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As usual, I received a scolding from Jin about buying cheap lingerie but when I insisted that I felt the comfiest with it, he half-heartedly agreed. "I just want my queen to bathe herself in luxury because that's what you deserve." He smiled at me lovingly, kissing my forehead. "I know how concerned you are baby. But I prefer comfort over luxury." He didn't argue and just nodded with a smile. "As you wish my queen." I was contemplating whether to tell him that I wanted to join ballet classes or not and decided to spill it out at the end. "Hey, I wanted to ask you something..." "Sure what is it?" He asked. "Well, I-I wanted to join ballet classes and I-" "No." I was cut off by him. "Wait what? But I really-" "Please Serena, I can't let you do this. Our household doesn't support dance culture. Please, try to understand." "But why?! Ballet dance is sophisticated enough to be appropriate." I reasoned with him, earning a frustrated sigh from him. "I won't discuss this matter again. I want to spend time with you more but you just keep distracting yourself with useless things. Do whatever you wanna do honey but not ballet nor any dance." I was staring at him with confusion. He wasn't the Jin I was becoming fond of. Why was he acting conservative suddenly? I decided to confront him. "Well, It will not stop me from getting an admission for ballet classes." "They say, that good wives are always obedient and I don't need any arguments over stupid things, I hope I am clear in my words. It's for our good." He glared at me before walking out of the room. Why was he suddenly so harsh? Shall I ask Jungkook about it? Maybe he knows something.

I decided to head towards Jungkook's room only to find him leaving his room and going towards the study. Perfect. More privacy and I'll have enough time to ask him every detail.
I followed him with steady steps until he finally noticed my presence and turned around to look at me. "Oh! Sissy, what are you doing here?" He was confused. "Well, kookie I wanted to ask you something." He giggled at the nickname. "Sure! Come, I'm going to the study room." I nodded and we both headed towards the room.

We entered the huge study room and Jungkook went to look for his desired book. While doing so, he asked. "So, what do you want to ask me?" He was still scribbling through the books. "Well, what are your thoughts about dance culture?" He slowly turned his head to look at me and smiled sheepishly. "I don't know. I never was interested in dance anyway. But I do sometimes want to do it as my workout routine since it's good for health." He seemed a bit hesitant as to why I was suddenly inquiring him about the dance culture. "What happened, dear sister-in-law? Is there something wrong?" He was certainly concerned now. "No no, it's just I asked Jin to let me learn ballet but he refused strictly and then left the room angrily." His lips formed an "O". "Well because our family is quite conscious about its reputation and the way we are presented to society. You see ballet dance is difficult. It will strain your feet and will make them look ugly. You'll have to lose a lot of weight and you will have to ignore your household too. I guess that's why he was adamant about his decision." "But we had a ball and we danced, isn't that a type of dance too?" He nodded his head, "Yes indeed, but it was between you two, not anyone else. So I guess that's the reason since in ballet you'll have to choose partners for the dance too." He was trying his best to reason, but my brain was refusing to listen. "But that doesn't mean he should stop you. I mean you're his wife he should have a bit of faith in you. I know you won't do anything that would hurt our reputation. You're a complete person with a full right to make decisions. I hope he changes his mind." He was genuinely concerned. "I don't think so.." I said meekly. "Well should I talk to him?" "Oh no, it's fine. I'll try my best to persuade him. Don't worry." His smile grew wider and his bunny teeth came on display making him look like an adorable bunny. I cooed at him, squishing his cheek and patting his head. "You're my best pal. Thank you, kookie." "No problem. I am concerned about you because you're now a sister to me by law." "I appreciate that." I smiled at him sweetly. I will convince him no matter what. I thought to myself then left the room.

Third person's P.O.V

He stood at the balcony staring at the autumn sky. He let the cool breeze caress his skin and tried to calm down his emotions. He was now in a situation that he never wanted to be in. What should he do? Confront her? Ask her why did she come back after faking her death? Why the hell did she even fake it? Was she lying to him all along? What about Serena? Will she be happy to see her if she knew her truth? Her brother is in love with a liar. That's messed up. He sighed in frustration waiting for an answer but nothing came to his mind. He scolded Serena, unintentionally being too rude. She was starting to trust him but he ruined it. He wanted to apologize to her and that's what he decided to do.

Serena's P.O.V

"Jin?" I asked as I entered the room. He was standing on the balcony. He didn't hear me. I called out to him again. He slowly turned his head to look at me and his tensed expressions softened. "Serena, darling, do you need something?" He asked trying to smile. "No. I just wanted to tell you that I can't give up on ballet. Please you can't take away my dream like that. I really-" "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh with you. Don't worry love I'll try my best to convince my parents." He smiled sweetly at me and the next thing I knew I was in his arms, resting my head on his chest and hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much! It means a lot." I said and placed a kiss on his cheek which made him blush. I giggled at his response and walked out of the room as I wanted to tell Jungkook about this as soon as possible. He would be so happy.

"Really? He agreed?" Jungkook looked at me with his doe eyes widened in surprise. "Yes! I can't believe it either. I mean I knew he will agree but I never knew he would agree so quickly. Well, he did and that's what matters. I am going to apply tomorrow once he convinces mum and dad. I am so excited!!!" I was beaming with happiness. "I'm so happy for you sissy. Good luck!" He gave me a warm, innocent smile and I ruffled his hair lovingly. What a cute boy!

Next day...

We stopped at the famous ballet learning center of our hometown. Jin told me that his parents agreed instantly saying how much they trust me and would never refrain me from following my dreams. I was really happy to be a part of such a beautiful family. We went inside the elegant building and walked towards the receptionist seated behind the desk. As soon as she saw us, she immediately stood up from her chair and bowed at 90°. "Welcome, Mr. And Mrs. Kim. It's an honor for us to be having you here. How may I help you?" "My wife wants to learn ballet and I want the best teacher from this institute to teach her." I smiled and nodded in response. Her face lit up. "Well, then you've come at the right time as we have a teacher from foreign lands to teach here in Seoul. He's the best and his students have become successful ballerinas. We're quite surprised as even though he seems like a young lad, he mastered ballet in no time." She explained. "Well, let's meet him then." Jin smiled at her. "Sure! Sir. I'll call him and then you can have the schedule and fee structure." She walked towards the desk and dialed a num on the telephone. As soon as the lines connected she asked the person to come to the reception. She then told us that he'll be there in a few minutes. We waited patiently in the waiting area. I was a bit worried since Jin had to take a break from his office and come along with me, even though I told him not to but he insisted so I gave up. We heard someone clear his throat and we both looked up only to be surprised and shocked as if we have seen a ghost. No way. Is it... Taehyung? He stood there with the same look as ours on his face but quickly flashed his iconic boxy smile. "Hello! We meet again." He chirped.

To be continued...

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