As the door opened regret hit me hard. Not for doing this - but for not appreciating my life more. I have always felt sorry for myself. I reached my hand to the necklace that was still here. After all of this, it still sat on my neck dangling reminding me that life was good before all of this.
I should have been happier. I let go of the cursive angel jewelry and stepped outside of the basement making sure to shut the door too. No need to alarm anyone - especially Zac.
I took in my surroundings. This looked like the side of the house I became familiar with. I turned around to find that a stair case was starring back at me. This lead to Cole's room. A room I know has coats in it. How have I never noticed this door under the stairs??
I looked around making sure no one was here.
Mumbles came from the other side probably from the living room and kitchen. Good.
I crept up the stairs. Closing my eyes sometimes to control my breathing.
Once reaching Cole's room I turned the knob to find it open. Thankfully.
I walked into a room well lit. By the looks of what was coming through his windows, it was morning. Early in the morning. I snapped my head to the bed. Cole was sleeping. Shit Jenny laid next to him also sleeping.
Zac must have just woken up to come and see me down in the basement...or maybe he just couldn't sleep. Did the loud shattering sound not wake them?
It was too late to turn back now. I tip toed over to the closet and went inside. Jenny had already moved her clothes in. Gross.
I grabbed a couple of her coats. I was surprised she had some. They let her outside? Anyway, her coats would fit better than Cole's. I slowly backed out of the closet and turned to the door ready to leave.
One quick check to the bed to make sure Cole and Jenny were sleeping soundly. The bed looked less full. At a second glance I saw it. Cole wasn't there.
A flush came from the bathroom. Oh no. Do I make a run for it? Quiet run? I didn't have time to decide. The bathroom door opened and out stepped Cole.
His face met with mine.
We stared for what seemed like a few minutes, but it was probably no more than a few seconds before he blinked and looked at me like I was some mysterious alien that had just taken his new puppy dog.
"I-" I could hardly get out, he put his finger to his mouth motioning for me to be quiet.
I tilted my head. Why did he want me to be quiet?
He pointed to the bed. Jenny was still sleeping. He didn't want me to wake her?
I looked back at Cole, he didn't move. He was breathing in deep but staying quiet. I did not dare try to talk again. He looked to the bedroom door and step to the side allowing me to walk past him.
I did so cautiously and didn't break eye contact with him. Just in case he was going to attack me from behind. He didn't. Cole watched as I walked to the door almost in approving what I was doing. Did he know I was trying to leave? Was he supporting it?
I reached the door and placed my hand on the knob.
"COLE! WAKE UP WE HAVE SOME HUNTING TO DO!" Zac screamed from the hallway.
Shit shit shit. Did Zac know I was gone?!
Cole's eyes directed their attention first to the bed to make sure Jenny stayed asleep. Why was he afraid of her waking? Then those emerald eyes looked to me - worry displayed across the rest of his face.

Teen Fiction"Now that I know what makes you tick.." He said walking over to me. "I know how to make you listen to me." He brushed my hair behind my ears. Damn it. This is what I was afraid of. Showing too much emotion has caused him to see my weakness. "Don't...