•Alfie Solomons•

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A/N: A part 2 to my last piece for Alfie. Xx

Alfie trudges through the hallways of the Shelby's building, his eyes scanning over the various people shuffling around doing their work, looking for you. He's here for a meeting with Tommy, but all he wishes to do is find you, apologise and explain why he behaved the way he did when you were in London. He wants you. Ever since you left like a ghost fading into the early morning fog, he hasn't been able to get you off his mind, despite his best efforts to distract himself.

How someone as perfect as you could come from somewhere as grim as Small Heath is baffling to him, nobody he's seen since meeting you can compare. He finds his mind wandering to you far too often, the smell of your perfume, the curve of your smile. It's stupid, he shouldn't be this bothered by you. But he is.

Alfie reaches the solid oak door to Tommy's office, knowing his focus is already wavering, he cannot be arsed with this. Not when there's somebody more important to see in Birmingham. He doesn't bother to knock, instead he invites himself into the room where Tommy sits behind his desk, paying little attention to his entrance as he reads through the morning paper. "Hello Alfie, take a seat" Tommy speaks as he glances up at Alfie, "alright then" Alfie's reply is gruff and fed up. He slumps down into one of the two seats in front of Tommy's desk, rolling his eyes at Tommy's lack of urgency to start the meeting.

You meander towards the building that has become like a second home to you, taking your time despite being late for a meeting with your brother Tommy. Maybe he should try holding meetings at more reasonable times of the day, not first thing in the morning.

You're in a rather good mood, despite having to be up so early on what is supposed to be your day off. The sun cuts between the many buildings, illuminating your skin to the point that you look almost ethereal to those who pass you by. Your soft smirk and the relaxed sway in your walk doing enough to cover the persistent feeling of heartache that has plagued you since that fateful night in London. It's over and done with now, you just need to remember that.

You stroll into Tommy's office as if you're not half an hour late, an innocent smile plastered on your face. Your smile soon falters when you see Alfie sitting opposite Tommy, your eyes meeting with his for an agonisingly long moment. You plaster the smile back onto your face, hoping that Tommy hasn't noticed.

"So what do you want? Are you forgetting it's my day off?" You ask in a bored tone, leaning against the doorframe. Tommy looks at you, shaking his head in mild amusement, he can never be mad at you. "Better late than never Y/N, take a seat" he motions to the chair beside Alfie, and you can feel your stomach twist into knots, if only you could leave.

You approach the seat, slowly placing yourself in it before crossing one leg over the other, doing your best to seem bored. "I'll save the formalities and cut straight to the business, since you've already met my sister, Alfie" Tommy's voice strikes like a punch to the gut, you dare not to look at Alfie's reaction upon finding out that you're a Shelby, you can already sense the shock.

The meeting ends and you can't get out of the room quick enough, get away from him quick enough. You're out of the door like a lightning bolt, knowing exactly where you need to go to drown out the heartache and stress.

You're halfway to The Garrison when you're pushed down an alleyway, the scent of his musky cologne and cigarettes filling your nostrils. You lean against the wall, forcing your eyes to meet his, a million emotions flashing through them like horses on a racetrack. "So, when were you going to tell me?" His tone is low and unsettlingly calm, you look at him for a long moment before sighing. "What does it matter? It's not like there's anything going on between us" you will ice into your voice, although it physically pains you to say those words out loud. A flash of hurt crosses Alfie's face, your words a curt reminder of how he fucked up.

He takes a step closer to you, looking down upon your perfect face, into those deep E/C eyes that he could get lost in if not careful. You don't move, your breath catching in your throat as those stupid butterflies erupt in your stomach. His hand gently cups your cheek, his thumb tracing your cheek bone. "Is that what you want? For there to be nothing between us?" His voice is husky, it's taking all of his self control not to lean down and kiss you.

You want so badly to say that you do want there to be something, to be with him, but you can't help the thought that you'd just end up being a trophy piece for the ego that you saw back in London. "But which version of you would I be with?" You ask so quietly that you're not sure if he's heard you, his hand remains against your cheek, his thumb moving to run across your lips. "All of me, the ugly parts and the good" he finally answers after what feels like forever, taking a step away from you, his hand dropping to his side. You feel the absence of his warm touch and you hate how empty it makes you feel. "I'm a bad man Y/N, you should know that my line of work makes people build their barriers, all I have to offer you is my love, if you want it" his words echo in your ears, you know deep within your heart what your decision is, you have since the moment you met him.

You move towards him, leaning up so you can hold his face in your hands, your skin feels like the finest silk to Alfie, his heart thundering in his chest as he waits for your response. Dreads your response. You finally close the gap between the two of you, your lips connecting with Alfie's in a tender kiss. It doesn't take him long to respond, his hands moving to grip your waist. Despite wanting to remain that way for a lifetime, you have to pull away to catch your breath.

"I love you Alfie, ugly bits as well" you whisper, a smile as bright as the sun breaks across Alfie's face as he captures your lips with his once more.

"I love you Y/N"

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