The Weekend Continues

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Chasten awoke to the sound of soft snoring

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Chasten awoke to the sound of soft snoring. For a moment he didn't know where he was. He opened his eyes to see Peter's face just a few inches from his own.

Had they--?

Last night came flooding back to him. The lonely guest room. His boldness at entering Peter's bedroom. Spooning. He smiled. 

Peter was the cutest guy he'd ever seen. Chasten rested his head on his hand and watched him sleep.

That's how Peter found him when he woke. "Hey," he rasped.

"Hey, yourself."

"You been watching me sleep?"

"Does that creep you out?"

Peter grinned. "No. Not at all. I kinda like being objectified by you."

"Objectified? Ogled? Appreciated. Lord, but you're adorable." Chasten rubbed his nose against Peter's and sighed.

"Like a kitten?"

"More like a puppy."

"You really like dogs, don't you?"

"I really really do."

"I've been wanting to get a dog, but I don't have time to take care of one on my own."


Peter glanced at the window. "Oh, geez! What time is it?"

"It's Saturday! Who cares?"

"I made plans for us."

"So early? I repeat, it's Sa-tur-day."

Peter grabbed his glasses off the nightstand and looked at the clock. "We need to get ready! Go put your swimsuit on."

"Uh, it's a little cold for swimming right now."

"Just go do it." Peter gave him a shove.

"Ooh, bossy. I like it. Yes, sir." Chasten went back to the guest room.


Pete hoped Chasten liked what he had planned. He got ready in record time. Swapped his glasses for contacts and made some coffee.

Chasten came down a few minutes later, dressed in shorts and a tee. He had nice legs. Muscular.
"Do you run," Pete asked.

Chasten posed, showing off his toned legs. "I've been known to jog around a block or two. You?"

"Yeah. Most mornings I go running with a couple friends. We keep each other in check."

"Wow. Make me look bad."

Pete shook his head. "I don't mean to. I had a weight problem as a kid, so I need to make sure to stick with a regimen."

Chasten looked him up and down and wiggled his eyebrows. "I approve."

Pete laughed. "You ready?"

"I don't know. Am I?"

"As you'll ever be, I suppose." Pete pulled him by the hand out the back door.

"Oh, no. Am I going to regret this?"


This turned out to be a 2000 foot stretch along the St. Joseph River known as the East Race Waterway. Peter was bouncing on his toes, obviously excited. "It's the first artificial white water rafting and kayaking course in North America!"

"Wow." Great. Now Pete was about to find out how much he was not the outdoorsy type. "Fun..."

"Let's see what you're made of!" Peter ran over to a stack of rubber rafts and shook hands with the man guarding them. Chasten walked slowly as Peter lowered a small two-man craft into the water, holding it in place with an oar. He was grinning widely as he held out another oar. "What do you think?"

"It's a boat. A very small boat." Chasten looked toward the swirling white caps off in the distance. He was going to drown. He was going to lose his oar and fall overboard as soon as they hit the first wave or squall or whatever it was called.

"Hey, you okay? You look like you might throw up."

"Did I mention I don't swim?"

"You don't know how to swim?"

"Oh, I know how. I just don't."

"Past trauma or something?"

Chasten nodded. "Older brothers who thought it would be funny to drop a three year old into a pool. I learned pretty quickly after that, but not for enjoyment."

Peter took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I promise not to let you fall." In that instant Chasten knew this man would never let him fall. He would always be there to catch him. He grabbed the oar with confidence. Then let Peter help him into a life jacket and crash helmet.

The owner held the raft still as Peter stepped down into it. He raised his hand to help Chasten board. "I'll be behind you. If you look like you're about to topple over I'll grab you."

"You can grab me anyway," Chasten teased. Peter blushed. "Sorry. I keep doing that. My mouth just sort of has a mind of its own." Realizing he was further digging a hole he replied to his own comment, "I'm not trying to send you mixed signals, I swear."

"No worries." Peter chuckled. "I love your humor. Really! I'm just not used to flirting and don't know how to respond. It's embarrassing. That's all."

Chasten patted his shoulder. "If that's the case, I'll teach you. Like I said, humor is my natural response. And flirting is fun, so long as you understand it's all talk and no action."

"I do." Peter changed the subject, giving Chasten a quick lesson in steering. He also asked the owner to turn down the water to beginner level. Suddenly the rapids became more of a gentle flow.

They shoved off and navigated through the gates. Within a few minutes Chasten got the hang of the oar. He was soon paddling like an expert. The rise and fall of the gentle waves was fun, almost relaxing. By the end he was ready for the water pressure to be turned back up. They went through a second time, whooping and hollering until they dissolved into fits of giggles. 

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