Part 12

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"Ok Jungkook do you wanna sleep now?" The nurse said, taking back his phone, and Jungkook nodded.
"Ok, you can go into the bathroom to get changed but I have to stay in here while you sleep." Jungkook nodded again, more apprehensively this time. It seemed kinda weird sleeping in a new room with a complete stranger. Jungkook grabbed some pyjamas out of the bag he packed and went to the bathroom.

Should I? I have a chance. He knelt down in front of the toilet, and took a breath before shoving two fingers down his throat. He vomited, again louder than expected, and was met with the nurse bursting in.
"I thought I told you Jungkook, we don't do that here." She said softly. Jungkook came up with a plan to get away with it.
"I didn't do anything. I just suddenly felt sick." He said, his voice shaky, he even managed to squeeze a tear out.
"Hmmm I don't know if I can trust you." The nurse says with a playful smile. "But I guess I'll trust you for now. I'll grab some emesis bowls and call a doctor to check on you. Just get changed for now." Shoot. Of course it wasn't a good idea. Jungkook nodded and the nurse left and closed the door behind her. Jungkook got changed and listened carefully. Just as he heard the door to his room open again he shoved two fingers down his throat and vomited again, just in time for the nurse to get back. She sat down beside him, rubbing his back gently. Jungkook sits back and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Do you feel any better Jungkook?" She asks, and Jungkook nods.
"Y-Yeah a bit."
"Ok, let's go lay down and the doctor should be here soon." Jungkook was nervous for that. It would be revealed that he was faking it all. He needed to find a way to convince the doctor he was ill. But he had no time anymore, because before he knew it he was laying in his bed. There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in.
"So what can I do for ya?" He says.
"Jungkook here is claiming to be sick. I just want some clarification that he actually is sick and not just using it as an excuse." The nurse says, giving Jungkook the side eye. Jungkook was getting nervous.
"Ok, I'll just do a few tests ok?" Jungkook nodded and gulped nervously. The doctor swung the stethoscope from around his neck and listened to Jungkooks heart. It was beating rather fast. Obviously cause he's nervous, right? The doctor also took his temperature, and to everyone's surprise, it was slightly high. The doctor then felt his stomach, which was tender from all it had been through recently.
"Well it does seem like he could be ill." The doctor says. The nurse sighs.
"Ok Jungkook, I believe you." She says, sitting on the side of the bed.
"Just get some rest and it should go away. If it gets worse just call me back." The doctor says before leaving.
"Get some sleep Jungkook. I'll be right here if you need me." The nurse said, gently rubbing his stomach over the blanket, before getting up and sitting on the other bed in the room, her bed. Jungkook sighed, laying on his side and closed his eyes. Then he remembered something.
"C-c-can we turn the lights off?" He asks sheepishly.
"Oh of course! Sorry." The nurse says, getting up and switching the light off, and gets a little reading light for herself. Jungkook relaxes into the bed, and drifts off to sleep.

He's woken up to the light of the sun shining through the curtains. His eyes peel open and he looks around, and sees that he's alone in the room. Where's the nurse? Isn't She meant to be here? He gets out of bed, and looks around. No ones there.

He decides to just get changed and have a shower, since no one else is here to say otherwise. He goes into the bathroom and gets unchanged, and just as he's about to step into the shower he remembers the bandages on his arm. He'd have to take them off. Then he hears someone calling his name from outside. His eyes widen as he hurriedly wraps a towel around himself and opens the door.
"Oh there you are! You nearly gave me heart attack!" The nurse says with a big sigh.
"S-sorry I woke up and you weren't there." Jungkook says, guiltily.
"That's ok, as long as you didn't do anything. Were you about to have a shower? Sorry I came at an awkward time."
"Y-yeah, uhh what should I do about the bandages?" Jungkook asks, holding his arms out.
"Oh uhh, I can just take them off for you. Will you be ok without them for a bit?" She asks, and jungkook nods hesitantly. He wasn't really sure. "I can put water resistant bandages on them if you want?" She suggests, and jungkook nods.
"Ok, just wait for a second while I go get them. I'll be back in a second."

