Part 6

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"I don't want to see you suffer anymore."

Jungkook sat down on the floor, and scooted back away from everyone else. It shocked everyone. Their hearts all broke. He kept scooting until he met the wall, his head buried in his arms.
"Jungkookie......" Jimin said, watching as jungkook continued to sob his heart out. They all stood not knowing what to do. They'd seen him cry a lot over the past few days, but this was the most he'd broken down in front of them. Tae went to go help him before Jimin stopped him.
"Let's just give him some space, tae." Jimin whispered with an arm in front of him. And so they all stood, watching their kookie break down, not knowing what to do.

After a minute or so of violent and relentless sobbing, suddenly he stops. He takes a few shallow breaths, before his arms fall limp, and he slowly falls to the side. Jimin quickly runs to him, calling his name, and everyone else follows.

"Jungkook! Jungkook?" Jimin says, panicked, gently shaking jungkook. They all heard gentle groans coming from him along with short, laboured breaths.
"What's happening to him?" Tae said, sounding like he's on the edge of tears.
"It's ok everyone, let's just move him to the couch or something." Namjoon says.
Jimin picks him up bridal style and pushes past everyone to the couch. He places him down gently, and jungkook curls up, softly crying.
"What do you think happened?" Jimin asks, sitting on the floor in front of him.
"I don't know, I guess it was just too much for him. School and practice, along with all he's been going through. It must have taken its toll on him." Namjoon replies, with a sad sigh.
"What should we do?" Jimin says sadly, carefully stroking Jungkook's hair.
"I don't know... I guess just wait it out and let him rest." Namjoon said, sitting next to Jimin on the floor.

After sitting with him for a few minutes he starts to wake up, memories of what was happening before he passed out flooding his mind. He starts crying again, but Jimin quickly stops him.
"Kookie, kookie it's ok, please just- breathe." Jimin says, holding Jungkook by his shoulders. But Jungkook doesn't listen.

"No I need- I need to go." Jungkook said, struggling out of Jimin's grip. Everyone was terrified. What was happening to jungkook? It seemed almost as if he was out of his mind. As soon as jungkook escaped jimins grasp he ran to his bedroom and slammed the door.
"Should we leave him?" Jimin asked sheepishly.
"No, he needs help. He just passed out! If we leave him to cry his eyes out again he'll pass out again. Probably worse. We need to stop this before it gets worse." Namjoon says standing up. Jimin and the others went to go follow him before he stopped them.
"Look, I know you all want to be able to help him too, but, just for now, let me sort this out. Then we can go from there." Namjoon says guiltily. This all started from the two of them talking and leaving the others out, but right now there was no other way to solve this. They all sighed sadly and stepped back, letting their trust worthy leader take over.

Namjoon didn't knock, and just carefully opened the door and saw jungkook, curled up in a ball on his bed, still sobbing his heart out.
"Jungkook... I'm here. No one else is here. It's just us two. Now can you please calm down and tell me what's wrong? We hate seeing you like this." Namjoon states sympathetically, resting a hand on his back.
"S-s-s-s-s-s-" Jungkook stutters so much he can't get the word out "-s-s-s....SORRY!!" He says with a loud cry. It hits Namjoon straight in the heart, his insides clenching painfully. Something was seriously wrong. Namjoon couldn't help but let his own tears fall. He wanted to help this kid so badly... but nothing was working. Everything was just getting worse. If he had never mentioned about talking to everyone, none of this would have happened.

"Jungkook, please calm down..." Namjoon says with a shaky voice, it's getting frustrating. Its so hard seeing their maknae in a state like this. "You need to calm down so you can tell me what's wrong so I can help, yeah?" Tears spill out of his eyes too, accompanies with sniffs. He'd stayed strong til now, but this was his limit. At the end of the day, he's just barely an adult. He's still a kid himself. How is he meant to deal with this as if he's a fully grown man?

"G-g-g-g-GO AWAY!" Jungkook shouts. The members outside can hear it to. It causes jimin to breakdown too. What is happening to our kookie?
Namjoon knew it wasn't just coming from the place of an angsty teenager just wanting to be alone. Those words held more than that. There was more meaning behind it.
"I'm sorry Jungkook, I can't leave you. Not like this. I just want to help you. Now will you please calm down and let me help you?"

Jin was now holding a crying Jimin, trying his best to comfort him. In reality they were all deeply hurt by the conversation they heard through the cheap this walls of their dorm. Even Yoongi had retreated to his own room to hide away and cry in peace. Unfortunately, his room was right next to Jungkooks.

Jungkook's sobs got weaker and weaker as he felt the tiredness taking over again. Namjoon saw his previously scrunched hands and face relax as he fell into darkness again.
"No. No Jungkook, stay with me...please..." Namjoon meekly muttered, shaking the boy's shoulders.

The room went silent as everyone outside heard the sobs quieten, and they were wondering what had happened. Had Jungkook finally calmed down, or had he passed out again?

"Jungkook! Jungkook?" Namjoon keeps trying to wake him up. He's worried they may end up having to go to desperate lengths. Eventually he sees Jungkooks eyes open, and he quickly sits Jungkook up and calls for one of the members to get some water and food for him. Before long Jimin walks in with a water bottle and a small snack. Namjoon opened the bottle and helped Jungkook drink some of it. He held Jungkook up by his chest and back, while Jungkooks head hung low, sniffing periodically. Jimin kneeled in front of him, and pushed the hair out of his face with sad eyes.
"...why are you doing this?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath.
"What do you mean, kookie?" Jimin says, his hands resting on Jungkooks thighs.
"Why don't you hate me?" Jungkook mumbled again, still feeling exhausted.
"Jungkook....what are you on about? Why would we ever hate you?" Jimin replies, full of worry.
"I ignored all of you. How can you still like me if I ignored all of you? You must hate me." Jungkook said, his voice trembling between sniffs.
"Jungkook..." Jimin chuckles slightly. "It's ok, we don't hate you. You've been going through so much recently, we understand. We know that it probably felt intimidating to talk to all of us about something so big. We completely understand. We just want you to know that we are here for you too. That you can talk to us too. We want to know what's going on in your life too, because we're a team. We all love you soooooo much, ok?" Jungkook was now crying even more, sobbing after hearing Jimins sweet words. He felt a new type of emotion. Instead of hopelessness, he felt hope. He felt a warmth building in his heart, feeling the love from all his hyungs around him. He reached out and hugged Jimin tightly, never wanting to let go, and whispered "thank you hyung."

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Namjoon asked, handing Jungkook a tissue. They had moved into the living room once jungkook had calmed down, and everyone was gathered around in a homely fashion.
"I just wanted to say that I told my teacher about it." Jungkook said, using the tissue to wipe away remaining tears.
"Ok, and did it go well?" Namjoon asked.
"Yeah, I think she's going to tell the headteacher, so maybe that will help." Jungkook said, softly nodding.

Jungkook looked up at the clock and panicked.
"We should be at practice!!" Jungkook said, about to stand up before Namjoon stopped him.
"Woahwoah, don't worry, we cancelled practice today. No way are you going to practice. You too tired and stressed. You need a break." Namjoon said, chuckling to himself.
"No I'm fine. We need to practice! It's nearly our debut, we need to be practicing!" Jungkook insisted. Jimin chuckled to himself.
"You're definitely not fine! You just passed out! Twice!"
"I did?! W-...when?" Jungkook says, shocked but shy. Everyone chuckled to themselves at the cute maknae.
"Don't worry about that. Just relax and enjoy the break while it lasts." Jimin says with a soft smile.

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