•Finn Shelby•

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AN: I know it's a short one, but I hope you'll agree that's it's sweet- a bit of a contrast to my usually miserable pieces. Enjoy!"

It's a warm autumn evening, you sit reading your favourite book, curled in the comfort of the couch; cross legged with your hair thrown up in a messy bun as you had scraped it impatiently out of the way moments ago, little strands of wispy hair falling around your face.

The smell of food cooking infiltrates your nostrils, as the clatter of your mother pottering around in the kitchen preparing your tea echoes in your ears. Your stomach rumbles in response to the appetising smells drifting throughout the house. You place the book down on the sofa, succumbing to the temptation to see what's cooking- more to see what you can snack on.

You trudge into the kitchen, finding a batch of fresh cookies cooling beside the oven, "don't even think about it Y/N" your mother warns, sensing your presence. "I don't know what you're talking about" you play dumb as you grab a couple of cookies from the tray, scampering back off into the living room before she can protest. You've just shoved one of the cookies into your mouth when a knock reverberates from the front door. "Y/N please get that!" You hear from the kitchen, you hum a response, unable to speak due to your mouth being full.

You open the door, your neighbour Finn standing at the other side. You can't help but blush as you force yourself to chew quicker, embarrassed to look so scruffy in front of the handsome boy. "Erm Hi Y/N" Finn speaks scratching the back of his neck, you finally manage to swallow your cookie, "Hi Finn, how can I help?" You speak quietly, always finding yourself shy around him. "Oh- uh... Polly's sent me to ask your mum for her chicken pie recipe, she's trying to cook again..." he stutters his response, pulling a face at the idea of having to eat his aunt Pol's cooking. You giggle at him, stepping back so he can come inside, "come on in, I'll just go get her to write it down for you".

You walk into the kitchen, "Finn's here asking for your chicken pie recipe, could you write it down for him?" You ask your mum, she turns from washing the pots with a smirk, wiping her hands on her apron, "oh is he? Such a lovely boy, you two would look cute together" she speaks as she scribbles down the recipe on a piece of paper. "Mum!" You half-heartedly protest embarrassed at her words, yet flattered that she thinks so. It's a moment later when she hands the sheet over to you. You stroll back into the hallway, Finn smiling at you as you approach. "Here you go, just as she makes it" you speak, holding out the piece of paper to him, he reaches to grab it, missing and instead grasping your hand.
Your head shoots up, eyes meeting Finn's own, and for a moment you both linger there, unable to say or do anything. You swear you can feel sparks shooting up your fingers, by the look in Finn's eyes you know that he feels it too.

You don't even realise it's happening, but you both begin to move closer, faces barely inches apart. You move up onto the tips of your toes, your lips ghosting over Finn's, he moves in closer so your lips connect fully. Your arms instinctively move around his neck, deepening the kiss. A minute later you pull apart, cheeks burning, a big grin playing on your lips. "I- I Um..." Finn stutters, still flustered from the kiss, you lean up and kiss his cheek, "I should get- erm- I should get going..." he finally manages to get his words out. "Okay... I'll see you around then" you reply quietly, watching as he walks out onto the street.

You're about to close the door when an idea strikes you. Running out onto the street, not caring in the slightest about your scruffy appearance you call out "Finn!". He turns to you, his hands in his pockets with that schoolboy smile on his face, he can't help but think that you're the most beautiful girl in the world. "Yeah?" He speaks loudly, walking back towards you, longing to kiss you again, to let everyone in Small Heath know that you're unofficially his. You watch him, taking in all of his ruggedly handsome features, for a moment forgetting what you were going to say.

"Oh! I... would you like to stay for tea? Mum always makes too much for the two of us..." you stumble over your words, loving and hating the effect the boy has on you. Finn's smile widens, "I'd love to" he stayed as his hand entwines with your own. The both of you stepping back into your house.

A wonderful relationship begging to blossom between the two of you.

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