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"And a 1,2,3..."

I heard my teacher's soft voice instructing us to repeat her steps. We copied her step while I tried to keep up my balance, but I know it wouldn't last long. I landed on my butt with a great thud earning giggles and aw's. My teacher shook her head and sighed. This is the 10th time I have fallen and the grand performance was just a few months away.

"Ms. Serena I suppose you're not taking your lessons seriously. Meet me after class." She fixed her specs on the bridge of her nose and continued instructing.

I was getting used to falling down and these insults. My dream of becoming a ballet dancer was shattering. "I have to do this.." With exhausted feet I stood up to give it one more try.

*1 year before*

I stared at the sky, which was turning shades of orange and pink as the sun set. It's been an hour standing at the balcony and seeing the birds fly so carefree. Freedom. That's what I always treasured. I always wanted to be a marvelous ballet dancer. I wanted to sway and dance in the air, being as graceful as a swan. But I knew it might not be possible. I was beginning to tear up when my mom called out to me."Honey, you're getting late! Your brother's waiting for you." It was not an ordinary day. It was the day most girls dream of but I never did. Yes, it was my wedding day. I had just turned 20. My family has a custom of early marriages. Therefore, I was to follow that custom. The funny part is I haven't seen or met the person I was marrying. Let alone I didn't even know if he was one of our relatives or a stranger. I only knew his name so I was going to get married to a human. I finished taking a shower and ran down stairs before Hoseok kills me.

"Wow you arrived so early, are you sure you are not missing something." He taunted.

"Shutup and mind your own business." I flashed my tongue at him.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes as we set out for our aunt's beauty salon.

"Oh my darls is here!" She welcomed me with kisses and sweetness.

I was very close to her. Even closer than my mother. She sat me down on a chair as she began doing my makeup and one of her employees did the manicure and pedicure. She kept telling me how to behave infront of my in-laws as they are quite rich and quite formal. I nodded carelessly. The whole process was making me so tired. She finally gave a final touch to my hair and I stared at myself in the mirror. Wow. I never knew I was pretty. That's why brides always look so graceful and beautiful. It's natural I guess. She gave me some final tips of being a good wife, me as usual shrugging it off. I mean how hard can it be? I kissed her goodbye as Hoseok drove us to the church. My parents were already there and so were his. Relatives had arrived, waiting for me to show up on the isle. I wish aunt was there with me as I suddenly became so nervous. She promised me that she'll show up later. My father was there to walk me down the isle. I took slow and careful steps towards the isle as the bridesmaids (my best friends) carried my extremely long wedding dress. I heard them giggling and teasing me making me even more nervous. I lifted my eyes up to see my life partner waiting for me at the end of the isle. To be honest I was in awe. He was so handsome and so charming that I almost stopped myself from tripping. Finally I reached the end of the isle and was now standing infront of him. The scent of his sweet smelling cologne making me mesmerized. He stared at me with kind eyes but I didn't see anything exciting in them. They were warm yet emotionless. The priest started the ceremony.

"Mr. Kim seokjin do you take Park Serena as your wife and promise to stay by her till your last breath..."

"I do." His sweet voice rang through my ears.

"Ms. Serena, do you take Kim Seokjin as your husband and promise to stay by his side till your last breath..."

"I do." I said as my heart raced faster.

"I now pronounce as you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He announced.

My heart felt like it would explode. This was my first kiss. I didn't have relationships in my teens because my parents were quite strict and to be honest I didn't mind that. I loved my freedom. But now I have to share myself with someone I just met. I kissed him quickly, more like a peck on the lips. I didn't know how to kiss. "You don't know how to kiss eh?" He whispered softly in my ear and gave me a mocking grin. Wow! A devil in an angel's disguise. I felt so ashamed and embarrassed. I should've taken more notes from aunt. Everyone clapped in joy. My in-laws came to meet me. They were really nice but a bit reserved. My brother in-law was also a joyful fellow. His name was Jungkook. Ahhh I liked his fluffy personality so much. On the other hand his brother, that is my husband was quiet and reserved. He didn't talk too much but was kind to me. He asked me if I ate right and if I was feeling tired. I guess it wouldn't be hard to win him over. Oh boy! I was so wrong.

We arrived at his mansion and the guard opened the door for us. My in-laws were already out of their car. I extended my hand for him to help me out of the car but he didn't even to notice it. I was at a loss for words. Really? Is he for real? How can he treat his wife like this? I cleared my throat and again extended my hand. This time he glared in my direction and quickly realised that I was still in the car. He quickly grabbed my head and harshly pulled me out of the car. I was about to trip on my skirt when he grabbed my waist and stared down at me with cold eyes. "Careful or you might fall." He said apathetically and we walked towards the entrance. I could feel a knot in my stomach. Something wasn't right...

To be continued...

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