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//Falling in love with you//

 The army,led by Peter and Caspian, return. Amelia was next to Susan and Edmund. She sees Lucy running out with worry on her look. "What happened?" She asks and Peter didn't even glanced at Caspian while he spat under his breath. "Ask him. " Amelia sighed knowing what will happen so she walked over Caspian. "Peter." Amelia heard Susan.

" Me? You could have called it off. There was still time." Caspian barked and Amelia catched his hand. "Caspian, why don't we calm a little out?" But she was ignored again. "No there wasn‟t thanks to you. If you‟d kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now." 

Amelia sighs when Peter said that. "And, if you‟d just stayed here like I suggested,they definitely would be!" She tried to pull Caspian off, but he didn't budge. Peter looks directly at Caspian.

"You called us, remember?" Amelia had it enough. "No, actually I called you! And don't make me regret it, we can do this but togheter please!" Peter now finally looks at her with angry and frustated look. "Hey, it's not my fault that your brother went psycho mood when he heard that your uncle killed your parents!"

Amelia felt like someone slapped her in face and she took a step back. She went pale and she looks between Caspian and Peter. "What?" She whispers, but is quickly forgotten.

"You know, our first mistake was calling you."  Caspian said. Peter turns to him glaring. "No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." Amelia took even more steps back feeling a pain in her chest. She cuts off all other voices as she looks at the ground. She reaches and holds the necklace she got.

She goes back to the world when Caspian and Peter drew their swords out. "Stop it!" She looks to Edmund. Glenstorm sets down an injured Trumpkin. Lucy runs over and gives him a drop from her cordial. He opens his eyes.

"What are you all standing around for? The Telmarines will be here soon enough." Amelia managed to smile a little at the dwarf, but soon sad was again across her face and tears were treathing to fall out. Peter rushed into the How. Caspian finally turns to her and when he sees her teary eyes look of heartbrake was across his face. 

"Amelia." He softly whispered, but she shakes her head and runs towards on of the horses getting on him and riding it away. "Amelia!" Caspian yelled, but she ignored when she got into the forest. Hot tears were streaming down her face as she rode even further, but then horse stopped and she fell down on her knees, crying her soul out.

"Why?" She whispers clenching her chest. "My lady?" She hears behind her and turns to see Reepicheep there.

"Reep, what are you doing here?" She asks turning around and wiping her tears. She hates when someone sees her crying. Reep walks in front of her and takes her hands.

"I came after you. No one needs to be alone after he heard such horrible news. I am so sorry for what happened to your family. King Peter had no right to say such horrible thing." Amelia looks at ground.

"Don't be, it's not your fault. I just feel so.." She starts crying again and Reepicheep gets closer so he wipes her tears. "Do not weep, my lady. The ones who did that will pay for their crimes! You will see when you take back what is yours." Amelia smiles at him. "Thank you Reep, you are a good friend." Reep smiled at her. 

"Anytime, princess. Shall we go back now? Your brother is sick worried and so is King Edmund. He was the one who actually wanted to come, but they needed him there." Amelia smiles at that.

"Ed wanted to come after me?" Reep sighs rolling his eyes and climbing Amelia's shoulder. "Uh, young love. Now come on and let's rush back to them!" Amelia chuckles getting on the horse and going back to the How. She gets off the horse and enters the How. She looks for everyone, but they are nowhere to be found.

"Maybe the room of Aslan, my lady?" Reep says and she nods walking there. She sees Susan and walks next to her just when Edmund said "I know. You had it sorted." To Peter and he walks off, but stops when he saw Amelia. Reep smiles leaning to her. "Now is your chance, go and talk to him." Reep jumps down running away. Amelia nods to Edmund to follow her and she walks off. She heard him following her.

Edmund grasps her hand and pulls her towards him. He huggs her. She breaths in and huggs him back. He pulls her closer if that was even possible. "Do not do something like that again. Okay?" She nods and he kisses her temple and she blushes. They look at each other and Ed takes her by her hand and nods to some way. "Come." He whispers and they walk out. There was some of Narnians getting ready and getting practice. It was already a night. Edmund pulls Amelia to clearing and pulls her to the ground. They look up to see stars. They still held hands.

"Do you want to talk about where did you disappeared when we were at the castle? I went back to place where I left you and you weren't there. I didn't know that I could be so scared in my whole life, but I was. Then when I saw you on the tower I was so happy that you are okay." Amelia glances at him and notice that he's already looking at her.

"Well, I was attacked after I saved you from crossbows. Then I got into castle and the Maid found me and she gave me this." Amelia rises the necklace she got. "This was my mothers." Ed smiles at her and grips her hand. She looks up at him.

"You really were so scared?" Edmund nods looking up at the sky. "Why?" She looks up at the beautiful stars. There was a little moment of silence and she felt Edmund gaze is fixed on her. 

"Because I think I'm falling in love with you." Amelia looks at him and gives him softly smile. "I think I'm falling in love with you too." Edmund gives her soft smile. He sits up and she follows. They pull closer to each other and Edmund glances at her lips. He puts his hand on her cheek. "May I?" He asks softly and Amelia smiles.

Finally, they shared a soft kiss.

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