Part 8

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Jungkooks first day back at school after his debut. It was scary. It felt strange. He wasn't just a trainee anymore. He was an idol. But did his classmates see him that way.

As he walked down the hall all he could see was people laughing and pointing at their phones. Whether they were watching his debut videos or not, his brain interpreted it that way. His breathing increase along with his speed as he started pacing down the hallway, faster and faster until he forcefully slammed the door to the boys bathroom open. He barged into a stall, locked it, and sat down on a closed toilet lid, breathing heavily, his hands gripping his hair tightly. He pulled on his hair, clenching his jaw with anger. Why can't they just treat me like one of them. I am one of them.

He heard the door to the bathroom open, and his breathing suddenly stopped. He held his breath, shaking with fear, praying that they'd get out soon so he could breathe again. He started getting dizzy, but he wasn't going to let out a single breath. Not when other people are in there. They'll hear it and think he's some weirdo holding his breath in a toilet stall. He started feeling weak, his eyes beginning to close, but he didn't give in. He didn't let out a single breath, until he heard the door open again, and footsteps getting further away. Only when he knew the coast was clear, did he finally let out his breath, in one big loud puff. He regained his breath, his vision going fuzzy for a moment until he finally recovered. He kept taking deep breaths until they finally slowed down, and he picked up his bag and left the stall. He walked through the hallway, now empty after everyone had gone to class. Jungkook stood nervously outside the classroom door. If he came in late, all eyes would be on him. He didn't need that right now. Instead he sat against the wall by the door, Carefully listening to everything the teacher said, making notes in his notebook. It was a good system. Being in a lesson without really being there.

But then he had a different problem to face. When everyone leaves and sees him there. They'll ask him why he didn't come in. Before he had time to think about it, they were already flooding out of the classroom, giving him stares. Until he came out. He looked down at Jungkook, chuckled, and roughly grabbed his shirt, pulling him up.
"Think you're too good for class now do you? Idiot. No more dream? Ha, what's that meant to be about. I thought you were an idol group not a motivational speaker group. We are bulletproof? You better be. Cause next time I see your scrawny little face I'm gonna beat it to shreds." He said violently, pushing Jungkook back against the wall before walking off, his two sidekicks walking off behind him while giving Jungkook the stare. Jungkook shakily whimpered and wiped away a few tears that were about to escape. He shuffled a little to the right towards the door and peeked in to see his teacher at her desk. If only they had been just a little to the right. Then maybe she would've caught them.

He reached out to the door handle with shaky hands, and was about to open it when someone purposefully pushed past him. He was so deep in his mind that he didn't see it coming and ended up falling to the floor. It hurt his hip a lot, but he just got up and limped to the door, opening it with shaky hands and limping towards the teacher.
"Jungkook! Are you ok?" The teacher asks, standing up immediately and walking towards him. Something about that question always made him break. He shook his head with tearful eyes, holding his hip with one hand.
"Here, Cmon let's sit down, I'll help you." She says, having noticed his limp.
"Are you hurt?" She asked, knowing the answer already. Jungkook just nodded, still holding his hip and sitting awkwardly on the other one.
"Is it your hip?" She knew Jungkook probably wouldn't speak, so asked all the questions. He nodded again.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" She asks, wanting to be sure. Jungkook shakes his head.
"Do you want to go to the nurse? It must be pretty bad if you're limping considering your usual high pain tolerance." Jungkook thinks about it for a bit, before relaxing and sitting normally in his seat and shook his head. He wasn't really hurting that much. That's when he realised he was subconsciously doing it for attention.
"Are you sure?" The teacher made sure. Jungkook nodded.
"Did they do this to you?" She asked gently. Jungkook nodded and said "s-someone pushed p-past me and I-I fell." The teacher gave a sympathetic look and glanced down, only to notice Jungkooks ruffled uniform.
"How did this happen?" She asked, pointing at the scrunched fabric of his shirt.
"I-I-I-I-I-it was j-j-jihoon (I just chose a random name I'm not meaning to target any idols 💜)....h-he...did it." Jungkook stuttered out, as he flattened his shirt out. The teacher hummed with concern. She knew Jihoon well, and knew that he was no stranger to trouble. He was rather stuck-up and cocky. It wasn't much of a surprise to hear that it was Jihoon's fault.
"He's the worst one." Jungkook says, his voice trembling. "They all make fun of me and push me but... he's the worst. He pushes me harder. He punches me and kicks me. None of the others have hurt me that badly. He's the one who leaves me with all these painful bruises. He's the one who hurts me the most." Jungkook said, surprisingly without stuttering.

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