•John Shelby•

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Dainty wisps of steam rise from the scalding bay depths of the coffee cup, weaving and dancing- as if two people upon a ballroom floor, steadily fading away into the muted hustle of the coffee shop. You sit on a battered leather arm chair in the corner of the shop, staring mindlessly out of the big window beside you, completely uninterested in your coffee- or anything else for that matter.

How could you be interested in anything? How could you be when your entire world has been turned upside down in three words?

After weeks of feeling ill you'd managed to sneak out of the watchful eyes of the Shelby family to go to the doctors, you didn't want to worry them, or your husband John. They have begun to notice that something isn't quite right with you, and you cannot bear the thought of them interrogating you. So, you decided if you knew what's wrong with you, you could hide it all the better.

Except, being pregnant cannot be hidden forever.

Quite frankly, you're terrified, you've only been married to John for six months, the topic of a child hasn't even been broached. You do not know if he will want what is inevitably growing within you, this knew and fragile life. That's why you're sat here, ultimately avoiding the dreaded conversation ahead. John's probably going out of his mind right now, it would not surprise you if half of Birmingham is looking for you, after all, you'd left the house this morning before John had awoke, and left no note for him as you usually did.

You pick up your coffee off of the table, bringing it to your lips you sip it tentatively, allowing the warm liquid to sooth you slightly. You should probably head home soon, you'll have to face John eventually, he's bound to be mad at your disappearance, you just hope he's not mad about the news you have to tell him...

You stick your key in the lock of your front door, turning it and opening the door; the house is quiet, maybe John has gone out, maybe he's out on business with his brothers, maybe you'll have some time to prepare yourself. You take off your jacket, hanging it on the hook by the door before heading towards the kitchen.

When you open the kitchen door your heart lurches into your throat, sat around the dining table is the entirety of the Shelby family, looking at you with concern and anger in their eyes. You gulp, hoping to somehow get rid of the lump that has formed in your throat preventing you from speaking.

"Where the hell have you been?!" John's raised voice cuts like a knife through the thick silence that has settled in the room, he stands from his chair- almost knocking it over with sheer force. Your eyes meet his, a pure burning rage eminent within the eyes you had fallen for, no sign of the gentle man you had come to know, you quickly avert your gaze, allowing your eyes to scan over the other people in the room, all looking expectantly for an explanation.

"I-I" you stutter, but cannot find any words, John moves towards you, his stalking gait setting you on edge, "You what?" His voice is low and full of anger as he stares down at you, you just stare back at him, tears beginning to well in your eyes. "Tell me Y/N, what exactly have you been doing today? Tell me why you've been acting funny? Is there someone else?" He seethes, causing you to take a step away from him, your waist hitting the kitchen surfaces making you wince.

"H-how could you think that John? How could you think that there'd be anyone else when I only have eyes for you?" You croak as the tears finally spill down your cheeks. "YOU TELL ME Y/N! I'M NOT THE ONE SNEAKING AROUND AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY!" John bellows causing you to flinch as a sob wracks through your body, Polly stands now, "that's quite enough John" she warns him, but he's engulfed by his own anger and worry, he gets closer to you, you have nowhere to escape to and can only cower as he traps you against the countertops.

"I'M PREGNANT! Okay? I'm pregnant" you cry out in terror, hiding your face in your hands.

A thick silence settles over the room like a blanket, you feel like you're choking on air as your body shakes uncontrollably. A pair of hands gently place themselves on your wrists, slowly pulling your hands away from your face, John looks down at you tears in his eyes as his thumbs wipe away yours. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He whispers, his hands now cupping your face, you stare up at him trying to figure out how he feels, "I only found out properly today, I was at the doctors, I just didn't want to worry you about nothing" your voice is barely audible despite the silence.

John's lips collide with your own in a deep and loving kiss, when you pull apart he engulfs you in a hug, spinning you around in what can only be described as pure, undiluted joy. "We're having a baby" he grins at you, he then turns to the rest of the family who have only been able to sit and watch, "we're having a baby!" He exclaims before they all erupt into joyous applause, each of them coming to congratulate you both with hugs.

You're laid in bed waiting for John to join you, thankful that today ended up being better than you could have hoped- despite the drama.

John climbs into the bed beside you, kissing you before moving down to your still mostly flat stomach, he places his hands on it, moving so his lips are almost touching your skin "hey there tiny, I'm your daddy and I just wanted to let you know that I will always be here to love and protect you and your wonderful mummy. I love her so much so don't you go causing too much trouble in there" he whispers before kissing your stomach.

You can't help but stare at him in awe, "I love you" you say stroking his hair, John looks up at you, "I love more than anything in the world

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