Part 22

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They all perked up, and had to stop themselves from clambering all over him.
"Y-yes Jungkook. It's us. Hyungs are here." Jin said, holding his hand a little tighter.
"W-w-w-w-what h-h-h-h-h-happened...t-t-t-to m-m-me?" Jungkook stuttered out.
"You don't remember?" Namjoon asks, standing at the end of the bed.
"I-I-I-I-I... r-r-r-Remember.... j-j-j-j-j-j-j-j-Jihoon...." he stuttered out, a single tear sliding down his cheek.
"I'm so sorry Jungkook, that that happened to you." Namjoon said, his voice wavering.
"W-w-w-what h-h-h-h-h-happened t-t-to h-h-him?" Jungkook asked, feeling very fatigued.
"I'm sorry kookie I don't know. But if they still kept him at that school after what he did to you, then I think it's safe to say you're never going back to that school again." Namjoon said, very certainly. Kookie just let out a sigh, feeling to exhausted to respond.

~a few weeks later~

Kookie was still in hospital, however he was doing much better. He's internal bleeding had stopped, and he was able to walk around now. But it's safe to say as far as his mental health goes, it's like he's taken one step forward and two steps back. In a different direction. Now he felt a constant feeling of anxiety. He already did before, but now it felt so much worse. Every moment he felt like he was in fear of his life. It was suffocating. He was having full blown panic attacks several times a day. It was exhausting to say the least. And all the panicked breathing didn't help his wounds to heal. He's popped several stitches during his panic attacks. That definitely made the scarring much worse. He would be living with those scars for the rest of his life, no doubt about it. That didn't help his self confidence, that's for sure.
All of them made sure to visit him everyday, for as long as possible, but unfortunately they still had to continue with work, ready for when Jungkook is ready to work again, though at this rate, it doesn't seem like it would be any time soon.
They were all visiting, but they noticed, Jungkook was especially quiet today. He wasn't usually the loudest, but he would join in their conversations usually. But today, whenever they asked him a question, he would just shrug. He looked distant, staring off into space all the time. All of them saw what was coming, and they weren't looking forward to it. Last time Jungkook was this quiet and distant, he spiralled into a horrible panic attack, he couldn't breathe in the slightest, he was having hallucinations of Jihoon attacking him again, and he ended up passing out from the lack of oxygen. It scared everyone. Jin dismissed himself to "go to the bathroom" but in reality he went to go find Jungkooks doctor. He knew something wasn't right, and he needed to make sure they could stop this panic attack from happening, or at least stop it from escalating as far as last time. He wondered through the halls anxiously, wanting to find this doctor before Jungkook spiralled, with just the other 5 in there with him.

Finally, he bumped into him.
"Doctor! I'm sorry to bother you, but Jungkook's being really quiet today. We think he might have another bad panic attack. Is there any way you can help us stop it before it happens?" Jin pleads.
"Unfortunately no. But I can try and stop it from getting bad, but you can't really stop a panic attack. If you start to notice him spiralling just press the call button and we'll be there as soon as possible, ok?"
"Thank you doc." Jin said, ready to dash back and make sure everything was ok.
"No problem."

Jin got back at lightning speed, and was glad to see that everything was calm. Well, as calm as it could be. Jungkook was still staring into space though. Jin wanted to keep quiet about it. Not wanting to point it out incase it sent him into the inevitable panic attack, but unfortunately for him, Yoongi spoke before he did.
"You're rather quiet today kookie. Is something up?" Yoongi asked carefully. Jungkook continued to stare at nothing, and just shook his head.
"Are you sure? You know you have to tell us if somethings wrong. That way we can help you and avoid things going out of control." Yoongi said, bracing himself for an explosion. But it didn't happen. Jungkook just sniffed, and everyone looked on fearfully. Was he going into another panic attack? Surprisingly no. It wasn't a panic attack per se. But it wasn't fun, nonetheless.

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