She gets back with the bandages and changes them for him, before leaving to let him have a shower. He got through the shower fine and came out with wet hair, and changed into a comfy T-shirt and sweatpants.
"Ok?" The nurse asked simply, and jungkook nodded, placing his pyjamas on his bed.
"Ok let's go get you some breakfast." She says, opening the door. Jungkook wonders if maybe he should stick to his narrative of feeling ill, so he can get out of breakfast.
"Umm, I still feel a little ill... I don't know if I can eat." He tries. The nurse gives him a look.
"If you're trying to make excuses, it won't work. I'm going to get you breakfast and you will eat it. If you really can't eat anymore then you can stop. But you should know that we're not that easy to convince here. We're here to help you. And that includes helping you eat healthily. So please don't go trying to make excuses jungkook, cause it's not gonna work." Jungkook started blushing. He felt so embarrassed. They all see right through him here.
"Last night was an excuse wasn't it?" She says with a sigh. Jungkook nods, looking down at the floor. He feels a tightness in his chest, and can't help but start sobbing. He felt so guilty. He shouldn't have lied. The nurse walks over and sits him on the edge of the bed.
"Jungkook, it's ok. I'm not mad. I just want to help you, and we all know that letting these excuses pass is not gonna help." The nurse says, sitting next to him with a hand on his back.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have lied." Jungkook said shakily.
"It's ok Jungkook. We all make mistakes. I forgive you. Just don't do it again ok? It's perfectly fine. It happens all the time." She replies, rubbing his back. Out of nowhere, Jungkook reaches his arms out and hugs her, and she hugs him back. She's the only person there for him right now. He just needed comfort, and she was the only person here for him to hug. The nurse understood that and happily hugged him back.

They stayed that way for a while, until Jungkook finally calmed down, though he definitely didn't feel better.
"Do you feel any better now?" The nurse asked, expecting the answer to be yes.
"No. I feel worse." Jungkook said, with a monotone voice. The numbness had come back. The nurse sighed.
"Well, let's just get some breakfast, and then the doctor will come and see you and do assessments and stuff. I know you don't feel good but you just have to push through for me. Alright? I won't leave your side." She said, a hand on his shoulder. Jungkook just nods, following her to the cafeteria. He sits down and waits for the nurse to get back with his breakfast and someone comes and sits down next to him.
"Hi." She says, simply, with an awkward smile.
"Hi." Jungkook says, back, barely even looking at her.
"What are you here for?" She asks, with a sweet voice.
"Huh?... what do you mean?" Jungkook asks sheepishly.
"Y'know, why are you here? What happened to make you come here?" She reiterated.
"Oh uuhhh. It's kinda a long story. I'm here for... lots of things. I'm very...messed up." Jungkook says, chuckling slightly.
"You can say that again. You and me both."
"What are you here for?" Jungkook asked, finally looking at her.
"Same as you. Many things. Mainly diabulimia though." She says, shuffling in her seat.
"Oh, what's that?" Jungkook asked.
"Basically it's when if you're diabetic and you don't take insulin. It's a good way to lose a lot of weight fast while still eating a lot, but it's not healthy. So that's why I'm here. Along with other stuff of course." She says, poking at the food that was placed in front of her. "You been here long?" She asks.
"No, I only arrived yesterday, after... yeah. I guess you could say I had a little breakdown of sorts, so... they brought me here." Jungkook replied, also poking at the food that was now placed in front of him.
"Eat it please jungkook." The nurse says, noticing him poking at it. Jungkook sighs and obeys.
"Oh, so your names jungkook!" The girl says. "Mines Seohyun!" Jungkook just nods and hums, taking another mouthful of food.
"Why've you got those bandages on your arms?" She asks. Just as jungkook is about to answer her, the nurse interrupts him.
"Don't answer that jungkook. Don't giver her ideas." Jungkook just looks down before turning to her and saying "I think you can guess why..." she went quiet, nodding and went back to her food.
"...I hope you can break the habit soon." She mumbles. Jungkook just nods taking another mouthful. They eat in silence for a bit, until she speaks up again.
"How old are you?" Jungkook looks up, with a mouthful.
"Uuhhh, 15." He responds, his cheeks stuffed cutely.
"Oh! You're really young! I'm 20..." She says. "What's it like to be here so young? Is it hard?" She asked softly.
"Yeah, but I guess I'm kinda used to being away, since I live away from my parents."
"Why do you live away from your parents?!" She asks, shocked.
"Uhh... I'm an idol. Part of a rookie group. We just debuted a month ago." He says awkwardly.
"Oh. Well I wish you good luck. Maybe one day you'll be super successful and I can see you on tv and say 'I knew that kid'." She says with a chuckle.
"Haha yeah.... maybe."

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