Chapter 34

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Snow flakes fell from the sky in slow motion landing on my hands and sticking a few seconds before melting away into nothing.

The sun was out and shined on the white blanket covering the ground. It wasn't cold despite obvious ice cycles hanging from the tree branches and frozen over streams of water that wrapped around the small cabin I was just outside of.

I wasn't dressed for this weather, not that it mattered. I wasn't numb, no.. just not feeling cold. Not warm either. Just nothing. I felt nothing.

This is weird, I thought. Maybe my body just needed to adjust.

"Emily..." A whisper called out for me.

I spun in circles getting quite dizzy the quicker I rotated. The trees became blurry and the snow stopped falling.

"Emily.." The soft speaking continued.

"Who is that?" I asked aloud.

The voice was not recognizable. Not female. Not male. I had never heard it before. Who was talking to me?

"Emily..." I took a deep breath in.

Don't be afraid...Cole's right in the cabin I can just go back inside and tell him. He can do something..he has the gun right?

I stepped back to the front door of the cabin and tried to open was locked..

"Cole!" I shouted hoping to get his attention. "Open the door! It's locked!"

A clicking sound came from the other side of the door. It was being opened.

As the door swung open my heart pounded at nothing. Why was I feeling this way?

I knew as soon as the door cleared between me and the other person who was now standing across from me.

"Mom?" I clenched my heart.

How is this possible?!

Tears began shooting themselves from my eyes and all I wanted to do was hug her but I couldn't move. What?

My moms facial expression changed from happy to see me to frightened while laying eyes on me.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I stepped forward reaching out to her.

"RUN!" Her eyes widened and she pointed behind me.

I turned around to see Zac running towards me with a knife.

What the fuck?

I jumped out of the way as he plunged the knife in my direction. He missed me.

A loud yelp filled the air and when I turned towards the sound I saw it. My mother had taken the knife deep into her.

Zac was gone. He just disappeared. How?

"Mom!" I cried out and crawled over to her.

The only thing I could feel was my heart. The cold still didn't effect me.

Just as I reached her a pair of boots stepped next to her face. I looked up slowly.


He was coming after me next.

I jumped to my feet and darted through the trees. I wasn't sure where I was going but knew it was my only option.

My breath did not leave fact I wasn't even breathing. I tried and I could do it, but I felt no need to.

I stopped in my confusion and touched my heart. The beat stopped.

Zac caught up to me and laughed as he came closer with the knife he used to stab my mom. Blood dripped from the blade. I backed up and bumped into someone.

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