry whoever you want. You are Queen to me."

Amelia blushed a little when distance between them became smaller, but they heard a scream and both jumped.  Edmund accidentally drops his electric torch. It falls onto a lower tower. A soldier picks it up, andaccidentally turns it on. The light beam shines high intothe sky.

Ed and Amelia look at each other. "Stay here." He says and jumps down on the soldier. Bells sound, and theTelmarine soldiers start waking up. Amelia groans. "I knew this would happen!" She looks at Peter, Susan and Caspian openning the gates.

She opens her eyes in horror. "They will slaughter everyone." Amelia looks down at Edmund. He  keeps shaking his torch, trying to get it to work. Finally, the torch turns on, and Edmund flashes it. The Narnians charge past Peter, Susan, and Caspian. They draw their weapons, and run to join the battle.  A Telmarine with a crossbow aims at Peter. Edmund slides down and knocks the soldier over. Amelia notices the others turn to him. She takes a rock just when Peter alarms him.

Amelia turns to soldiers and charges it to the soldiers and it hits on of them and they got a little distrackted. "Ed run!" She screams  and he dives into a room and kicks the door shut just in time. Now the soldiers turn towards her and start shooting. She duck down and someone falls behind her. She sees another soldier who she didn't notice came behind her. More of them are coming and she looks somewhere to go. She looks down and see one of the soldiers coming where Ed landed on the first one.

She breaths fast and runs jumping down on him so he got her landing safer. He struggles getting her off, but she knockes him off eventually. She turns to see more of them coming with swords out. She takes the sword from the knocked guy and hers. Each in one hand, they fly around a little.

"Let's dance, shall we boys?" They charge at her while she lets a battle cry fighting them off. She kills some and jumps on the wall of the castle. Shooters noticed her and she looks between them and the swords man. They all aim at her and at the last moment she jumps to her left so arrows hit the swordmen. She runs to the doors and enters the castle. Soon she crashes into someone. It was one of the maids. They look in horror at each other.

"Princess? That's really you?" The maid asks. "Yes, but listen it's all Miraz-" Maid catches her hand and pulls her into one of the rooms as soldiers run past them. "I know. Come here, I have something to give you lady Amelia." Maid pulls her to her mothers old room. Amelia got sad by that, but keeps on following her. Maid looks through the things and finally gives her necklace. 

"Your mother said to me to give it to you when you are old enough. Now run my lady, and save yourself! Come back and save us!" Amelia hugs her and lets out a little tear. "Thank you Maid." She runs off and gets on the up of the castle. She blocks the door with the soldiers sword. Amelia looks at the beautiful necklace.

She puts it around her neck and looks down. It was all a mess. The gate starts closing. Asterius runs over and holds the gate open. "Fall back! Retreat!" Peter runs around telling all the Narnians to retreat. Glenstorm swings Susan onto his back on the way out. "Caspian!" She screams and Amelia notices her brother is nowhere to be found. Finally, Caspian and Cornelius emerge, with Caspian holding thereigns of an extra horse. Peter kicks a soldier, jumps ontothe horse. They got out on the safe. Amelia hears the soldiers banging on the doors she pulls back looking around for the griffin, but they were nowhere on sight.

They finally broke and pointed their swords at her. There was too much of them and only her. Then she heard a clapping of wings and she took a step back hoping they would catch her. Suddenly, someone was holding her. Griffin and Ed was on his back. He helped her up and they flies over the castle and surveysthe carnage. Amelia closed her eyes feeling the tears coming from her eyes as she leaned on Edmund.

Half of the Narnians were gone.

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