Chapter 22

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Emily's POV

My head spun while my eyes stayed put on Zac. His loud and deep breathing scared me. Would he run after me and Kaite if we made it out the front door?


If we made it.

How are we going to make it?

Katie resumed to taking 1 quiet step at a time while I kept eye contact with Zac making sure he was focused on me. Katie's head nodded to the front door. She knew what I was thinking.

I swallowed. I needed to make a big enough distraction to lure Zac away from the living room. I couldn't stay silent forever. He was going to catch Katie if I didn't speak or make a move.

With all that I had in me - I gripped the knife tightly...I might have to use it again. I shoved the couch into Zac and watched as it hit him in the perfect spot. He crouched over coughing and catching his breath to yell.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" His voice echoed through the whole house.

Someone is going to start wondering what's going on out here. I had to run - it was now or never. Katie knew it too. She picked up her feet and ran to me grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the front door.

"NO!" Zac shouted running towards us. I turned the knob and flung the door open. Katie ran in front of me and I followed behind.

A hand grabbed my shoulder as soon as I laid my foot on the first step of the porch. It was Zac. He spun me around and grabbed my throat pushing me against the wall of the cabin. His eyes bloodshot with anger.

"EM!" Katie screeched.

I motioned with my hands for her to keep going. She did.

"You. Are. Dead." He told me.

"No. You are." I manage to cough out from the grip he has on me.

I take the knife I'm still holding and plunge it through his shoulder. I was aiming for his throat. I missed. I pulled it out and wanted to try again.

He dropped me as he screamed in pain. For a big guy with muscle - he sure seems like he could toughen up his yelps.

"Hey what's going on out here?" A voice stepped into the conversation.

Max took one look at Zac and turned his head to me.

"Holy shit." He let out.

I grabbed Zac's waist and kneed him in the same area the couch hit. Must suck to be a guy.

Tears made their way down my face. I hopped over to the other side of the porch. Snowflakes fell to my face and turned my tears less salty. What was I doing? I needed to run but something was keeping me here. Something told me I needed to finish this. "Something" was going to be the cause of my death - I thought.

I looked at the knife and then at Max, then Zac. We all stood there taking in a breath.

Max wasn't sure if he was suppose to help or stay out of the way. I could tell he was scared of me with this knife.

Zac knew I wasn't running, that I was staying to finish this. He took his time to recover also making sure to block the stairs in case I was going to run. I could just jump over the railing next to the stairs but I might injure my ankle from dropping onto the cold ground...then I'd really be dead.

Where was Cole? Surely he's heard what's going on. Does he care? Would he stop it?

I backed up getting in a defense position. I had no idea how to fight - but I was going to try my best. Zac walked towards me pushing me farther in the corner I was already in.

His eyes lead themselves to the knife. He was going to try and take it. Without thinking twice about it I threw it over the railing and to the ground. He looked even angrier. It was my only weapon - but I was making sure it wasn't going to get used against me.

Zac latched onto my arms and slammed them to the wall behind us. My warm body didn't take lightly to the cold wood.

He placed his legs against mine so I couldn't kick anymore.

"Max! Unlock the basement door." He looked to his left to tell Max. His faithful servant complied.

Zac leaned closer to my face. "No one will hear us down there." He whispered. I felt my bones shiver. Not from the winter that was clearly here - but from his words.

"Come on." He huffed. His hand gripped the back of my head twisting my hair and pulling me back into this house.

"No! No..." I pleaded using my arms to hit his bloody shoulder.

He grunted - but didn't budge. The front door shut - my hope once again...gone.

Cole's POV

"Was that Zac?" Jenny asked.

I stopped myself from closing the door completely. She heard him say he was going to kill Emily. Of course she did the whole house probably heard it.

"Who is he talking to?" She spoke again.

I kept facing the door still unable to shut it all the way. Fuck. I thought. Emily.

It's Emily. My throat grew a lump and my eyes started to swell. For a moment I was back in the bedroom I use to sleep in when I was just a kid. My mom came running into my room saying we were leaving.

She never broke. Or maybe she did - not that I saw. The poor women my dad took to please himself never lived fully. She was taken just to give birth to a kid she didn't want and then leave it. I felt angry that she left without me. Not that I knew what was going on - but I figured it out eventually.

I understand now of course. She had to leave. It was a life or death situation for her. She hated my dad. I hate him too. She was good. Not like me - or my father.

Emily is good. She reminds me of her, that's why I had to get rid of her. Zac will have a better time trying to break her. Emily is smart. She's also stubborn...that's why I can't close the door.

I know Zac is serious. For days now my mom, Faith, they've been fighting to get through to me.

This life style isn't for me. It never was. I don't really have a choice on what happens to me. But I do for Emily. I shouldn't put anyone through this. Especially not her. I could feel the voices coming back.

My mom was shouting to go and save her.

"Open to door. Go. Help her escape. Don't let her become like me." I could hear her voice perfectly. My moms sweet and calm voice controlling me.

I opened the door.

Max swiftly ran past me and down the hall and probably to the living room to see what was going on.

"Where are you going?!" That annoying blonde who stood behind me asked.

"Stay here." I told Jenny.

One step at a time I dragged myself out of the room and into the hallway. Only a couple stairs to go and I would be there to save her.

"Save the girl. She's going to end up like me if you don't." Faith's voice attacked me.

I began to pace back and forth. I couldn't drag myself any farther. Was I weak? What was wrong with me?

Maybe I should just let Zac do what he's gonna do. After all Emily's foster dad is dead. I doubt the mother will take her back in, especially not with Katie being gone also. What would she be going back to? Would it be worse than this fate?

Steps began to come up the stairs. It was Max.

He stopped and looked at me. It was obvious with the sweat that fell from my forehead, I was a wreck.

"Is she dead?" I coughed up.

He looked me up and down. "Why do you care?"

I didn't answer. Why do I care? Why?

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