•Finn Shelby•

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A/N: @MxShelbyx So here's part one! Thank you so much for your request and I can't apologise enough for the delay, I just want to do justice to the idea! I hope you enjoy it x

It's a warm summer afternoon as you wander down the streets of Small Heath, the sun high in the sky with not even a cloud for company. You're heading to the the bakery not far away from where you live, running typical errands for your mother as you usually do at the weekend.

A soft smile curves your lips and brightens your face, happy to be out in the beautiful weather. Every person you pass mirrors your expression, that sweet smile on your beautiful face infectious to all who catch sight of you. The laughter of young children playing in the streets around you fills your ears, and you find yourself thinking of how lucky you are to live in such a vibrantly alive place. No it's not fancy, far from it, it doesn't scream decadence, and the people are far from perfect, but it's your home and you wouldn't change it for the world.

You walk through the door of the bakery, the bell above chiming to alert the owner of your presence. You breathe in the appetising scent of freshly baked bread and pastries, feeling your stomach rumble in response. The owner of the shop, an older lady with kind eyes, enters out of the back room, smiling when she sees you. "Hello Y/N, what can I get for you today?" She asks as you make your way over to look at the vast array of pastries on display. If only you could have them all. It's probably a good job your mother only gave you enough for the bread and your weekend treat, otherwise you'd probably be too big to move. "Hi Glynis, I'll have a loaf of white bread and... two of the strawberry tarts please" you ask her politely, with a nod of her head she turns to get your items for you, while you stand wishing you could devour the tarts before you get home, pretending to your mother that there was nothing worth having. You're a terrible liar though, especially when your mother would know that you not wanting a sweet treat would be as rare as seeing unicorns.

Glynis hands to the paper bag with your items in, you hand her the money telling her to keep the change before heading for the door. You've barely exited the the shop before the force of another body sends you and your food hurtling towards the pavement. You sit on the floor dazed for a moment, paying no attention the the handsome boy stood over you with guilt written all over his face. You look beside you and see that your pastries have made home in a gutter puddle, your heart sinking at the sight. "I am so sorry!" The boy apologised finally bringing your attention to him. You look over him, a blush creeping over your cheeks, "it's okay, my food took more of a battering than me" you half chuckle, although inside you could throttle him for the loss of your prized goods.

The boy holds out a hand to help you up, you take it tentatively, swearing that sparks run through you at the contact. He pulls you up and for moment you're only mere inches away from him. You cough slightly, taking a step back, "I am really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, let me get you some more things?" He splutters, his own cheeks turning pink as he finds himself nervous in front of such a beautiful girl. "It's fine really, you don't have to do that" you try to console but he shakes his head in response, "I'd like you, I'm Finn, by the way" "thank you Finn, I'm Y/N" you respond, the both of you heading back into the bakery.

You hadn't imagined that you'd end up spending the next hour wandering back through Small Heath talking to Finn, but it seems like you're both magnets unable to draw yourselves away from each other. He's so incredibly funny and sweet and the more you get to know about him, the more you want to know.

It's like some act of fate that you met Finn, like something out of a book or movie. What had been a mere accident has turned into a blooming relationship, something so magical and precious that all you want to do is nurture and protect it. You can't imagine a life without Finn now, not after the late night meetings with only a billion diamond stars to bare witness, sneaking him into your house when you mum is at work, the stolen kisses down alleyways on your daily walks. It'd be easy for witnesses to say it's young love, that it won't last, but with Finn you can see a future, one you want so badly to build.

You lay in your bed with your head resting on Finn's bare chest, your lips grazing his skin, you can feel his heart beat beneath your fingers as they draw patterns of intricate grace along the expanse of exposed skin. Finn leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, feeling as though he's on cloud nine, he wishes this moment could last forever, this moment when nothing but the two of you being together matters. You look up into those eyes you've been falling for since day one, his own staring back, you smile softly, taking in all of his handsome features. "You are so beautiful" his husky voice whispers as his fingers delicately brush a strand of loose hair out your face. You lean up and press your lips to his. "I love you" you whisper, watching as that gorgeous smile creeps back onto his face, "I love you too".

You're walking down the street to your house with Finn, him insisting that he walk you home after a day in the park. You're side by side and every so often your hand brushes his, those same sparks igniting every time there's contact. "Oi! Finn, who's your friend?!" A deep and gravelly voice calls out from behind you both, Finn tenses slightly making you curious. You turn to see three men approaching, the ringleaders of the Peaky Blinders. "She's just a friend" Finn mutters as the men draw nearer, your heart sinks a little at the word 'friend' despite only knowing Finn for a short time. "Sure looks like that" the youngest of the three smirks knowingly at you both, however, the one with the piercing blue eyes sets you on edge as his assessing gaze blazes over you.

There's a long moment of silence, all you wish to do is leave, but you know you shouldn't. "C'mon Finn, we've got business to deal with" the icy tone of the man with the blue eyes commands. Finn looks to you apologetically, longing to spend more time with you, "I'll see you later Y/N?" He asks and you nod your response, feeling your heart sink as he walks away.

"I don't want you seeing that girl again" Tommy's voice cuts like a knife as the boys all sit around the kitchen table smoking and drinking, the others not really paying attention to the conversation taking place as they play their own game of cards. Finn's hands curl into fists beneath the table as he tries to keep his temper on a tight leash, "why's that then?" His grinds out through gritted teeth, not understanding why his brother would want to ruin something that hasn't yet had a chance to happen. A cigarette perches between Tommy's lips as he takes a drag, the long lack of response doing nothing to calm Finn's raging temper. "Because she's no good, I can tell, leave it at that okay?" Tommy states with such finality that Finn's anger finally boils over, him standing from his seat with a look that could surely kill. "Fuck off Tommy" he spits before storming from the room.

Despite the bitter anger, Finn won't defy Tommy. Family always comes first. While you're left to wonder what you did so wrong to lose your Finn...

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