Chapter 9

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The wind on my face felt cold. It was early morning, mist still in the air. I didn't have shoes on so the ground strung with it's frosty touch. Grass between my toes, it tickled. I stopped after reaching the area where the van had let us out the day before. It was gone now.

This felt like freedom. Even though I knew I was going back. Any second I was going to be picked up and thrown into that sad excuse those twisted boys call a place to live. It was no place to live.

A sharp pain in my side caused me to take in a quick breath. A hand pushed into my stomach slamming my back into a tree.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Cole snarls, holding me to the tree, one hand on my waist the other pulling my hair to hold my head up forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"What're you gonna do?" I had to stop myself from smirking. He didn't look angry at me. I was right. He looked concerned for me. He wasn't going to hurt me. His eyes showed frustration, but not towards me..for me. For what I had did.

He sighed leaning his head to mine. I could hear his deep breaths. He seemed nervous. But for what?

I kept my eyes open. His eyes closed. Still leaning against me he put both hands on my waist and lifted me over his body. I was being carried. Like a silly potato sack.

"Put me down!" I yelled. "I can walk."

"Shut up." His simple request was enough. I didn't say anything else.

He dragged me through the door setting me down when we arrived inside. I felt a lot of eyes digging into me. I looked up seeing not just a couple of eyes on me but everyone's.

Zac, Jesse, Max, Alec, all had theirs eyes on me. Sara standing next to Alec. Jenny next to Zac, and the girl whose name I still didn't know next to Jesse. They looked at Cole, almost as if he was a ghost. Their faces went white, in shock - but for what?

"I'll take care of it." Cole nodded to everyone, but mainly Zac.

"Are you sure? I can do it again if you want." Zac walked away from his girl licking his lips while locking eyes with me. He's disgusting.

"Shows over." Cole yelled at everyone throwing his hands in the air. The crowd disappeared and Cole grabbed my wrist leading me to my? Our? His room? I still wasn't sure what to call it.

Before I could let out any of what I was thinking Cole shut the bedroom door and slammed me into the wall. His hands finding their way to my waist once again.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?!" He whispered in an angry tone yet still no anger towards me showed from his face. Was he angry and just good at masking it? Or was he really not angry at me?

"I ran?" I asked stupidly.

"You let me catch you." his whisper became louder.

I didn't respond.

"Why did you let me catch you?!" He pushed me harder into the wall.

No words.

"You should have just kept running." He sighed touching his forehead to mine.

He raised his fist in the air swinging it towards my face, I flinched closing my eyes. It hit the wall behind me. He took a couple steps backwards throwing his arms in the air letting out his anger that I knew he had felt all along. If he was angry at me, he would punish me. Right? Who was he angry at? Himself?

What did Cole mean by telling me I should have just kept running? Did he want me to get away?

"What's wrong?" I tilted my head in sarcasm.

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