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//You feel like home to me//

In the morning, everything was as other days. Everyone just getting ready for taking back Narnia. Amelia and Edmund were walking side to side talking and enjoying their company. She smiles at him remembering last night. She has spended it in happines as they shared their first kiss. For her it was perfect. 

Suddenly they hear some noise. Amelia frowns looking towards the forest Edmund follows her gaze. They stood there when they heard war drums. They look at each other in horror. "We have to get Peter and Caspian." Amelia whisper and Edmund agrees.  "You get your brother, I'll get mine." He says and runs off, Amelia does too.  

She saw Caspian on top of the rock with Cornelius. "Caspian, you need to see this!"

They run out in front and meet the rest of the company. They see the Telmarine army approaching.Miraz, in full armor, rides to the front. The look of terror was on everyone's faces as they looked at them.


In the Stone Table room, the Narnians make plans. Trumpkin was the one of the first to argue because of the plan they've got for Lucy. "Cakes and kettledrums! That‟s your next big plan?Sending a little girl alone into the darkest parts of theforest alone?" Peter sighs looking at him. "It‟s our only chance." Susan smiles at her little sister holding her shoulder. "And she won‟t be alone." Trumpkin still didn't like that and continued to argue. "Haven‟t enough of us died already?" 

"Nikabrik was my friend too, but he losthope. Queen Lucy hasn‟t. And neither have I." Trufflehunter cut in. Few of the voices cheered for Aslan. Amelia thought about Nikabrik. Something was off about him the whole time. Trumpkin wanted to go with Lucy, but Peter didn't let him. They needed everyone to hold off the Miraz's army, and for the first time Amelia agreed with him.

She then frowns and looks over Peter. "If I may..." She takes a step closer and everyone looked at her. "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer. But as king,he is subject to the traditions and expectations of hispeople. There is one in particular that may buy us sometime." Peter frowns and shakes his head.

"How can you tell?" He says turning around but Amelia walks over to him and turns him to her. "Listen up here your majesty, sadly he is a king and me as a princess know that he is too proud to go against tradition, if he goes he would fall in eyes of the people and that's not what a king wants to happen. He wants to be a perfect ruler and he will do anything to move any threat out of his way. We are now threat. And guess what, he's coming for us and he will try to erase every last Narnian who didn't deserve this pain and war! You will now write him a messafe to buy us some time as a King, and you will challenge him in battle combat to buy us time."

Peter stood there in awe as did everyone else. He looks over Edmund. "Give me paper."


Edmund, Glenstorm, Wimbleweather and Amelia, walk across thebattlefield carrying green branches. Amelia was clenching her jaw as Edmund glanced at her. He held his hand out and she took it. They smiled at each other. She knew that she can do this with him by her side. Glenstorm and Wimbleweather stood in front of the tent as Edmund and Amelia went in.

Edmund took the paper out as he starts to read.

 "I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, byelection and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of CairParavel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order toprevent the abominable effusion of blood, do herebychallenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the fieldof battle. The fight shall be to the death. The rewardshall be total surrender." Edmund rolls up the scroll.

Miraz eyes them both frm head to toe. "Tell me, Prince Edmund—" Ed cuts him off. "King." 

Miraz frowns and looks taken back. "Pardon?" Edmund looks at Miraz with cold face. "It‟s King Edmund actually. Just king though. Peteris the High King. I know, it‟s confusing." Amelia couldn't help the smirk on her lips.

" Why would we risk such a proposal when our armycould wipe you out by nightfall?" Amelia rises her eyebrow at that and wanted to flame up, but Ed was calm. "Haven‟t you already underestimated our numbers?Only a week ago, Narnians were extinct." Amelia didn't understand how he could be so calm and that made her love him more. He calmed her just with his voice. 

"And so you will be again." Amelia smiled and finally spoke. "Then you should have little to fear." Miraz laughs at that. " This is not a question of bravery." He says looking at Amelia. " So you‟re bravely refusing to fight a swordsmanhalf your age?" Miraz was again taken back. "I didn‟t say I refused." 

Loeds noticed that Amelia and Edmund were mocking him. The two of them enjoyed that. One of the lord spoke. "You shall have our support, your majesty,whatever your decision." Miraz was starring at him. "Sire, our military advantage aloneallows us the perfect excuse to avoid—"

Miraz stands up and draws his sword out. "I am not avoiding anything!" Sopespian looks down. "I am merely pointing out that my lord is wellwithin his rights to refuse." Glozzele looks at the princess and notices that they have something in their mind. He turns to Miraz. "His majesty would never refuse. He relishes thechance to show his people the bravery of their new king."

Miraz points his sword at Edmund. " You had better hope your brother‟s sword provessharper." Edmund and Amelia smiles. Miraz then points his sword at Amelia. "And you better be ready when I kill you and all of your friends." Amelia now smiled and could feel Edmund getting angry so she took his hand.

"I will greet the death like an old friend. And I'll die knowing the person who killed my parents." Amelia pulls Edmund's hand and they leave his tent.

When they were by the Aslan's How, Edmund took Amelia in hug and they both relaxed. In each other arms. "You've been strong there." He whispers in her hair. "It was because of you."

They looked at each other and shared another kiss full of love.

Our Narnian Love Adventure //Edmund Pevensie//Where stories live. Discover now