First Kiss

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Pete was worried that Chasten would get annoyed at the constant barrage of people stopping by to talk

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Pete was worried that Chasten would get annoyed at the constant barrage of people stopping by to talk. It could put a damper on any chance of romance. An hour into the game he suggested they go for a walk. Chasten quickly agreed.

As they walked, Pete felt the slight brush of Chasten's hand against his. He nearly stumbled.

Heart pounding in his ears, Pete slowly reached out and interlocked their fingers and was rewarded with a gentle squeeze. He smiled to himself. He had never felt so alive. Nothing in his life before this had been as exciting as holding this man's hand.

It was getting late and as much as he didn't want the night to end, Pete knew his date had a long drive ahead. Hand-in-hand they walked back to the car.  They stood silently for a moment, just looking into each other's eyes. Then as fireworks from the stadium lit up the sky, Chasten leaned in and kissed him. It was soft and gentle and over way too quickly. 

They rested their foreheads together and in that instant Pete knew the reason for every love song ever written. He was floating. Soaring fifty feet above the ground. Free-falling back to reality.

When Chasten pulled back with a look of uncertainty, Pete grinned. "Best. Date. Ever."

Chasten nodded and sighed. "Agreed."

"At the risk of sounding too eager, I hope we can do this again soon."

"I'd like that."

Pete quickly ran through the list of upcoming events in his brain, trying to remember what was happening next. "There's a picnic in the park next Saturday. I'm supposed to give a quick speech, but I would love to have you as my date."

"Is it okay? That you're seen at city events with me?"

Pete shrugged. "Only one way to find out. I'm done hiding who I am."

Chasten nodded. "Then I would be honored to be your date."

Pete breathed a sigh of relief. "Great! Great."

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