Chapter 27

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Emily's POV

After wandering for what seemed like hours we had finally stopped to take a break. The wind had picked up and snow was blowing in our faces. We had nothing but our hands to cover them.

"We have to keep moving." I tried to tell Katie.

She didn't respond. She leaned against a tree face first. I could hear the warm blows of her breath. She was trying to warm up her hands. I couldn't feel mine. My fingers were stiff. 

"Katie. We have to keep moving." I walked over to her putting my hand on her back. The coats we were wearing froze from the inside out. 

"Katie?" I called her name pushing her away from the tree and towards me.

Ice droplets fell from her eyes.

"I know. I know." I sighed bringing her into a hug. Neither of us needed to say it. We knew we were dying. Slowly, but surely.

"If we stop moving we're going to get colder." I told her as we pulled away.

She nodded grabbing onto my arm and not letting go. I walked pulling her along. The snow that blew into my face was blinding. It would be dark soon. I've heard the stories about wolves coming out to find dinner after dark. If we didn't find someplace to keep warm during the night I'm afraid that Katie and I will be the dinner the monsters from the woods will come to find.

Cole's POV

In only a short hour the moon would rise and the sun would fall. I've waited here as long as I could. If I don't get heading back to the cabin now I would most than likely run into the dogs that rule the forest.

This smaller cabin I have been spending my time in was oddly comforting. I made sure not to light a fire in the fire place, just in case one of the boys saw the smoke and came this way. It was decently warm in here, compared to the outside anyway.

There are cans of soup that are well passed the expiration date, along with crackers as stale as this life style. I managed to find a couple gallons of water. It tasted weird but I'm sure it won't kill me. Even if it did, would I mind?

I shut the door to this small cabin that held memories of my father and left it behind as I headed in the direction of the other cabin I call home.

I couldn't help but wonder if Emily or Katie, or both of them..would be waiting back there. Did someone else find them?

I needed to hurry back. By the looks of it the darkness was coming faster than expected.

Emily's POV

I watched as the moon came up settling right into place with the night time sky following it's lead. Stars lit our way as we kept walking. How far had we traveled? If I were to guess, probably not very far. We stepped slowly. The wind had calmed down. Now only the snow was our enemy.

"I think I'm started to warm up." Katie finally let go of my arm and stood beside me smiling.

"What?" I cupped her cheeks to feel her face.

"You're still freezing!" I exclaimed. Her smile fell.

"No. I feel warmer Emily! I'm telling you."

Somehow, someway, I knew that if Katie was feeling warm in the middle of this frozen over forest that not much time was left before she dropped dead right in front of me. I can't remember where, but I'm sure that I've read something about feeling warm after freezing for a long time is your body's way of shutting down.

"Okay....I'm glad." I faked a smile to match hers when it popped back up.

"Emily...look!" Katie extended her arm to point to a rather large tree. It was tall and wide. A hole appeared in the middle of it. No snow laid in the hole, the tree acting like a roof for it.

The sides of the tree would stop wind from coming in. It's a good place to rest. Maybe even sleep. Was I imagining this? Could both of us be seeing the same illusion?

Katie ran as fast as she could through the foot of snow underneath us, falling to her knees in the process. She laughed as she stood back up. I watched her with a small amount of joy rising up in me. We found a place, just as our last bit of hope was fading away.

My smile locked in place, I let Katie walk around the tree. Her face fell short when she looked back to me. Her eyes not looking at me, but behind me.

A hard and low growl traveled to my ears. Then it clicked. This tree, was not ours to take. It belonged to the beast that stood behind me.

I took 4 easy steps. No sudden movements. I turned in a circle to see the breath of a large grey and white wolf. I've never seen one in person, not even at a zoo exhibit. There's a first time for everything.

Cole's POV

It got dark too quickly. I wasn't even half way back. The gun Zac made me take was out and ready to be used. Not for any other purpose but for protection. I've never been out after dark, who knows what could be coming to kill me. All of the boys were surely back by now.

"KATIE!" A distant voice shouted. It wasn't a male voice. Emily. It was Emily.

"STOP!" Emily shouted again. My head spun trying to figure out where it was coming from.

I picked a direction and ran. Was I going to save them? What was I getting in to?

"NO!" Her voiced was louder this time. I continued to run.

"KATIE!" I was closer.

I stopped running. I could see now. Up ahead through a couple trees stood Emily trying to catch her breath. Katie stood on the opposite side of her with lot of distance in between them. Why?

I moved to the left a little. One of the wonders of being out in the wild. A heavy breathing, big, and strong, beast looked into the eyes of Emily's sister.

I cocked my gun and put it up. Let's do this - I thought. Let's save them. I could feel my mom pat my back. She would be proud that I'm trying to turn this around.

I walked into the almost complete circle. Katie's eye didn't move. Everyone stood at a stand still. Emily looked to me and I to her. I nodded. She saw the gun pointed at the dog and swallowed. Did she trust me to save her?

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